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The Messages of Animals

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posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 09:29 PM
The Messages of Animals

All things which enter our life have meaning if only we are open to receive it. Animals especially can carry messages or omens; or can often be a significant reminder of some aspect of our selves we need to reconnect with.

Like dreams whose messages can be wrapped up in metaphors and symbolism, their meanings can be hard to understand especially if we are operating at a baseline energy level or are quite distant from our higher self aspect. Also like dreams, the messages animals can vary between what the particular species of animal means to you personally, and what they represent as symbols at a higher archetypal level which is a meaning shared across all cultures.

What are the messages that animals can bring us?

The message themselves can be relatively simple. They may be trying to attract us to a certain place, or lead us down a certain path. The species of animals itself can also give us a clue as to what we are likely to expect if we were to follow them. They can give us warnings, or be portents of future events. This is especially true if their appearance brings to mind a certain person, place or event. Again the type of species, how we feel personally about that species, and what that species represents at a higher symbolic level can give us a clue as to what that portent might entail.

Finally, as mentioned above, they can appear as representatives of an aspect of ourselves we need to reconnect with in order to get through a particular situation. If it’s an animal we already strongly identify with then the animal can show us particular aspects of our higher selves’ personality and hence reinforce the progress we are making in our evolution toward a higher consciousness.

Each species can not only tell us something about the circumstances we may find ourselves in, but also what aspects of ourselves we need to gain the best possible outcome in the circumstance at hand.

Why would animals bring us a message?

As already said all things which enter our lives have various meanings at some level. This is not only because we are ultimately all one being, but also because we are the creators of our own reality. Everything has meaning, and we are bringing that meaning into our lives in order to experience everything that life has to offer at the highest level and to ultimately remember the true nature of ourselves as God or the Source. As animals do not ‘speak’ per se (though there are who can in fact speak to animals at varying levels), their messages can often be a little harder to discern especially to those operating at lower levels. But for this very reason their messages can be a lot more personal, and can often carry a lot more importance, especially if it a type of animal we do not readily see in our day to day lives.

Through the course of our soul’s evolution our consciousness has moved through many different species, and when our souls could gain no more it progressed forward to the next species in order to experience a different aspect of the world. These species can then manifest in our lives to represent one or of these past aspects which during our lives as humans we have lost or become disconnected from; or an aspect that we are ready to reintegrate back into our waking consciousness and in turn further our awareness on our path back to enlightenment. This is one of the reasons it is so important to preserve our natural heritage. Each species has a particular worldview, and like different cultures or religions or belief systems, each holds a different aspect of the ultimate Truth. And it takes the best of all these worldviews, integrated together for us to even begin to approach this Truth.

How to gain these messages

For starters don’t just look at animals as ‘just animals’. When you do this, and merely see them as biological automations fulfilling a particular ecological niche, you instantly put a barrier between yourself and whatever message that animal has to offer you. Animals reflect the level of our consciousness and our expectations toward them. If all you are seeing is ‘just an animal’, then that is all they will be. But when you view them at a higher conscious level they become mystical entities who will appear in our lives at exactly the right time to bring us just the right information.

Many of us live in urban areas where we do not get a chance to see much wildlife other than domesticated pets and other species which have managed to adapt to our towns and cities. Although not ideal, this is certainly no barrier. There is life everywhere, and these messages can be seen in the movements of ants, a lone moth tapping against the window, a sparrow building a nest against the eaves of a building, or a group of crows silhouetted against the moon. It can be seen in the behavior of the dog being walked across the road, or in the way a group of pigeons interact.

Our pets, the animals we choose to share our lives with, can be a wealth of information. If we work with a group of animals such as on a farm, then firstly we should wonder what working with these animals tells us about ourselves, and secondly which animals we favor or favor us and what their behavior within the larger group means to us.

When an animal which is uncommon to the area or the time of day/month/year appears, or shows up in an unusual way this is definitely an omen of sorts. Also if an animal shows up persistently within a short period of time, or if a particular animal regards you closely, this is also laden with meaning. If an animal shows up before or after a particular event this is also significant.

Animals can also show up in dreams or as visions within meditation. They may just be images which you may come across in books or artwork, or in many other ways which do not involve an actual real world presence.

Firstly you must not only respect them but also be open to their message. It definitely helps if you posses a world view which sees the whole world as dynamic living entity, or as an extension of your higher self. You must be open to a little ‘magic’ in your life, and it helps if you can slow your self down for just a few moments every now and then just to watch the world go by. You will be amazed at what you will notice.

How to understand these messages

This is an individual thing and will be different for everybody. The closer you operate to your higher self aspect, the easier these messages will be to discern. You must consider all things including the circumstance you find yourself in, the species itself, what this species means to you personally as well as the archetypal symbolism of the species.

Various ‘Animal Spirit Guide’ type books may have a list of attributes according to each species, but like dream guides these are very general, and although they may point you in the right direction they do not take into account your very personal situation.

What is the animal doing? How does it regard you? How or when has it manifested in your life? What do the colors of the animal represent to you? What were you doing at the time of the encounter? All of these can be significant. The animal might show you a vision; it may show you a path or location. It may ‘whisper’ to you or trigger various thoughts or intuitions.

Truly animals are our brothers and sisters. Many indigenous cultures speak of a time when we could talk to the animals, an ability we lost when we begun to see ourselves as somehow ‘higher’ or better than them. We must show them respect, and be open enough to allow them to instruct us and heal us. Animals manifest themselves as our spiritual guides here on Earth. This may be for only a few fleeting moments, or if we’re lucky enough it may be for the entirety of our lives.

My own experiences with animals

For some reason little spiders seem very attached to me. They’ve never actually scared me and they always seem to show up in times when I get a little too absorbed in the rat-race as a reminder to just stop and realize how magical the world really is.

I have written of some of my most significant animal experiences here in a short autobiographical story ‘Initio Somni’, specifically parts 3 and 5, but for the benefit of the reader I have quoted the most relevant parts below


'When Littlewolf sensed the circle had nearly reached it’s fill of power he stood up, and holding the willow wand aloft, he released the gathered energy with a final shout of intention to the universe and sank back to the ground exhausted.

He had just begun to think “What now…” when a slight breeze bristled through the trees. It was a wind of change, of new adventure and experiences and it seemed to almost diverge around the circle before doubling back and carrying the mist and smoke away.

And then Littlewolf looked up. Sitting above him on a low hanging bough were three powerful owls*. Their large yellow eyes stared at him with an aloof disregard, and Littlewolf was not completely sure what to think. Had they been there the whole time? What was their purpose in attending? Littlewolf thought he’d been completely alone the whole time and felt blessed such creatures had chosen to join him in his nighttime ritual.

The owls continued to stare down at him and it was then Littlewolf stepped backwards a few paces before silently thanking them for their presence. For a moment he thought he saw them all lower their heads in turn, and then the largest of the three raised a clawed foot and scratched itself under its right wing.

A single feather of down floated through the air from the owl toward the censor. It danced for a few moments in the heated air rising from the remains of the fire before catching a flame. The down feather was consumed in a bright flare which illuminated the circle and the remaining ash was carried far up into the tree-tops.

The owls all seemed to nod toward him and then the largest alighted into the air and flew off through the trees, closely followed by the remaining two. And so Littlewolf was left alone in the dark with his thoughts.'

' Littlewolf reached the top of a small cliff at the base of a valley in the scrub outside his home. There he had a little spot where he would often walk to when he needed to escape the humdrum of everyday life. It was a beautiful little clearing of remnant dry rainforest, a place of high energy and ancient secrets. It had been revealed to him on one of his many forest treks by three very familiar looking owls that were perched together above it on a low hanging tree bough.'

'As Littlewolf walked down and sat next to the water he disturbed a group of red-browed finches* playing in the pool. Feeling actually a little guilty for interrupting them, he looked up to the branch where they looked down at him almost angrily and apologized for the disturbance he’s caused.

“Sorry my little friends, you know I would never harm you” he said in his mind.

And then something wonderful happened.

One of the little finches took flight and landed neatly on his shoulder, and then another flew down and landed on his shoe. Littlewolf stared in wonder and held out an outstretched hand to a third who also flew down and alighted on his palm. That was enough for the rest and they all came down and returned to playing in the pool. Littlewolf could not believe what was happening and this lifted his spirit to heights he had not felt in years. During his days at the cottage he had seen many inexplicable things happen but this was totally on the next level.

It was all very personal, and truly magical; and unlike anything else he’d experienced was not called into being by any conscious effort. He felt the love, a truly cosmic love and the energy of the universe poured into him like a fountain.'

edit on 24/1/2012 by 1littlewolf because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 09:41 PM
I flagged your post, not only for the message. But because I truly believe we (humans) are not above animals in any form. Just like animals, we can be smart...and very stupid.

I could only hope that others would think something similar while reading your post.

posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 09:44 PM
What a great thread. I´d been thinking on this topic because of some lizards living in my house and making some noises. At the beginning i was a kind of afraid of them, but later i learn that they are sacred animals for some north and south american natives. Since then i just hear them and its just like they are talking and are part of the house, and now i considering like an honor to be hosting this little lizards in my house.

edit on 24-1-2012 by greenCo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 09:53 PM
reply to post by 1littlewolf

Great thread -
My two white horse friends agree.

edit on 24-1-2012 by artistpoet because: typo

posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 10:24 PM
Excellent message!

It perfectly explains my own personal experience with a very special pet that DID indeed made me learn about myself and life. The message that precious kitty brought was the interconnectedness of all life.

posted on Jan, 25 2012 @ 03:46 AM
A relevant and insightful Bible verse....

Job 12:7-12
(New International Version)

7 “But ask the animals, and they will teach you,
or the birds in the sky, and they will tell you;
8 or speak to the earth, and it will teach you,
or let the fish in the sea inform you.
9 Which of all these does not know
that the hand of the LORD has done this?
10 In his hand is the life of every creature
and the breath of all mankind.
11 Does not the ear test words
as the tongue tastes food?
12 Is not wisdom found among the aged?
Does not long life bring understanding?

posted on Jan, 25 2012 @ 08:37 AM

Originally posted by 1littlewolf
A relevant and insightful Bible verse....

Job 12:7-12
(New International Version)

7 “But ask the animals, and they will teach you,

I suppose that's my cue.
The secret's out; this is where my name comes from and is the very heart of my belief "system" if one must call it something,
Wonderful post 1 littlewolf. Indeed, this is a source of real magic that is accessible to all yet ignored by most. Many think it childish nonsense as there is no ready scientific evidence or answer to animal communication with humans.
You pointed out many truths about our interactions and the variety of ways their messages can come to us and what they can mean.

To me each creature and every plant is but one facet of divine creation, just as you and I are also a part of it, no more no less. Each species is unique and every individual animal is also unique. One sparrow is not the same as the next though on a superficial level they may appear so.
One must first give attention, both of mind and heart if one wishes to commune with nature. Meditation is a good introduction and will help you to be in the right place spiritually to receive messages.
Another method I highly recommend is the art of animal tracking. Initially, one begins by learning to find and read tracks and sign left behind by animals as they go about their lives. With practice and discipline one will begin to open new channels of communication and understanding that go far beyond the physical plane.
I have been blessed countless times with messages from nature through tracking over the last 30 years I have pursued it seriously.

About 10 years ago I became disabled by a spinal injury and was confined to a chair most of the time. So I took my chair outside and with the help of a bag of raw unsalted peanuts began a friendship with a number of local critters including 4 chipmunks, 5 squirrels, a male cardinal, many titmice and chickadees, a few bluejays and an occasional raccoon. With patience all these animals learned to trust and would take peanuts from my hand.
It was quite the menagerie and when I was forced to move it was pretty heartbreaking for me.
I suppose it got a bit out of hand as I would literally be mobbed when I came out the back door. I was going through a large bag of nuts every 2 days.
I know feeding wildlife is not a good idea and establishes a reliance on a human source for food. I can only say in my defense that I missed the wild so badly after moving to a large city and that these animals were a part of the the healing process for me.
I wish I could share more as nature has given me so much but everyone must go find these messages for themselves. Lives have been saved due to things communicated to me spiritually, healing has taken place and peace and beauty found in the world and in myself by spending time in nature. I believe anyone can find the same as me and I hope others try to hear the voices of wilderness. It's something we need worse than ever living in this modern world isolated from nature. The earth speaks if you can learn to listen and tracking is a great way to start.


posted on Jan, 25 2012 @ 08:40 AM
Is it true that dogs or maybe certain kinds of dogs can see entities/spirits? at least this is what i have heard, that if like a dog is barking at a certain place in the house and theres no one there, but the dog looks like his barking at someone, it means some kind of being is there

Shouldent we think we are "better" than animals since we have the ability to think

posted on Jan, 25 2012 @ 08:52 AM
reply to post by Asktheanimals

Very inspiring and heart warming post.
I and a friend grow organic fruits and veg - Our two nieghbours are white horses who live in a big field.
We use their manure to enrich our soil and in return we feed them apples and carrots to enrich their diet.
It is the best thing when they spot you approaching and give a welcome nay - We have shared all seasons with them - Their presence seems to make any stress fade away with the unspoken joy of their companionship.

posted on Jan, 25 2012 @ 08:52 AM
reply to post by 0thetrooth0

More often than not "thinking" itself is the biggest problem humans have and is the greatest obstacle in hearing messages from nature.

Your dog could be barking at a deer outside or a mouse in the wall.
Or a spirit possibly.
Stop thinking and try just feeling and see what messages you get.
Logic is a trap.

reply to post by ArtistPoet


I can just see your white horses now and feel the joy you do at greeting them. You know, maybe if every member of Congress had an animal to care for in their offices how different things might be! I am glad for you to have 2 such noble friends.

edit on 25-1-2012 by Asktheanimals because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 25 2012 @ 10:38 AM

Originally posted by 1littlewolf
A relevant and insightful Bible verse....

Job 12:7-12
(New International Version)

7 “But ask the animals, and they will teach you,
or the birds in the sky, and they will tell you;
8 or speak to the earth, and it will teach you,
or let the fish in the sea inform you.
9 Which of all these does not know
that the hand of the LORD has done this?
10 In his hand is the life of every creature
and the breath of all mankind.
11 Does not the ear test words
as the tongue tastes food?
12 Is not wisdom found among the aged?
Does not long life bring understanding?

When I look at my dog, I get reminded of something I realized some time ago. There is a God and God is in all of us and is all of us and is in everything and is everything. When I look in my dog's eyes and ask for God, I see God who made all life in his image. The forms hold messages. The messages are complex and often hard to discern, or maybe aren't supposed to be discerned.

We humans try to analyze everything, assign things values, and label everything. I get the notion that this is what keeps us from seeing the truth. This is what keeps us from interpreting telepathic communication.

Telepathy isn't about relaying specific information, it is about information that I can't even really describe. It's a form of communication that I can't accurately interpret the meaning of, but I know I am learning something when I see it. There are things that are simply indescribable. The ideas being communicated are really simple, yet they remain undefinable.

I look at my dog and my dog looks at me and we both look at each other in a way where I can tell we are both thinking the same thing. If I had to put in words what I see in his eyes and what I feel, the only word is "wow". I can't really tell you what I see and why it is that way, but I do know there is a connection between us. I know that what I am looking at has God written all over it.

It makes you say wow because you know you can't describe it.

posted on Jan, 25 2012 @ 10:53 AM
I have shared this experience as follows with a friend.
We kind of label it as an animal transmitting its thoughts into your mind.
Here is my example.
My friend adopted a local stray cat whom she called Doric as in Doric Column.
He the cat was a real street cat and kept his territory around the street.
He was knocking on a bit in cat years but tough muscular and hard as nails.
Often he would come back to my friends to hang out, rest and be spoiled.
He was just a big softy really but like all cats knew his own mind.
When he got to know me as the nice guy who would give him tins of tuna - He would chill out at mine and fall asleep at the end of my bed.
However being a cat he had his nightly rounds to make.
I had fallen asleep with Doric at the foot of the bed.
In my sleep or dream state - suddenly his face appeared staring at me intently. It shook me awake and I looked to see Doric stood by the door staring at me waiting to be let out.
I told my friend who was not surprised as Doric did this with her also.

posted on Jan, 25 2012 @ 10:57 AM
What I want to stress heavily is:


The way you choose to see things is the way you have control over reality. Forms exist and will not change, but you can change what those forms mean to you in such a way as to find yourself immersed in a divine world. What is divinity? Whatever you want it to be.

If you choose to respect everything, everything will become something worth respecting.

If you choose to see the beauty in everything, everything will become something beautiful.

If you choose to love everything, everything will become something worth loving.

Why? Because you choose for it to be. It doesn't matter what it is. The way things impact you is due to the way you choose to have those things impact you.
edit on 25-1-2012 by smithjustinb because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 25 2012 @ 11:05 AM
Oh and guess what people of this thread.

Do you believe what you've read on this thread? Do you believe we can connect to animals and see them for what they really are?

Well I can tell you from experience that not only is this possible with animals, it is possible with humans. Animals naturally don't have that big of an ego construct in the way of accomplishing this, so it is easy with them. But if you can get close enough to a human, like a spouse, then you can see something in them that lets you know that existence is highly profound. For a human to SEE a human is something of great value and it is possible.

posted on Jan, 25 2012 @ 11:09 AM
This is the very reason people subconscisously cling to the idea of God whether or not there is one.

It is because what is more respectable that the creator of the universe? If you can see the creator of the universe in everything, then you know you are looking at something worth respecting.

posted on Jan, 25 2012 @ 11:40 AM
reply to post by 1littlewolf

i dont now if this was a message exactly but i think its related. but when i was eight i woke up one night with thi feeling of an evil prescence in my house, than suddenly started getting thoughts on ravens, and raven sounds.after about half an hour i stop feeling this evil prescence and the ravens. ive always wondered if the raven was some kind spirit sent to ward off the evil

posted on Jan, 25 2012 @ 03:50 PM

Originally posted by 1littlewolf
A relevant and insightful Bible verse....

Job 12:7-12
(New International Version)

7 “But ask the animals, and they will teach you,
or the birds in the sky, and they will tell you;
8 or speak to the earth, and it will teach you,
or let the fish in the sea inform you.
9 Which of all these does not know
that the hand of the LORD has done this?
10 In his hand is the life of every creature
and the breath of all mankind.
11 Does not the ear test words
as the tongue tastes food?
12 Is not wisdom found among the aged?
Does not long life bring understanding?

Why would the church label such ideas as paganism or "nature worship" if found written elsewhere ?

That was one of my first big clues to what the church is really all about.

I hope this wasn't off-topic)

posted on Jan, 25 2012 @ 04:55 PM
It would be appreciated if Littlewolf credited the pictures/artwork with the sources.
Thank You

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 01:02 AM

Originally posted by Caver78
It would be appreciated if Littlewolf credited the pictures/artwork with the sources.
Thank You

Hey Caver..... I wish I knew where all the pictures came from as well.......

I'm a chronic collector of images I like - when I see something cool I 'right click' and 'Save Picture As'. I've got thousands and couldn't tell you where 99% of them came from originally. I do realize this is important though, sorry I can't tell you any more.


As for the rest of you, thanks so much for the positive comments. I'll try and answer most of you soon but things are so busy at work at the moment they're actually making me do work

edit on 26/1/2012 by 1littlewolf because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 02:46 PM
I am just watching Avatar. Talking about synchronicity.
Anyway, I adore animals and speak to all of them. Mow

PS; I am in love with that raven. Very sexy creature,
edit on 26-1-2012 by QueenofWeird because: (no reason given)

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