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HEADS UP! Prediction in "The Conspiracy Theory" movie: 4/23/12

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posted on Jan, 25 2012 @ 11:06 AM
Construction of the 2nd Temple began on 4/23 in 370 BC. Maybe this will be the start of the 3rd? I expect events will move FAST after a mideast 'war'.

Who wrote, directed, produced the story/movie?

posted on Jan, 25 2012 @ 12:28 PM
reply to post by oghamxx

The movie was directed and produced by Richard Donner. Joel Silver was also an executive producer. It was written by Brian Helgeland.

Richard Donner Schwartzberg (of Jewish ascent and faith) was born in April 24, 1930 (interesting, a day after de date uttered by Mel Gibson's character). He's also directed The Omen, Superman, The Goonies and Lethal Weapon.

Amongst other things, he is a reknowned zionist and has frequently expressed his support of Israeli operations against palestinians!! This is really interesting!!

Joel Silver (born July 14, 1952) is an American Hollywood film producer, co-creator of the sport of Ultimate, co-founder of Dark Castle Entertainment and owner of Silver Pictures. He's produced tens of movies, including The Warriors, The Matrix, Die Hard, The Book of Eli, Splice and many, many others.

A quick google search with the words Joel Silver + zionism throws back over 40,000 hits!!! Many of which make reference to well known illuminati theories and links! I wonder why I didn't make this connection beforehand. No wonder Donner and Silver worked together in this and other films!

Brian Thomas Helgeland (born January 17, 1961) is an American screenwriter, film producer and director. He is most known for writing the screenplays for L.A. Confidential (for which he received an Academy Award), Mystic River, and A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master.[1]

Maybe this is just all confirmation bias or trying to build links where there are none to see, but the more we delve into this matter, the more I believe something significant will happen on that date.

Probably nothing will happen, but still, this is a conspiracy site and we're here for this kind of stuff, are we not?

posted on Jan, 25 2012 @ 12:39 PM
Interesting theory and a great movie.

Anything is possible, but I certainly wouldn't bet on it. How many other times have people predicted a date based on something on TV or in a movie and it turned out to be nothing? Eventually someone will be right, but there will never be a way to prove that it was preplanned and sent out to the public via whatever media is being used at the time.

posted on Jan, 25 2012 @ 12:47 PM
Good work Radio! Look far and wide and connect the dots. There are no coincidences!

posted on Jan, 25 2012 @ 01:01 PM
It's always worth being alert to possibilities.

Here's something that might possibly be of interest...

"Save the date for one of the most ambitious international events in the world of early stage investing - EBAN 12th Annual Congress and 7th Award Ceremony hosted by the National Business Angels Association of Russia.

The EBAN Congress is the largest event of its type in Europe. In 2010 in Istanbul 35 countries were represented, in 2011 in Warsaw - 37 countries.

The event will take place on 23-24 April 2012 in Moscow and is expected to bring together 500 participants representing leading European and international business angels organisations, seed funds, service providers, and various public agencies.

The Congress will be the central event of the First Russian Business Angels Week that is scheduled for April 23-27, 2012. The Week will showcase more than 25 different events in more than 15 regions all over Russia and will bring together more than 500 investors and 3000 entrepreneurs.

The key objective of The Week is to put forward the importance and the role of business angels in the financing chain for innovative businesses, their added value as active investors and the advantages provided by the business angel networks."

Slaughtering 500 'Angels', in Russia, in a FF would be chilling.

edit on 25-1-2012 by Toffeeapple because: Forgot to add link

posted on Jan, 25 2012 @ 06:00 PM
reply to post by Toffeeapple

Wow! Thanks for your input! I hadn't looked at that event happening at the date given in the movie. I guess we'll have to sit and wait to see if mine was just another wild speculation or if actually there was something to it.

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 03:43 PM
Interesting catch, I will keep my eye on this thread.

Probably gonna warn the family just in case anything goes down

edit on 31/1/2012 by Kluute because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 03:57 PM
Hope you are just a crazy conspiracy theorist since I am going on a cruise that week, and would hate to be caught so far from home if something does go down.

Doom is not convenient when you are away from home!

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 04:34 PM
There is a fascinating moment in this movie. In the film the camera walks through the hospital where Mel is being kept. It stops, for absolutely no reason whatsoever, and focuses on a TV in a small office. Joan Lundun is giving a news report about a major quake in Turkey that devastated the area - with a 7.3 richter number. Then the camera moves on - there is no reason, not story, not visually, not movement wise, for this camera to stop and pause on this "report." In fact, Roberts pauses to watch the report and kind of nods, the moves along. The quake did happen there with an initial number of 7.3.

On another film curiosity. During the opening of Hanibal in early 2001, the camera talks a look at the FBI ten most wanted, the camera takes a pause on OBL, who at the time, was not a "person of interest" as far as I know, as he was a CIA asset created to assist in chasing the Russians out of Afghanistan so we could move in. Why top 10? Why pause on him rather then another?

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 09:11 PM

I found this thread while searching the net for references to April 23rd 2012. Since mid 2008 I've been recording words that I hear in my mind as I wake. Check this out:

"Earthday Plus One" heard on April 13th, 2011.
"April, Luminosity, Glow" heard on November 3rd, 2011.
"Titanic, Rosa, Rose" heard on November 18th, 2011.
"23 Storm" heard on December 7th, 2011.
"April 23rd" heard on December 24th, 2011.
"Monday 23rd" heard on December 24th, 2011.

These words may look like a bit of gibberish, but, if we look more deeply, it gets interesting. Earthday is celebrated on April 22nd, plus one would be April 23rd. The Titanic hit the fatal iceberg in April. When I heard "April 23rd" on December 24th, I had woken early in the morning, groggily I had wondered to myself as I fell back asleep, if the words were concerning the coming year. I woke about an hour later with the words "Monday 23rd", a quick check of my cell phone calendar indicated that April 23rd of 2012 would be a Monday. So what about the other strange references about roses and glowing? Well I did some digging on Wikipedia and here's what I found out: April is periodically known as "Iyar" in Hebrew, and "Ayyaru" in ancient Akkadian, "Ayyaru" literally means "Rosette, blossom". Also, from Wikipedia: "Iyar" in more ancient times used to be called "Ziv" (1 Kings 6:1, 6:37). "Ziv" is a Hebrew name, which means "Light" or "Glow". The Hebrew calendar is a lunisolar calendar so its months match up with different months of our calendar from year to year. When I first wrote this post on my blog a couple of days ago I decided to see when the first day of the Hebrew month of Iyar would be for 2012, yep, you guessed it, it is April 23rd!

So is something major going to happen on April 23rd, 2012? Perhaps the references to the "Storm" and "Titanic" foreshadow a global event? The reference to "Luminosity", and "Glow" makes me wonder if the whole sky may light up, possibly due to a massive solar storm?

posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 07:06 AM
Now, imagine if something very big really happens on 4/23/2012...

This thread will be one of the most read on ATS ever!

I will bookmark this thread until there! If something big happens, I hope to be the first to post in this thread, just after "the event" takes place!

And all the "skeptics" in the world will have to recognize that this thread was spot on!

posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 07:12 AM

Originally posted by rosyapril23

I found this thread while searching the net for references to April 23rd 2012. Since mid 2008 I've been recording words that I hear in my mind as I wake. Check this out:

"Earthday Plus One" heard on April 13th, 2011.
"April, Luminosity, Glow" heard on November 3rd, 2011.
"Titanic, Rosa, Rose" heard on November 18th, 2011.
"23 Storm" heard on December 7th, 2011.
"April 23rd" heard on December 24th, 2011.
"Monday 23rd" heard on December 24th, 2011.

These words may look like a bit of gibberish, but, if we look more deeply, it gets interesting. Earthday is celebrated on April 22nd, plus one would be April 23rd. The Titanic hit the fatal iceberg in April. When I heard "April 23rd" on December 24th, I had woken early in the morning, groggily I had wondered to myself as I fell back asleep, if the words were concerning the coming year. I woke about an hour later with the words "Monday 23rd", a quick check of my cell phone calendar indicated that April 23rd of 2012 would be a Monday. So what about the other strange references about roses and glowing? Well I did some digging on Wikipedia and here's what I found out: April is periodically known as "Iyar" in Hebrew, and "Ayyaru" in ancient Akkadian, "Ayyaru" literally means "Rosette, blossom". Also, from Wikipedia: "Iyar" in more ancient times used to be called "Ziv" (1 Kings 6:1, 6:37). "Ziv" is a Hebrew name, which means "Light" or "Glow". The Hebrew calendar is a lunisolar calendar so its months match up with different months of our calendar from year to year. When I first wrote this post on my blog a couple of days ago I decided to see when the first day of the Hebrew month of Iyar would be for 2012, yep, you guessed it, it is April 23rd!

If you are telling us the truth, and you really "heard" those words on your mind, this is very amazing prediction sense!

By the way, the day when you say you heard "April 23rd" and "Monday 23rd" was December 24th, 2011, exactly one month before this thread was posted...

edit on 10-2-2012 by GLontra because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 07:36 AM
You should pay attention to SAINT GEORGE.

April 23 is the offical Saint George's Day.

Saint George is the patron saint of England, and also of Portugal.

The flag of England has the Cross of Saint George (red cross in white field).

Anyone see a link here to the Royal Family of the United Kingdom?

posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 07:54 AM
reply to post by crankyoldman

"There is a fascinating moment in this movie. In the film the camera walks through the hospital where Mel is being kept. It stops, for absolutely no reason whatsoever, and focuses on a TV in a small office. Joan Lundun is giving a news report about a major quake in Turkey that devastated the area - with a 7.3 richter number. Then the camera moves on - there is no reason, not story, not visually, not movement wise, for this camera to stop and pause on this "report." In fact, Roberts pauses to watch the report and kind of nods, the moves along. The quake did happen there with an initial number of 7.3."

Actually, earlier on in the film Mel Gibsons character mentions that there is always an earthquake when the space shuttle is up on a mission, that the US president wants to cut NASA's funding and that the US president is on a state visit to Turkey.

posted on Feb, 12 2012 @ 07:14 PM
Hi Everyone,

I was going to create a new thread since I have new info but I just discovered I can't create a new thread on this site since I'm so new, the new info still concerns the 4/23 date so I hope it's okay to post it here...

More info from the beyond?

Back in late September of 2008 I had heard a first and last name when I woke,

"Rapinder xxx" - I've omitted the last name for the person's privacy.

At the time, I actually only had a gut feeling that it was a person's name because I'd never seen this person's name before and the words were unfamiliar to me. So I typed the name into Google and discovered it was indeed a person's name and that this person lived in the same city that I lived in. There was a business document for this person on the web, I reviewed the document, but I couldn't identify anything special about it. I thought about contacting the person, but I figured he/she would think I was nuts and I really had nothing to say to him/her expect for 'Why is your name appearing in my brain?'
Later that day, I decided to take a nap and as I was dozing off I wondered again about the name and the business document on the web. When I woke the word "Dates" was in my mind. I thought this might mean to take a look at the dates in the document they were:


I thought this might mean that something of great significance would happen on March 9th or March 23rd in the future, but nothing has since then. Here's where it get's interesting again, checkout what I heard on 2/10/2012:

"November 9 Planet X"

So, it seems the original clue was related to the "days" of 9 and 23, in particular April 23rd, 2012 as noted in my first post and now November 9th. I'm not sure whether or not to take the "Planet X" part literally. My gut tells me it is going to be related to some type of space borne mega disaster as noted in the book of Revelations and the stories of Planet X. Today I noticed that the new James Bond movie "SkyFall" which is the 23rd James Bond film is scheduled to be released in the U.S. on November 9th, 2012!

So will April 23rd, 2012 be the "Great Warning" and November 9th, 2012 be the great catastrophe?

My blog:
edit on 12-2-2012 by rosyapril23 because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-2-2012 by rosyapril23 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 12 2012 @ 10:24 PM
Be Honest, how many other Number Combinations can you come up with utilizing any Media Output?

or for that matter any other such 'Hidden Codes, Numerology, Symbols' Etc

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 06:42 AM
Well, this thread is saved for later check...

If something happens on April 23rd, this thread WILL be bumped...

If nothing happens... Well... That's expected.

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 07:31 AM

Originally posted by Shadowalker
If everything comes in advance, how do "the elites" know which one of the thousands of dvds or hundreds of thousands of TV time slots on hundreds of channels that will carry that exact tidbit of information?

The decoder ring in their cereal?
What would that be called? Honey Nut Secret-Os? Tricks (instead of Trix)? Special KKK?
The 4-23-12 thing probably has something to do with the screenwriter. Like his daughter/son/whatever's 12th birthday was on April 23 or something like that. It might have been someone's locker combination in school or work. As a writer, I'm always putting friends' birthdays or anniversary dates as dates of events because they come to me. For instance, I wrote a book that takes place in 2021 and I needed a date for "when everything changed for the world (the day it all hit the fan)" and I ended up picking 2012 because I decided to switch the 21 to 12 (I pulled a L. Frank Baum--the rumor is that he came up with OZ because he happened to have a file labeled O-Z and I had just happened to have read that earlier that day). When I did this it was years before I read/hear anything of 2012 and the Mayans or even had any interest in the paranormal.
But on the other hand, since I was 15 I would now and then will see 4-20 all over the place and for days or weeks at time and I got the letter that a company would publish my book on April 20, 2004. And then you add in the fact that when I was still trying to get published, I had to come up with a birthday for the main character. I came up with 2005. Months later I got the acceptance letter, and by the time the proofing and cover designs and everything were done the book came out in 2005, just a month shy of the date I chose.

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 07:43 PM
Please take a look on this thread on ATS, created 3 years ago. Look at the graph for 2011 and 2012. It seems that the graphic for 2011 clearly predicted the Japan earthquake in March and it seems that something bad will happen in April this year. Just a coincidence???
edit on 13-2-2012 by ladolcevita because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 14 2012 @ 10:32 PM
I was wondering when this topic would pop its head up here.
I saw the movie like 6 months ago...and that part really stuck out.

Why didn't i post anything earlier? Well, if there's a group out there who had an event planned on that day, they will no longer carry it out on that date if people are expecting it.

edit on 14-2-2012 by Ghost375 because: (no reason given)

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