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Wikipedia categorizes 9/11 truth as 'denialism'

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posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 07:35 AM
reply to post by pshea38

You're the prime example of denialism, yourself.

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 05:55 PM
Of course the 9/11 conspiracy theories are delusional. Why, the conspiracy theorists even believe that five men were seen cheering while video taping the Twin Towers before the 2nd plane hit, that they were arrested and held in custody by the authorities for three months before being set free to return to their home country, and that they then appeared on national TV claiming that they were sent "to document the event". Clearly this cannot be true unless, of course, Osama Bin Laden sent them.

They also believe that the FBI was telling the truth when they testified under oath at the Zacarias Moussaoui trial in 2006 that there were no cell phone calls from Flight 77, the flight where we learned that there were terrorists on board with box cutters. Clearly this is also dillusional because, if it were true, we would not know about the box cutters.

The conspiracy theorists, as they are derisively called, also believe that scientists discovered a highly explosive material called nano-thermite in the dust of 9/11. This, too, cannot be true because it would mean that explosives were used, which we know was not the case because NIST, who refused to test for explosives, said so.

These conspiracy theorists also believe that all 82 columns of WTC7 failed instantaneously, causing the building to drop over the first hundred feet in free fall. This of course is not true because NIST reported that WTC7 fell in a progressive collapse starting from column 79 across the entire building, when it just suddenly collapsed. NIST does, however, admit that the building did free fall for 2.25 seconds.

The list of delusions goes on and on. Read more about them at

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 05:57 PM
It's a denialism both ways.

Either you're in denial that 9/11 was an elite high-tech plot.

Or you're in denial that 9/11 was a terrorist attack by cave people with box cutters.

Who has more motive?

Who's in denial?

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 09:59 AM
reply to post by Rafe_
Thanks for the support, Rafe_.

I had been lurking here for years - mostly in this forum - before I became a member and started commenting, so I've got a pretty good idea of who I said that to - but in his discussions with me he's been civil, respectful and intellectually honest, and I'm trying to extend him the same courtesy. I really am hoping for more good discussions in the future.

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 11:40 AM
reply to post by avatar01

It's a denialism both ways.

No, its not.

Either you're in denial that 9/11 was an elite high-tech plot.

Sorry, there's nothing to deny there because there is no evidence to support the contention.

Or you're in denial that 9/11 was a terrorist attack by cave people with box cutters.

Cave people? You realize that most of the terrorist were probably better educated then you are.

Who has more motive?

The "cave" people.

Who's in denial?

9/11 truthers.

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 11:53 AM
reply to post by FCraig

Yes, indeed. Your attempt at sarcasm is noted.

Four paragraphs, each outlining a certain common delusion that is repeated by the so-called "9/11 truthers", and each paragraph filled with factually incorrect, or dripping innuendo intended to be snide and snarky.

The "five in a van" story has been debunked long ago....still, the lie is repeated.

The FBI testimony at the Moussaoui trial is mis-characterized ("lied" about):

(1) Immediately after 9/11, the FBI had described, or at least accepted the description of, about 15 of the reported calls from the airliners as cell phone calls. (2) In 2003, a prominent member of the 9/11 Truth Movement argued persuasively that, given the cell phone technology available in 2001, calls from high-altitude airliners would have been impossible. (3) The FBI report for the Moussaoui trial affirmed only two cell phone calls from the airliners, both of which were from United Flight 93 after it had descended to 5,000 feet.

The "nano-thermite"? Another LIE. Based solely on one person's (Stephen Jones') flawed results, and incorrect assessment form them. The claim that thermite is a high "explosive", also a lie.

The incorrect and specious altering of the NIST report, and the attributing to it things that aren't even included in the study, more lying.

Gee, wonder where all this misinformation and lying comes from?

Oh, was at the bottom of the post:


That was the first mistake....accepting anything they spew out as "factual"...

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 08:44 PM

Originally posted by FCraig
The conspiracy theorists, as they are derisively called, also believe that scientists discovered a highly explosive material called nano-thermite in the dust of 9/11. This, too, cannot be true because it would mean that explosives were used, which we know was not the case because NIST, who refused to test for explosives, said so.
Read more about them at

The material that was discovered was disguised as red paint. So clever was the disguise that it even behaved like red paint. When combusted in a stream of air in a DSC oven it burned off the vehicle and then put itself out just like red paint so that no one would suspect how deadly and highly explosive it really was. Clever nanothermite, friend of the someguysfortruth groups.

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 08:48 PM
It is typical false flag tactics of the Khazar/ illuminati world leaders. Like the USS Maine that was sunk off the coast of Cuba so as to start a war with Spain. It is still called denialism to suggest we caused the explosion that killed so many US sailors. what they dont know is that Khazar are foreign nationals and dont care about the lives of Americans. They like seeing us die. Look at the last 75 years of war over lies.

They hate Americans. the New World Order wants to enslave us. You can't have people running around calling you on your lies. You must call them denialists so the public won't know you are trying to kill them.

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