posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 03:12 AM
the shape for the landing of 4 planes at once and from all 4 directions, or if say something happened to 2 or even 3 of the directions , circleing an
airport and comeing in the fastest way being the closest strip to land at. also crowd control for 4 levels of security, or if a pilot knew which strip
was for landing his people then it could be done without, or limited communication from the tower
oh if they say 4 lower levels then there is atleast 8 , goverment doubles up on everything, as a rule, like sayin why buy 1 when you could buy 2 at
twice the price.
and another thought 4 ways down into the levels, so 1 strip could be for 1 or 2 levels without having an issue with the other levels this works well
for decease as well having 4 ways to travel limits exposer of the strips
does this make sence to anyone or I'm I blowing in the wind?