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A NEW loud and strange sound recorded in Ireland...With evidence suggesting it's real!

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posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 10:35 PM
Earth's Magnetic Field Hisses Due to Distant "Chorus"

Found this on a Natoinal Geographic article from 2009,
The faint "shh" sound that scientists now call the plasmaspheric hiss is the result of an electromagnetic wave in Earth's radiation belts.

Magnetic Field Hisses

posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 10:39 PM
reply to post by BRITWARRIOR

There are a few presets that come pretty close actually. And if, as you say, you know this synth - then you know you can tweak and model any sounds you want on a late 90's Alesis. The polyphony on newer synths is far greater and more intricate, and in theory, capable of much more detailed sounds than the Alesis. The Alesis is however, capable of amazingly life-like tones and sounds. I could post you an Aleisis track I put together years ago that sounds a lot like the sounds in these videos. It was for a Sci-Fi project, so intentionally 'weird' sounding.

posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 10:51 PM

Originally posted by BRITWARRIOR

Originally posted by jimbo999

Originally posted by BRITWARRIOR

Originally posted by jimbo999
reply to post by AllUrChips

This is a new sound - different from the previous ones. Still, it's easily synthesized with any good quality analogue synth. I also notice that someone has dubbed in a male voice uttering some kind of 'words' around the 2 min. mark. I guess people are supposed to think this is the 'Voice Of God' huh? There is so much reverb mixed onto the 'words' though, that it's pretty well impossible to make out what the voice is saying. Interesting, but again, no real evidence on the video that anyone else can hear it - regardless what the guy filming says. I remain unconvinced with these videos so far...

LOL what?

Its not a new sound its machinery over hyped to be something it isn't, no synth could create that sound, if you think otherwise be my guest id like to hear it,

TBH i only flicked through the analysis video i'm not surprised he added some vox sample to reel in even more idiots, i'll take another look at that video on the monitors tomorrow for a giggle

You are dead wrong!!

I could replicate any of these sounds easily with a 1990's Alesis synth. Not a problem, Maybe you don't have much experience with analogue synths of that quality - but they are easily capable of these sounds...


This should be good.. crack on then, i look forward to doing a comparison,

I'm very familiar with the synth you speak of yes, how will you be going about making this sound? give me a quick run through step by step, or are you just going to find a close matching preset and go there you are

LOL!! Really BW! Do you expect me to give away all my secrets to you for free??
I still use my Alesis occasionally to make serious $$$

posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 10:54 PM

Originally posted by Jordan River

Originally posted by BRITWARRIOR

I'm very familiar with the synth you speak of yes, how will you be going about making this sound? give me a quick run through step by step, or are you just going to find a close matching preset and go there you are

I'm 50/50 on the whole thing, but i would like all this to be real.

really? I am a synthesist myself, I've studied the art form of creaing sounds from sythn, what you want a technical jargon? Rsounce, cutoff,, waveform, lfo, etc

Apparently he does! lol!


posted on Jan, 25 2012 @ 01:33 AM
reply to post by curious7

Im really sorry if I upset you
I just find it all too odd these videos have only surfaced in the past few months. Just look at the number posted in the last two weeks. If the earth were stressing, to the point where it was making noises like that, I am quite positive there would be lots more going on than a squeal.

posted on Jan, 25 2012 @ 07:46 AM
reply to post by JokerzReality

This sounds like steam.

Honestly, not that interesting.

posted on Jan, 25 2012 @ 08:01 AM
reply to post by JokerzReality

I'm a musician (keyboards) and this sounds very much like a single high note being played on a synth string instrument. I was convinced that was what it was at first until I noticed the note drops a semitone throughout the course of the video. On a standard keyboard this is of course possible to do by very slowly adjusting the pitchbend.

The one thing that buggers my theory is the people looking into the sky.

posted on Jan, 25 2012 @ 08:15 AM
Me and my supervisor were watching these last week, and ironically when he went home this weekend (Hesparia, CA) his cousin told him she heard something relating to these sounds herself a day prior to him getting there.
Just thought I would put up some California love for consideration.

posted on Jan, 25 2012 @ 08:24 AM

Originally posted by Gorman91
reply to post by JokerzReality

This sounds like steam.

Honestly, not that interesting.
Steam my ass.

posted on Jan, 25 2012 @ 08:29 AM
The only problem with the youtube video is that it wasn't long enough. I was expecting a nice hour show with the sound, but instead I am stuck to listening to it for six minutes. Far too short of a time.


Did anyone listen to the whole six minutes?

posted on Jan, 25 2012 @ 08:48 AM
reply to post by Troofseeker

Insulting can get you banned and Under certain circumstances your statement would be sexually confusing.

Now, shall we delve into reality?

It sounds like steam.

edit on 25-1-2012 by Gorman91 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 25 2012 @ 08:50 AM
Why is it always cloudy?

posted on Jan, 25 2012 @ 09:06 AM
reply to post by Hecate666

Has anyone listened to this or should I make a separate thread for this?
Please listen, it sounds as if this is the instrument some of the noises are made with. I mean if no one is interested, so be it. It is quite amazing.

posted on Jan, 25 2012 @ 09:08 AM

Originally posted by Jordan River
okay, obviously some are real, the baseball one, is real obviously


That's the fake-est of the lot! The commentators are so obvious in how they're playing up the noise... the noise that no-one else in a stadium packed with people (nor the baseball players) seems to hear!

posted on Jan, 25 2012 @ 09:18 AM
reply to post by Sablicious

Really? The commentators reacting to the sound ADDS to the idea that it's fake? If they didn't react, would you also deduce that it's fake?

The stadium staff reported malfunctioning speakers. The commentators reacted, on air. How is that more fake than someone dubbing a ripped audio file onto b-roll where no one seems to notice the trumpets of the apocalypse?

You've got a tough hill to climb if you're stating that the stadium sound never happened. You'll have to do better than saying the commentators sounded fake. Now, if you're simply stating that it's likely not the go signal for the final battle between good and evil, you won't catch much argument.

posted on Jan, 25 2012 @ 09:27 AM
reply to post by Jiggyfly

I kinda though it was implied that that's what I meant...

posted on Jan, 25 2012 @ 09:28 AM
Mods its time to stop these ridiculous posts about strange sounds,its a waste of time and I cant come to the site without seeing another thread like this - seriously I and several others have already debunked these strange noises.

posted on Jan, 25 2012 @ 09:29 AM

Originally posted by StealthyKat
reply to post by TheOneElectric

All three of those are fake. The real deal sounds like airplanes roaring over your head really low that kind of never leaves. Those sound like creaky metal equipment, much like the Kiev video. If I hear the Kiev sound in any video, I'm just going to go ahead and call it fake.

THANKYOU! 100% agree with you on that......the roaring/rumble ones are the only legit ones. The others came after the originals, by people jumping on the bandwagon for youtube views.

Well I have heard the very sound that is heard in the Kiev video here where I live in Texas back in mid Sept 2011. I haven't jumped on any bandwagon. I do not have a video or audio of it so I can not prove it. I wish I did but sometimes people are just caught off guard. Not everyone walks around with an iPhone or video camera in their hand. I don't even own an iPhone ... my phone is an old flip phone and it's doesn't even take videos (ok, you can quit laughing now). I did get a Canon T3 for my birthday and have since learned to use it. I have never heard that sound again BUT hopefully if I do I'll be close by my camera.

I know there are people faking this stuff because they think it's funny but those who have really heard it like me don't feel that way. I would just like to know what it is and where it is coming from. My point is I heard it with my own ears and I have damn good hearing but my hearing didn't need to be that good because it was loud. My husband also heard it. Actually there has to be more than one sound because I know what I heard and it was not the roaring/rumble sound in the Florida video.

posted on Jan, 25 2012 @ 09:39 AM

Originally posted by AllUrChips
I love these fad-threads! For a while it was elenin, then it was ron paul, now its "strange sounds"

We really must not find ourselves sidetracked with these false things going on, blinding us from the real issues we should be discussing.

edit on 23-1-2012 by AllUrChips because: (no reason given)

In relation to this did you read what was posted in comments? here is the quote below

@porkjaw ive been doing alot of work, trying to match the sound to something, but I found that it matches the magnetic resonance of Jupiter. If we allow for mass and volume of both these planets, and alter the audio in a way to compensate for that, the sounds are remarkably alike... I will make up a video and add it here as a video response to let you get the drift of what I mean

Is this true?

posted on Jan, 25 2012 @ 09:55 AM

Originally posted by jimbo999

Originally posted by BRITWARRIOR

Originally posted by jimbo999

Originally posted by BRITWARRIOR

Originally posted by jimbo999
reply to post by AllUrChips

This is a new sound - different from the previous ones. Still, it's easily synthesized with any good quality analogue synth. I also notice that someone has dubbed in a male voice uttering some kind of 'words' around the 2 min. mark. I guess people are supposed to think this is the 'Voice Of God' huh? There is so much reverb mixed onto the 'words' though, that it's pretty well impossible to make out what the voice is saying. Interesting, but again, no real evidence on the video that anyone else can hear it - regardless what the guy filming says. I remain unconvinced with these videos so far...

LOL what?

Its not a new sound its machinery over hyped to be something it isn't, no synth could create that sound, if you think otherwise be my guest id like to hear it,

TBH i only flicked through the analysis video i'm not surprised he added some vox sample to reel in even more idiots, i'll take another look at that video on the monitors tomorrow for a giggle

You are dead wrong!!

I could replicate any of these sounds easily with a 1990's Alesis synth. Not a problem, Maybe you don't have much experience with analogue synths of that quality - but they are easily capable of these sounds...


This should be good.. crack on then, i look forward to doing a comparison,

I'm very familiar with the synth you speak of yes, how will you be going about making this sound? give me a quick run through step by step, or are you just going to find a close matching preset and go there you are

LOL!! Really BW! Do you expect me to give away all my secrets to you for free??
I still use my Alesis occasionally to make serious $$$

Ohh come on secrets
yerrrrr sureeeee

You are clearly new to the world of synthesis & music production, engineering is not even essential here

I work part time in a professional studio in soho london, are main field is sFX for video games, radio ads & walt Disney films, i am also EDM producer, with a few releases under my belt, i have 6yrs experience, and many friends who are professional sound engineers, these end of day noises are a joke, its amazing how easy people are fooled by everyday natural ambiance or machinery,

I know a blagger when i see/hear one and i fully expected you to dodge the question, because you have no idea what you're on about, clearly, and you think its some sort of secret with replicating sounds,

All i ask is you can replicate that sound and write out how you made it, starting with what wave form, sine, tri, square, saw etc? what processing you did to it, effects etc? why would i ask you about LFO's anyway why did you mention LFOs? there is no LFO in the sound in question, is there, what is an LFO?

I'm not denying you can't make something close to the audio/sound in question, but you cannot replicate it with any synth for many reasons... its likely a lose fan belt on a road maintenance machinery, mixed in with a road saw/cutter & the engine producing the low end rumble, which funny enough coincides in volume with the high freqs, THEREFORE, it is no mystery noise, its bloody machinery end off lol,

And why are you highlighting vintage analogue synths exactly? so you don't think a modern day synth is capable of pitching a sine wave? which is essentially all the high freqs are possibly adding a sqr wave, how about the low end rumble?

Is there another vintage synth you would highlight that "could only" replicate the low end on this mysterious noise? i could take anything a filter to reproduce that,

RIP the audio and speed it up, and WOW, its passes like a car would, because is essential a very sllw moving poorly maintained road resurfacing machinery equipment, case closed, its a HOAX i have no doubt the video maker new this or he is incredibly stupid,

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