posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 11:36 AM
I've heard strange noises that are made by the earth over the years. From the groans of the earth to the hiss of the northern lights. The sound of an
approaching tornado that sounds so much like a train. I get a feeling in my bones before a storm forms from the subsonic frequency that comes before
it. I understand that these things exist and that many others are unaware of their existance. I do not believe in discrediting others theories unless
they are using evidence that has been misinterpreted or excluded to form a theory. In that case I try to steer them in the right direction and let
them try to figure it outthemselves. The easy way to explain something is to compare it to something that is already known or discredit it if it is
contradiction to what is already known. That is called a disipline and is used by many professions around the world. I don't let it get me down.
We have been conditioned by society, our parents, and friends to filter things out so we act normal or fit into the societies we belong to. This is
not evil but we miss a lot of what is really happening. Upon realizing these things it is important to remember many people do not see or hear these
things and because of their conditioning they are blinded to their existance. keep in mind that we must still fit into society and deal with others
that will try to discredit us for our perceptions or our time has been nothing but a waste and our reputation is turned to crap. Much of the time the
ignorance of humans is harmless but with our ignorance of our destruction of our environment and foodchain it becomes critical to open our eyes and
notice our misconceptions. We can very well make this world uninhabitable for humans because we have too many desires that are not necessary for our
survival. At one time the rich were few in numbers but now everyone wants things they do not need. This practice is bad for our world when it is
being done by so many.
It is not good to worry over things that we cannot do anything about. It is good to study what you see and try to figure out what is happening
though. With the information available on the net, it makes it possible to find out what is happening. Scientists aren't the only ones who can find
out things and you don't need a degree to form a theory. It sometimes takes a lot of money to prove a theory so others except it and sometimes the
cost outweighs the usefulness of finding the answer. If a person gets the input of many honest people, especially those that aren't profiting from
the knowledge, one can sort of get the drift of things. It is a cheap alternative to a lot of costly research. Sometimes, with an open mind, you
will find that something else you learned researching things winds up to be greater than what you were looking for. If you find you were erred in
you're perception upon researching something, keep the knowledge, it helps you later and occasionally you find you were originally right but for a
different reason. That makes researching very interesting.
As far as the sounds, the earth, sun, and sky can make many sounds that can tell you things. Pay attention but do not get paranoid. Make it an
adventure so you can observe things in awe, Be prepared for disaster and it becomes an adventure if it happens instead of a depressing mess. That's
all I can say about this subject, there are people who know lots more than they tell us but if it is unproven and doesn't happen it can cause a
negative effect to you're life. If you spend everything you have on a bomb shelter you will be hurting for money the rest of you're time here on
earth if nothing happens. I sometimes wonder what this world really is but still don't let it make me crazy. I don't consider myself too crazy yet,
but then again crazy people never seem to know they are crazy soooooooo at least I'm having fun.
edit on 24-1-2012 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)
edit on 24-1-2012 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)