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AREA 51 - Activity CAUGHT on (Fact or Faked Paranormal Files Show)

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posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 03:46 PM
Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files is a paranormal investigation television series produced by Base Productions that began airing July 15, 2010, on SyFy. The show follows a team of investigators, led by former FBI agent Ben Hansen, who review various photographs and viral videos (mainly from the internet) of alleged paranormal activity. If a particular piece of evidence is deemed intriguing enough to warrant further investigation, they set out to recreate and explain the sighting.

The FoF paranormal show during an investigation they conducted at area 51, they managed to capture an unknown object apparition from the sky, having the direction towards the Area 51 base. Right after the apparition dissapeared, The lights of the base were turn off directly, which raises many questions... here's the link and tell me your opinions.

edit on 23-1-2012 by LOK31 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 03:48 PM
Top secret craft.
Probably turned off the lights to help conceal it's design.
I wouldn't say that it was anything paranormal.

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 03:52 PM

Originally posted by grey580
I wouldn't say that it was anything paranormal.

Cheers to that!

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 04:00 PM
Here's a video from another show named 'UFO Hunters' who investigated aswell Area 51! They did aswell manage to get enough information from what is actually going in in Area 51.

After their show with Area 51 was aired...the whole show was surprisingly cancelled for good!

here is the link for the whole episode:

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 05:37 PM
Really enjoyed both videos, I can't seem to get enough Area 51 info, the place fascinates me ! I don't know what to make of the alien tech idea, but I'm sure they are doing wondrous research out there !
edit on 23-1-2012 by NagoyaW6 because: General typo............

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 08:57 PM
I'm sure both videos have threads on ATS. In any event, the first video did capture a test. Once an aircraft takes off, they kill the lights on the base, probably so that the aircraft can't be seen by the glow of the base lights. The runway lights at the south end flash just like captured in the video. I won't go as far as to say what looked like a meteor was a test vehicle. Given the video was edited, we don't even know how the flash and the base light relate on a time line.

In the first video, the guy on Tikaboo is watching a vehicle drive on Groom Lake Road and says the vehicle turns off the lights. In reality, the vehicle is being hidden by a hill. I've watched this many times from Tikaboo. I've yet to see the dudes drive blacked out.

The second video stinks of Bob Lazar unfortunately. Peter needs to write into his contract that he won't be in the same video as Bob Lazar.

I never really could tell where Mark Farmer was located, other than it looks like the land under the Coyote Delta airspace, points east and west of Queen City Summit. You can park by a dirt patch on the side of the ET Highway and scan the base from there. I have received correspondence from people who claim they have seen Groom flights from that spot by the highway. In any event, weapons school flies that area all the time. I doubt their presence had anything to do with the overhead aircraft. Weapons school starts up around 10AM and can run as last as midnight.

I don't believe there is any place around the range where you can stand in dispersed plutonium. There are contaminated areas, but not exactly open to the public. What I suspect Mark Farmer was referred to is the nuclear cloud that hit Queen City Summit.
Queen City Summit received a strong dose when they made the Sedan crater. However, the rock in the area is naturally radioactive too. While the area around the range runs around 15uR/hr, parts of Queen City Summit will reach 40uR/hr. That is not very radioactive. You can drive around Kelbaker in California near the uranium mines and easily get 100uR/hr.

edit on 23-1-2012 by gariac because: added remark about blacked out vehicle

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 09:01 PM

Originally posted by NagoyaW6
Really enjoyed both videos, I can't seem to get enough Area 51 info, the place fascinates me ! I don't know what to make of the alien tech idea, but I'm sure they are doing wondrous research out there !
edit on 23-1-2012 by NagoyaW6 because: General typo............

I used to be the same way, anything Area 51 related I found interesting. But now, all these shows just make me gag. I've been down GLR to the signs numerous times, visited all the crossings, bugged the cammo dudes, hung out at the border, Cedar Gate, TTR - I guess the uninitiated still find it scary. Hell, I even have a picture of me in front of Art Bell's house!

These shows always have the same premise, there's a "team" who have investigated almost nothing before going into the range, interviews with the A'Le'Inn folks who will say anything to try and drum up business, interviews with the expert/wannabes. You know the type... the "Johnny Come Lately" people, who showed up years later (post-Lazar) on the scene with their video camera, anxiously expecting to drive up GLR and see alien craft in the sky. Then later claim they were there when things were going down, they are in the know, in the loop as it were...
edit on 23-1-2012 by FosterVS because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 10:24 AM
reply to post by FosterVS

It reminds me of a juvenile "spying on the people next door." It would help if the people next door held an open house on occasion, but why would they, if the only purpose is to satisfy the curiosity of others and vital secrets be given to the wrong people?

The only observation I can make therefore on this whole thing is this: We all are familiar that area 51 exists and holds many intribuing secrets of advanced flight and possibly much more. However, where are other equivalent area 51s existing in the world? Where is England's, France's, Israel's, India's Pakistan's, N.Korea and China'a area? Why do we not hear anything about them?

In light of all this, it makes me wonder then, if we are headed for a one world government, how all these secretive areas will be handled. Will they be merged at some point, or will we still be in a world conquest mentality despite having the same government worldwide?

posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 06:51 PM

Originally posted by aboutface
reply to post by FosterVS

where are other equivalent area 51s existing in the world? Where is England's, France's, Israel's, India's Pakistan's, N.Korea and China'a area? Why do we not hear anything about them?

We always talk about area 51 and etc... but if it was so top secret as its supposed to be... we wouldn;t even know about it as we dont know about Uks'. France's,and so on as you said. Most probably, personal opinion, that area 51 exists just to mislead people who are investigating such stories (ufo, aliens, etc). I think this is just a big game for them to make us concentrate on one think...and not on all the rest which are the real ones!

There are so many things that we dont know about, and we think that we DO know...while everything its just a big joke! Even us here discussing about these things we might think we know some staff, but actually we might not even be close to knowing the truth...

posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 07:06 PM
reply to post by aboutface

The UKs "area 51" is Boscombe Down." However, the UK tests aircraft at Groom Lake, though never a secret aircraft as far as I know. They had the Typhon at Groom Lake a few years ago (rumored of course.)

I was with an UK expat and ran into some UK airmen at the Little Aleinn parking lot. In the middle of the chit chat, I said "So is the Typhoon still at Groom?" The reply from one person was "No, it is home now." The guy in charge, sounding just like a Monty Python skit, said "Right...we'll be going now." One assumes the guy who confirmed the Typhoon got a dressing down. Trouble is British accents were caught on the scanner traffic, so it was clear something was up. (Accents over radio traffic is THE classic SIGINT.)

Note there are all sorts of ways to test aircraft in the clear. For instance, if it is a matter of secret avionics, who would be the wiser if the plane was flown around any military base. A pod here or there. Planes have all sorts of pods. A new or more likely modified engine could be tested in the open. (A bit trickier if it effects balance too much.) You need an area like Groom Lake to test new airframes. But I suspect much new gear is tested at Edwards and nobody on the outside is the wiser.

posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 08:18 PM
Double post for some reason. Text removed.
edit on 24-1-2012 by gariac because: double post

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 12:49 PM
If there is anything going on at Area 51, it is ours from my understanding. Anything alien related has been moved several years ago, to what location, I do not know. A few contractors I have worked with have said the technology is 150-200 years ahead at groomlake, and that is directly from projects they have worked on. However that is all they have said, I got nothing more from them. That was 3 years ago that I had that conversation. I think the truth is likely somewhere in between. But one thing remains, unless you are in the know, the majority of us will never know.

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 11:12 AM
reply to post by EngineerGuY

Don't say that, you'll upset someone who knows nothing. Repeat after me: "There are no non-conventional craft tested anywhere!"

Boscombe isn't the UKs A51 by the way. We didn't have the biggest empire in recorded history by sharing secrets like that. If I told you how I know I'd have to kill you so I'll stop there.

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 05:20 PM
reply to post by Pimander

Clearly you know zero about classified information. The line "If I told you I would have to kill you" is a joke. The person tasked with the classified information is the person responsible to keep it secure. The line should go "If I told you, I would be tossed in jail" is the accurate phrase.

Sorry to pierce through your "insider" facade, but I am freaking brilliant in that way.

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 05:48 PM
reply to post by gariac

Yes, it was a joke. I'm not a military type I just have some contacts. OMG.

Boscombe Down isn't the UKs Area 51 though. That was the serious bit. The last bit was the joke. You know, humour. Ok, it might be an old joke and not that funny but....


P.S. I'd think you were joking with that response but you weren't were you.

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 07:25 PM
reply to post by Pimander

I'm simply explaining how classified information works. The fact I exposed you as some wannabe insider with supposed secret information was just a bonus.

Case in point here. Valerie Plame gets exposed. Immediately I check the databases, find where she claimed to work via FEC documents, then get the name of another covert agent. I am perfectly free to expose the guy's name since I haven't taken an oath to defend that information. Now I made it a point not to expose insiders, so I didn't do it.

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 07:58 PM
I personally found this episode of Brad Meltzer's Decoded 'UFOs', to be pretty intriguing.. Especially the part where they're at one of the entrances, and a small convoy comes barreling at them, and a guard gets in their faces, etc.

It's pretty interesting!!

Hope you all enjoy!

(in case the above embed doesn't work... Here's this also )

edit on 1/27/2012 by weavty1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 12:16 AM

Originally posted by gariac
I'm simply explaining how classified information works. The fact I exposed you as some wannabe insider with supposed secret information was just a bonus.
Do you deliberately pretend you haven't seen peoples posts. You haven't exposed anything. It says on my avatar what I am. That was so obviously a joke and I think you know it. You can't be that thick, I won't believe it!

Any "secret" info I have will come from sources I have spoken to, research or reading other peoples work. I jokingly said I'll have to kill you if I told you cos I can't tell you who my sources are in case they have told me something they aren't allowed to (i.e. classified information).

As for wannabe insider, who is it that lurks around a military base for information about what goes on on "the inside" like a second rate spy? It isn't Pimander is it?
edit on 28/1/12 by Pimander because:

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 01:01 AM

Originally posted by weavty1
I personally found this episode of Brad Meltzer's Decoded 'UFOs', to be pretty intriguing.. Especially the part where they're at one of the entrances, and a small convoy comes barreling at them, and a guard gets in their faces, etc.

It's pretty interesting!!
Hope you all enjoy!

I downloaded and "endured" a good part of this program, mainly to view the section with John Lear. He is loonier than ever in my opinion; I am going to strip that segment out and review it, as he is now claiming that he and Lazar were actually on the lakebed itself for their infamous "saucer viewing". In Lear's motorhome no less.

Small convoy comes barrelling at them? Right... if they hadn't climbed that hill with an obvious cameraman in tow, the second camo dude truck wouldn't have shown up, nor would they tried initimidation by driving down off their perch. All SOP - they did exactly the same thing when I showed up at the same spot on my dirtbike - then they followed me for the next hour, all the way back to the ET highway.

I have no clue what the short clip of two white vans was about - I think they just added that in for dramatic effect.
edit on 28-1-2012 by FosterVS because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 01:13 AM

Originally posted by Pimander
It says on my avatar what I am.

"Scientist" and "scholar".
Sounds like the credentials of someone else we know.
You got any proof to back it up, or did the UK government wipe yours out as well?
I like to call this the "The Dog Ate My Homework" defense.
edit on 28-1-2012 by FosterVS because: (no reason given)

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