I am attempting (for a second time), to post a story i have been working on for some time. I understand by posting, this becomes property of The Above
Network, but i want to share this story here with the other members, and any whom happens to come across. Please take the time to read and if you
would like, show support for or against. i thank you in advance.
This following is a series of chapters out of a short novel i have authored. I began writing this in July 2011.
this is the only link i can offer to another source that this is my work, and i am the author...
*if the link does not work, message me, and i will try and help to direct you to the origional cite.
Title: (work in progress) United Earth Union:2044
Author: Carl Thomas (Tommy) Lavoncher III
Authored: 06-12-2011
There is order when following chaos. The crimes of our fathers and their fathers have erased the America, founded in 1776, and made a new,
military-industrialized nation of slaves, whose ideals of freedom are manipulated by the new global governing body, United Earth Union. The world has
sense been divided into three central regions; the American Union, whose purpose is to serve as the enforcement arm of the UEU, the European Union,
whose purpose is to serve as the financial and policy making center, and the Asian Union, whose purpose is to educate and to pursue greater sciences.
The land masses known as Africa and Australia’s fate are much worse off. The majority of the African continent was devastated by UEU genocide, for
the ease in gaining sole monopoly on the gold, diamond, and agricultural market of the land. Australia was driven to the worst economic collapse the
world had scene, due to the Carbon Police. The taxes grew more and more expensive and strict. Then when the monetary unit of the time became
valueless, the continent starved off. It is said the continent became an exclusive resort, a vacation home if you will, for the leaders of the UEU.
When i was a child i can remember very little. While the memories are vague at best, the emotions, and feeling have stuck with me every sense. I
remember being in constant fear. Initially the fear was centered overseas. I seem to remember the masses of people being very angered by a constant
fighting overseas. I remember food and water being very scarce. My parents always were saying they could not find work, and could not afford to
purchase food, of shelter. The people were unhappy, and de-evolving. An educated nation, people who worked for a dream of freedom and prosperity
became an existence of the past. People were driven to a state of poverty and crime that caused extinction to the beliefs of human rights, and
treating each living being with respect. The world became that of an everyman for himself mentality and the individual grew to believe he is to take,
and to harm, with the justification of possession. There was no usable money. The wealth that did survive was located in the vaults of the UEU Reserve
System, but was accounted for in electronic credits, only accessible to RFID scans, which, of course, are only given to those permitted to have
children. Because of several acts of deception, an elite group of power hungry men came to form and control a global governing body, accountable to
no one.
Can one believe in destiny? For how can one be destined for anything when the UEU mandates his or her every move? Every motive and thought are
influenced and manipulated from the beginning of education. My education was different. I was taught by my father. [This was grossly illegal. there
were public service announcements almost daily to persuade children to turn in any parent who took it upon themselves to educate their children, in
place of the UEU. The UEU's educational branch, UEU Educational Think Tank, has deemed non-UEUETT academic curriculum a threat to global security and
is most always delt with by RENDERING. This is a term which implies an automatic cold case. no record, no witness, no clue or evidence, simply just
extinction. The idea of children learning from his or her parents is a notion of high treason. For in reality, if the children were taught to believe
and respect the family, and to love, follow, and look after the family, the UEU could have never gained the power it has, because the start of the end
came when, the family died. The death of the family not only lead to a further separation of wealth among the, then, three social class system, but
also lead to the separation of authority and survival from the family to the government. the individual was sacrificed for the good of the advancement
of the collectivist minded Elites.]My father was employed, early in life as an educator. I do not know at what level of academia, or even the school,
as most educational districts were regionalized and taken over by the UEUETT before i was born. My father was on the verge of prosecution for teaching
illegal material. i never met my mother. My mother had been arrested when i was very young for supporting a political candidate whom had ran on a
platform of ending a central bank, and stopping illegal wars. After the candidate was convicted of domestic terrorism, any of his supporters were
convicted without trial, and sentenced to a classified location, for an indefinite sentence. After my father had left teaching, he and I moved and
found refuge in the wilderness. I do not remember where i came from. Many years back, even before the global redistricting to three regions, the old
sovereign nations were consolidated into fewer, larger regions- replacing the previously existing states. i know it was in the mid west of the old
United States, but a map to the time of the States is neither available, nor aces sable to the public. It was in this new wilderness home; however,
that the real history of this land was taught to me, and the birth of the REVOLUTION began. For one must not forget, when just a few evil men hold all
of the power at the top, the human spirit, if awakened among the masses, shall always survive. A real change was coming.