Most of you would have heard about Admiral Byrd and Operation Highjump.
Part of the legend says that Byrd flew or was guided into a large cavernous
opening and entered the underworld.
I think many years ago I read hand written pages from his journal but I recall
that it was debunked.
Over the last few years or so two large cavernous openings have been discovered
in Antarctica. These are really big and some people say they are evidence to
hollow earth and Admiral Byrd's flight during Operation Highjump.
Pics and google map image links below
66°33’13.75″S, 99°50’24.84″E
66°36’14.70″S, 99°43’11.11″E
A couple of days ago I created this thread here
It is about strange things I have found in archive aerial photographs of Operation Highjump,
and is still something of a work in progress. I started this thread so the other does'nt get too
cluttered with photos and become confusing.
This next series of photos, like the other thread are authentic Operation Highjump photos
from the same database of the Australian Antarctic Data Centre
Film/Digital Series:M21-47
Run:2, which ranges from frame 67 to frame 144. Frame:78
Latitude:66.421° South 66° 25' 15.6" S
Longitude:98.033° East 98° 01' 58.8" E
Geographic Area:Bay Of Winds - Scott Gl.
Date:13-Feb-1947, known to Definite day, month and year
Average Height of Run:2950m
You will notice the coordinates are a close match to the google earth pics.
2,950 meters is an altitude of 9,678 feet.
So this enterance is huge, much larger than the two above
Could this region of Antarctica be hollow or honeycombed by linking cavern systems?
Are the old storys behind Admiral Byrd and his flight into the underworld true?
Maybe they are a series of ancient lava tubes?
What are your thoughts ATS, comments appreciated
edit on 22-1-2012 by LeLeu because: (no reason given)
edit on 22-1-2012 by
LeLeu because: (no reason given)