This has been something that I have realized my entire life, but I felt like sharing it with you all.
Have you notice how footwear affects your mood? I will start with a personal anecdote.
About a half a year ago, I bought a really awesome pair of shoes. They were totally my style and they matched me nicely. But after I while, I
realized that these shoes were slightly too small. Of course, this was a few weeks after I bought them and they were already dirty and such, so there
was no chance of returning them.
I notice that when I wear these shoes, I am a little more on edge, mostly because they are cutting of the circulation in my feet a tad. I can never
really feel completely comfortable and at ease while wearing them.
On the other hand, I have these amazingly comfortable pair of slippers. When I wear them, I feel much more relaxed and my feet feel very free and
comfortable. I am wearing them right now, and I feel much more comfortable than I did last night when I wore my shoes.
Last night, I saw a woman wearing these ridiculously high heel shoes. I could see her face grimacing as she hobbled around uncomfortably. I actually
went up and asked her "Why would you put yourself through that?" She said "I am breaking them in."
I thought it was rather silly.
I don't hate all shoes. In fact I have a pair of boots that I wear when I'm out trekking in nature. They are very comfortable and I don't mind
wearing them.
I think the message here is, we need to make sure our feet our happy, even if it means looking slightly less fashionable.
So to conclude this thread, does anyone else here find that your choice of footwear affects your mood and your being?
edit on 22-1-2012 by
SolarE-Souljah because: (no reason given)