posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 04:08 AM
While that info may be relevant, THE ILLUMINATI DON'T RECRUIT.
One is born into the Illuminati much in the same way one is born into a Royal family. They don't go about trying to draw people into volunteering to
become Dukes or Princes any more than entering the Illuminati.
The Illuminati are cross-bred intermingled bastard descendants of the Royal bloodlines, they are a hidden form of Stealth Royalty. There is debate
about what Blue Bloods represent in terms of their genetic makeup and allegations of their bloodline giving them an ability to shapeshift into
Reptilian form. This ability is reportedly only maintained when the genetic characteristics are transmitted generationally. There is controversy about
whether shapeshifting really happens. I only saw it once when I was in my early teens, in the person of my own father who fully shapeshifted. I
couldn't comprehend it and banished its memory as a waking dream. However I did draw what I saw at that time, and if one day I manage to find that
lost drawing, I will scan it and post it here. Now it however does make more sense why his parents were adamant in ending his "mismarriage" to a non
Illuminati. I had thought it was irrational prejudice, but it has more to do with maintaining a bloodline with certain "powers" and a generational
vocation to prepare the arrival of their Masters.