Firstly I must mention that the loud sound in the sky reports have taught me something about human nature and perhaps more specifically about
While I read these threads about the sounds in the sky with much interest and fascination, I simply could not make it a reality. While I am very open
minded, perhaps even gullible, I have learn to check out the facts before joining the convinced crowds (or minories).
However, as interesting as i found these occurences of the loud sky sounds, I could not really get my brain to take it in as anything more than
strange or unreal. There was this constant little voice saying: 'it is probablly something not so out of the ordinary.' It is a bit like people
talking about 'rospetorremeraal'. (A word my father made up and used when he teased us as children.) You don't have any understanding of it, it is not
in your life experience. It does not exist and your brain cannot make a picture of it.
Then, last night at 11:30 I was woken from sleep by the loudest noise I have ever heard. It sounded like it was rignt inside me! it was so loud. In
this sound I could hear a kind of propulsion, but very deep and extremely loud, like no aircraft we had ever heard of could ever make. It got louder
and louder. It was not just a propulsion. This beating sound was encased by another sounds which you might hear if you are standing inside the actual
machine of a massive fatory. That is the only way I can describe it but it is not even an accurate description.
I ran outside to check the sky, even thoug I was scared. It is frightening experiencing something that seems to dominate your entire world so
suddenly, without forewarning, when the brain has never experienced anything like it. There was nothing. Nada. No lights or anything unusual. WTF??
It lasted about 15 minutes and then slowly got softer and softer, and then disappeared. It sounded like it flew away. Like the sound got further and
further away.
This went of for a good 15 minutes. I could kick myself. That afternoon my daughter wanted to play on my blackberry, recording voice notes to BBM to
her sister. She had a ball and really made me smile.
But standing there, at 11:40, desperate to record the sound, I could kick myself for not asking her how to do it. She has now shown me, of course. Not
that I would have had the clarity of mind to work it out so quickly while just about wetting my undies!
So, South Africa has now joined the ranks of the sounds in the sky. Perhaps this is not the first time it has been heard in our neck of the woods, but
this is probably the first reported time here on ATS.
I would have posted this earlier, but my internet access ran out of data. I am normally frugal enough to see it through to the end of the month, but
as we have our summer break in December and January, my little princess helped me to finish it before payday. Anyway, I bought another gig this
afternoon just to share this on ATS. I could not possibly wait until the end of the month!
edit on 22-1-2012 by UnlimitedSky because: (no reason given)
edit on 22-1-2012 by UnlimitedSky because: (no reason
edit on 22-1-2012 by UnlimitedSky because: spelling spelling spelling! Pew! Not that this is now correct, just understandable.
I hope.