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Questions for the "I hate government" folks

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posted on Jan, 22 2012 @ 07:04 PM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

Every citizen of age is a member of the militia. Militias have the right to trained fighters. The reason we have to re-authorize the military every two years is because this nation was never meant to have a standing army. We ALL can be called up and ordered to serve in a time of emergency. If we had no standing army we would not be in the mess in Afghanistan right now. Women want equal rights, then they should be prepared to fight in any war. Equal means equal.

As to the wandering stuff, there is no constitutional authority for it. It is just so extremely frustrating trying to enjoy nature in this state (NC). You can't go to parks because they are all overcrowded and run down. You cannot have peace in the woods at all. You cannot fish because the lakes and rivers are either private property or so full of people the fish have been gone for years. Without a boat the lakes are useless. We have several rivers that have no public access. The few you can get to by bridges have "No Trespassing" signs for a mile past the bridges. It is a matter of being a human animal and bring so cut off from nature that one cannot enjoy it at all. I can't see how merely walking in the woods could be a crime nor can I understand how people can be so evil that they will not allow anyone to roam. I don't mean in people's back yards. Just land that is not being used. I would not make hunting, camping, digging, or anything else legal except for walking peacefully in the woods. I am Cherokee. I must be alone with nature at times and it is simply not possible here at all. That is a crime against God and man. Your "property rights" should not allow you to fence off and post very single acre of God's world. It is as wrong as murder because it kills me inside to never be allowed into nature.

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 08:16 AM
reply to post by Ookie

I understand that you want the freedoms that YOU want and don't care whether it has Constitutional authority or not. But you want to hold Congress to that standard. And I also understand that you don't support the rights and freedoms of property owners.

And that's the problem with the "Freedom Crowd" today. They preach about the freedoms they want, but don't give a good crap about freedoms they disagree with or that don't apply.

A TRUE freedom lover supports freedom for all, even those with whom they disagree. And I don't see much of that around here AT ALL. Most of the so-called freedom lovers here just want to be free to do what THEY want and to control others to behave accordingly. It's a selfishly motivated position. Not freedom at all.

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 12:48 PM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

There are more freedoms than those outlined in the constitution. The right to roam the woods has been a natural right as long as man has existed. It is silly and selfish to think one can just prevent people the right to roam because a piece of paper says so. Your right to control access only extends as far as the land you use. Your farm/garden. Your home and lawn is yours. But owning a thousand acres of land and thinking you can stop everyone in the world from walking through them is perverse and sickening. My family has been here for over 10,000 years. We walked the land thousands of years before the first city or country was ever created. Our right to be alone in the woods trumps anything you white devils can think of. Earth was made for everyone. Not just those with money. It is a crime against nature to block it all of just because you're selfish and inhuman.

edit on 23-1-2012 by Ookie because: fixed typing errors

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