reply to post by Futurcrat1
The elites in charge for 110+ years . . . some say 400 years . . .
have deliberately muddied the waters in a vast charade and shell game . . .
Have no doubt . . .
they have been engineering the
Biblically predicted global satanic tyrannical government spoken of in Revelation and other prophetic books of The Bible.
They are very close to springing it full force and overtly onto the world stage.
Individual freedoms have been shredded at an increasing pace.
The basic structure outlined in The Bible is essentially in place under the table and increasingly overtly on the world stage.
The stage is set for the chip ID/Mark of The Beast without which folks will not be able to buy or sell . . . just as predicted 2000 years ago.
The stage is set for a world dictator . . . satan incarnate . . . just as predicted 2000 years ago.
The stage is set for a world political system . . . just as predicted 2000 years ago.
The stage is set for and mostly essentially already has . . . a world economic system . . . about to come out with a global currency to replace the
shredded dollar . . . more or less as predicted 2000 years ago.
The labels and factions, components of all that have been muddied, changed occasionally, whitewashed, clouded, relabeled, etc. to avoid premature
awareness on the part of the brain numbed sheeple and thereby hinder the progress of such evils.
Nevertheless, the basic outline as written 2000 years ago is being followed faithfully. Satan is a rebel. However, he will still end up doing exactly
as God said he would.
And the ET's/fallen angels are playing their rolls as predicted in the Bible and the Book of Enoch, as well.