This is a great video, Here's why EVERY Ron Paul supporter needs to post this video (and other RP material, no matter how much ridicule they "fear"
from their friends).
The people who you connect with on your social networks most likely are not on ATS, and they need to know, THEY'RE
.... read on.Here's my mantra lately to others...
Elections are a unique moment in life. You get to be picky, subjective, judgmental and pick what you want because YOU want it...and you get to
do so in SECRET! People need to realize that voting is about who YOU think will do the best, and not about acing the test
I've always followed politics, I've voted in each of the 3 of the presidential elections since turning 18 in 2000...
2000 - Gore
2004 - Kerry
2008 - Obama
I am a registered Republican who grew up in a VERY "upper class" Republican part of NJ .... but only registered as such because my parents were and
that's simply how i was introduced to the political process, However, i have never considered myself a mainstream Republican by any means -- I'm most
definitely an independent and like many of you, i will be casting my 2012 vote for Ron Paul, regardless if he gets the GOP nod.
I've never been vocal about politics, I've never donated to a candidate prior to this year ... however, at his particular juncture in our nations'
history, i've decided to not care what other people may think and say regarding my public support Dr. Paul.
I'm upper middle class financially, as are the majority of my family and peers... however i find extreme ignorance in those who think that a Romney is
the right choice b/c "He looks like the right guy for the job", or "He's rich so he'll protect my wealth!", or embrace some other equally lazy
rationale. I have no problem calling people out on the fact they have not done their homework, and i do so with class, dignity and facts, all in
support of Dr. Paul.
The bottom line is, everyone i know who has done any sort of research aside from what they see on the MSM has changed their vote to RP.
I've posted this video to my Facebook and my Twitter... both with larger networks (1,000+ on each). I also have posted each of the 5 times i have
donated to the Ron Paul campaign. I have zero shame or fear in doing so. I'm not going to lose friends over my political views, i don't push them on
people, i just put them out there. There're always a few who ridicule me and bust my b***ls, but i really don't care. I know there is an network of
people who I'm friends with who support him in secret, and if they see me publicly advocating for him they may do the same
Bottom line, you have to realize this. At the end of the day, people who hate RP are going to hate him, but there are a whole lot more who are
planning on voting just because it's the "right thing to do" and they're going to vote for who they think will win... and those people are typically
sheep. Again, echoing my first paragraph...
Voting is about picking who YOU want to win, and not about voting for the guy who you think will win so you'll look like you "aced the
People, if you don't already do so... post these sort of things on your Facebook and Twitter. It's the butterfly effect in it's simplest form. You
don't know how many people you're friends with might actually share thesame views but are afraid to come out and say it. Encourage them to use their
voice. Let them know that we CAN put RP in office. Make them relaize...
edit on 1/21/2012 by AJ1123TKE because: (no reason given)
edit on 1/21/2012 by AJ1123TKE because: (no reason
edit on 1/21/2012 by AJ1123TKE because: (no reason given)