posted on Jan, 22 2012 @ 03:10 PM
If we could get rid of the ICBers, and transit into a long term sustainable economy, then we could all live on this planet.
Our current model, of concentrating populations into suburban sprawls, which basically makes us all cattle roped into a coral, is not sustainable.
The social structure serves only the ICBs, driving up housing prices, increasing need to travel long distances on a continuous basis, stripping
people of free time, and restricting the freedom of children, while driving down wage and salary competition, and pushing small businesses out of
A culture based around small towns with local manufacturing centers, producing and consuming most goods and services locally, where emphasis is on
quality, and quality of life, over competing in the rat race, would solve our problems.
Decentralize energy usage, everyone should have windmills for producing electric and pneumatic power, with bio fueled generators as back up. If
average homes were spread out on one acre plots, this would be very feasible. Electric/pneumatic hybrid cars are well withing our current tech, that
would use far less energy, could easily replace the extremely inefficient internal combustion engine, whose inefficiency and short life span only
serves the ICBs.
All we need to find is a way to overthrow the ICB overlords, and retake control of our country, our lives, and our liberty. Work less, spend more
time with our families.