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Could Spica possibly be Niburu?

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posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 03:41 PM
reply to post by Lee78

The problem is that your conclusion relies on two false premises. First is the fact that the Sumerians/Akkadians/Babylonians did not talk of a planet called Nibiru. The Sumerians did not use the word nibiru. The Akkadian used it to refer to a point of crossing, such as at a river. The Babylonians used it to refer to the point of the ecliptic. The term was also occasionally applied to the planet that was at the point of the ecliptic. Most examples we have of this involve Jupiter and Mercury. The second flaw is the claims regarding the "Hopi prophecy." In truth this prophecy does not at exist. At least not as a Hopi prophecy. So far not a single Hopi has come forward and claimed this prophecy as theirs. In fact a council of Hopi elders put out a press release where they specifically disavowed any prophecy that has a non-Hopi source. so to answer your question, no Spica could not possibly be nibiru.

posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 03:55 PM

Originally posted by Feltrick

Originally posted by Chamberf=6
reply to post by Feltrick

Heck, at least ELEnin was shown to be directly responsible for every earthquake in the world.

You mind giving a reputable and credible source for that?

Uh, I figured the line that followed the one above, "...because a smaller object can totally affect a much larger object...I mean, that's just science." Would convey the appropriate level of sarcasm. I guess it didn't.

At least you didn't say, "Pics or it didn't happen." Just joking...

You've been around here long enough to know many would eagerly gulp up what you said at face value, and many are uninformed enough to make such statements.

Glad it was sarcasm.

posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by Lee78

Nibiru ?? Eh i thought that was over lol. Seems its coming back i guess. Anywase. I doubt in the nibiru to begin with. So with that being said it pretty much throws out this whole thread. Good luck thow.

posted on Jan, 22 2012 @ 05:09 PM

Originally posted by Lee78
reply to post by nineix

Quite possibly. Look at google sky and select the infra red and you will see a blue horned star. Now this is not a doomsday thread before anyone else drops in to derail. I am merely trying to figure out exactly what certain civilizations were talking/warning or trying to show us.
As for the end of the world scenario....i believe it will happen but not literally. End of the world for the elites and as we know it.
Back on topic, i want to know/understand what it is they the ancients and also prophecies were trying to say. Thats all.

There must be something important that we are missing here or they simply wouldnt have bothered even mentioning it.

The Hopi name for the star Sirius is Blue Star Kachina.

your answer is NO according to everybody

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 09:36 PM
reply to post by Lee78

This thread is not me saying Spica is without doubt what the ancients called Niburu but simply asking is it possible that it just may be.

The ancients did not identify an unknown planet as Nibiru.

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 10:07 PM
reply to post by Feltrick

Uh, I figured the line that followed the one above, "...because a smaller object can totally affect a much larger object...I mean, that's just science." Would convey the appropriate level of sarcasm. I guess it didn't.

There is very little effect on an object when another passes. The Moon and Sun cause tides. The Moon may be associated with some low intensity and rare/uncommon quakes. The Sun is not correlated to quakes. The Moon slows the Earth's rotation causing the Moon to move away from the Earth.

These are the sorts of things that happen. That's hardly "totally affect".

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 10:13 PM
Well if this one isn't Nibru, the next one will be...

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 10:26 PM
Nibiru is a spook story meant to scare the crap out of people who crave or need it to function in every day life. Gotta keep "the fear" alive; otherwise, you might have to actually pay attention to things that actually exist in real time, like jobs, family, bills, etc. The celestial equivalent of Keyser Soze.

People peddling Nibiru have probably found a way for it to fatten their wallets. Like snake oil salesmen or fire 'n brimstoners from way back when.

Hopefully when 2012 is over, we'll have filtered out the more aggressive "Truthers" who've staked their reps on the Destroyer showing up this year, so when it passes without any destructive "Crossing," they'll go back to focussing on things that matter, like their kids' soccer teams or online gaming.

And that being said, Spica is totally racist. Totally.
edit on 23-1-2012 by ColAngus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 11:06 PM
reply to post by Lee78

Niburu is make the answer is no.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 11:50 PM
reply to post by Lee78

In the way that I interpreted the Nibiru story, it was a planet and not a star. In the 1960's the USSR supposedly discovered another planet - Planet X. There was a lot of searching by everyone that went on to locate it and sometime within that time frame up to 1980 somebody ran a story with a diagram showing what at that time was labelled as a brown dwarf at some huge distance from earth and a planet at a not so quite huge distance from earth - Planet X. It was in Popular Science or Scientific American. Then sometime in the early 1980's, the information about Planet X started to get twisted up. Back in the 60's supposedly it was not a cause for concern because it would be taking 50 years to get close enough to us to cause effects. It was also within that time frame that the popularity of searching for objects with infra-red manifested.

Spica, a star in Virgo, is near to the location where Elenin supposedly sailed. There was a lot of twisting and wierd information from the mainstream media and establishment authorities on that one too. That's why the discoveries that you have made about this are interesting and continue to interest me because there is no authority who is talking and everyone who is talking is not an authority.

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 07:17 AM
reply to post by luxordelphi

In the 1960's the USSR supposedly discovered another planet - Planet X.

Could you point out where you heard this? I'm not sure that I have heard that before.

The search for a planet X was based on a slightly wrong value for the mass of Neptune.

It was in Popular Science or Scientific American.

It was not in Scientific American. It was in a less well known encyclopedia that had an author or illustrator that did not know what they were talking about.

Then sometime in the early 1980's, the information about Planet X started to get twisted up.

No. The twist up would be later because in the 1980s there was a realization that planet X did not exist. The twist up comes when hoaxer begin to openly lie and misrepresent the information discovered in the 1980s.

In the last decade more infrared satellites and whole sky surveys show that there is a new class of objects which now includes Pluto and also shows that there is no new planet in the solar system with 320AU. Anything large out there must be very far away and stay very far away.

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 04:11 PM
reply to post by stereologist

Where did I hear that the Russians had discovered a planet in the 1960's? It was a visual of a news article in a video on YouTube.

Your reconfigured mass of Neptune statement has been trumped by moon orbital anomalies. Explanations may be 'legion' but so, apparently, are anomalies.

As far as the very early drawing of the brown dwarf and Planet X - I saw a visual of the magazine story in a video on YouTube. In that same story was the not to worry - it won't be here for 50 years statement. I guess in the 1960's, 50 years seemed like a long time.

As far as your statements on twist - was using the term twisting in the legal definition.

: the making of a misrepresentation by an insurance agent to cause a policyholder to surrender or lapse an insurance policy esp. for the purpose of replacing it with another policy

but definition #6 from this link suits as well:

to change the intended meaning of something slightly so that it means what you want it to mean

and as an example of how this plays out for us:

wherein someone asks the question, "What is your opinion on Nibiru/planet X?" and as part of an answer receives:

Also, as a side note, the search for Planet X was actually a search for a distant planet, which turned out to be Pluto. That was back in the 1960's.

Pluto was discovered in the 1930's and so a search for Planet X in the 1960's would not have been a search for Pluto. This is a very obvious example of twisting.

Twisting has actually taken on new life via the internet where an entire astronomical history can be rewritten in a fraction of a second. And an entire key word search can be sabotaged by the names of sports teams and restaurants.

And I completely disagree with your opinion of the current status of Planet X and the elusive brown dwarf.

The discussion in this thread was actually Spica and my interest in Spica stems from the location touted for Elenin in Virgo. It stems from visual sightings that I made at that time and the OP seems to have something to add. Do you, yourself, have anything in the way of visual observation of Spica to add?

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 04:18 PM

Originally posted by Feltrick
Hey, wait a second, hold on....I thought Comet ELEnin was NIBIRU! You know, Extinction Level Event NINe. An astronomer that doesn't really exist. Hopi prophecy. NASA coverup.

Maybe NIBIRU was just a story to explain a comet that passed by Earth long ago.

Nibiru? Really? I thought after we didn't die on a monthly basis in 2011, this had died down? Heck, at least ELEnin was shown to be directly responsible for every earthquake in the world...because a smaller object can totally affect a much larger object...I mean, that's just science.


So a smaller object can't have an affect on a much larger object? Guess the moon has no effect on earth at all?

I'd be careful posting with such arrogance and sarcasm if it's followed by ill-educated/moronic comments as that.

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 05:46 PM
reply to post by luxordelphi

Where did I hear that the Russians had discovered a planet in the 1960's? It was a visual of a news article in a video on YouTube.

Your reconfigured mass of Neptune statement has been trumped by moon orbital anomalies. Explanations may be 'legion' but so, apparently, are anomalies.

As far as the very early drawing of the brown dwarf and Planet X - I saw a visual of the magazine story in a video on YouTube. In that same story was the not to worry - it won't be here for 50 years statement. I guess in the 1960's, 50 years seemed like a long time.

So that is the source of these claims - YouTube. Not surprising in the least.
So basically all you have is junk from bad videos to go on.

Anomalies? I simply don't believe that there are any moon anomalies that indicate the presence of a new planet? Why? Because the solar system acts as if there is no missing mass. And that of course is relative tot he level of precision. If there is a new planet out there it is far enough away that our measurements are unable to detect its presence affecting the movement of the known planets.

Pluto was discovered in the 1930's and so a search for Planet X in the 1960's would not have been a search for Pluto. This is a very obvious example of twisting.

And that would be due to the fact that Pluto was too small to account for the perturbations.

And I completely disagree with your opinion of the current status of Planet X and the elusive brown dwarf.

You've made it abundantly clear that you rely on YouTube posters for your information instead of reliable sources. So your opinion is based on bad information.

Spice is too far away to be a planet in our solar system.

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 06:00 PM

Originally posted by luxordelphi

Your reconfigured mass of Neptune statement has been trumped by moon orbital anomalies. Explanations may be 'legion' but so, apparently, are anomalies.

Sweet Jesus, just because you think there are anomalies does not make it so.

We know you think the moon is upside down and the boat moon being observed in the Northern Hemisphere during winter is "evidence" of a heavy, mass object barging into the solar system, but that's purely YOUR opinion and nothing else.

And we all know what opinions are like. ( . )
edit on 30-1-2012 by ColAngus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 06:59 PM
reply to post by stereologist

I'm surprised to hear that you aren't a fan of YouTube. What got me hooked was the music. That and the many many many pictures of Planet X. Anyway...I don't think you understood. It was a screenshot of the actual article on the discovery of Planet X in the 1960's. And it was a screenshot within another video of the actual article showing the actual diagram from the 1960's. And here we've been led to believe that a brown dwarf is a new thing - they knew - back then and did nothing because the event horizon was 50 years away.

Your comments on the lack of anomalies in the solar system are just drivel so you get no response from me on that.

Spice is too far away to be a planet in our solar system.

On this one I'm assuming you mean Spica although Spice is a much cuter name. I guess that means you haven't done any actual observing of the sky lately. You're just going to go with what you're told by the establishment. I haven't found establishment explanations of the sky to be all that relevant lately. They seem to be looking at a different sky than mine. I think it would be kind of a neat trick, from the establishment viewpoint, to convince the public that they were looking at existing stars and planets even at the times when they were seeing something new.

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 07:07 PM

Originally posted by luxordelphi

On this one I'm assuming you mean Spica although Spice is a much cuter name. I guess that means you haven't done any actual observing of the sky lately. You're just going to go with what you're told by the establishment. I haven't found establishment explanations of the sky to be all that relevant lately. They seem to be looking at a different sky than mine. I think it would be kind of a neat trick, from the establishment viewpoint, to convince the public that they were looking at existing stars and planets even at the times when they were seeing something new.

Please...please stop dancing around it and just spit it out already. You keep using phrases such as "unfamiliar stars" and "anamolies" throughout your posts across various threads without getting to the crux of what it is you believe.

Are you saying that the stars visible now at night are not actually what we believe them to be? That they've been replaced with some other stars or planets? Where did the old ones go?

And you say these are from your observations. Is that based on you simply staring up? Using a telescope? Old sea captain charts? Are Stellarium and other applictions lying to us also?

Are you punking us? Where's the camera?

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 07:23 PM
reply to post by ColAngus

Well, this is a thread about Spica (or Spice) and the 'horned' appearance that the OP described. This is the winged description of myth and archeological sites. It's also the Chrysler emblem - the winged circle. So we of modern times continue this myth. I'm saying I have interest in what the OP saw located at or about Spica with 'horns.'

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 09:08 PM
reply to post by luxordelphi

Oh I understood. You saw something and were told what you were looking at and you bought it hook, line, and sinker. The idea of a brown dwarf is not that new although the term comes from the mid 70s. You should look up what event horizon means. It has nothing to do with a brown dwarf.

No planet X has been discovered - ever. A number of suggestions have been made and all have turned up nothing.

Your comments on the lack of anomalies in the solar system are just drivel so you get no response from me on that.

I never stated that. What is clear is that anomalies in the solar system do not suggest a new planet. That is what I am clearly stating.

The final paragraph was such drivel I will not comment on it.

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 09:10 PM
reply to post by luxordelphi

Spica is not horned and has never been horned. The horned appearance was in an old IR data set.

Isn't this a reference to a well known plate artifact?

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