posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 09:03 PM
On my expat site I
typically require an e-mail address as a way of verifying registration, the site sending you a link to complete the process
to verify you actually requested registration, and it also allows you a means to retrieve a new password. I use this to prevent spammers from opening
accounts and hitting the site with a bunch of adult material ads.
Sometimes I lift that requirement and you can give a phony e-address and not
have to tell me a thing, because as long as you're not spamming me I don't give a darn who or what you are.
I do have one forum, for the time being, a general information forum where an unregistered guest may post a reply, but not start a new thread.
Registered members can post to the wide selection of public area forums and also have access to a "Members" forum that the public and search bots
can't see, just for added privacy.
My web hosts permit most anything reasonably decent but absolutely forbid porn and obscene material, as do I. So, I have to have some safeguard in
place so I can lock you out if you violate that cardinal rule, though most anything else goes. I just have to be able to stop drive-by abusers. Heck,
if all those sites you want to post on require an e-mail address you can acquire one easily for just that purpose alone. That little requirement, an
e-mail addy, in most cases is not for the purpose of invading your privacy but for the site administrator to have a little protection and control over
their site.
edit on 20-1-2012 by Erongaricuaro because: (no reason given)