United Earth Union: 2044 (this title is a work in progress)
by Carl Thomas Lavoncher III
composed draft on 6-12-2011 10:06pm
can be found at
if the link doesnt work, log in to facebook...back up...if you dont have a facebook, make a facebook profile... then search for "Tommy Lavoncher,
Indianapolis, Indiana". my profile is public so just go to my "notes" section and Chapters 1-12 are posted. if you want though, you can still
friend me, message me, whatever you want.
*what is posted here and what is posted on facebook are initial drafts, not final copies. so either way it is not the final composition. there are a
few typos and spelling errors, so stick through it please (very minimal though). with out any more delay...
There is order when following chaos. The crimes of our fathers, and their fathers have erased the America, founded in 1776, and made a new,
military-industrialized nation of slaves, who's ideals of freedom are manipulated by the new global governing body, United Earth Union. The world has
sense been divided into three central regions; the American Union, whose purpose is to serve as the enforcement arm of the UEU, the European Union,
whose purpose is to serve as the financial and policy making center, and the Asian Union, who's purpose is to educate and to pursue greater sciences.
The land masses known as Africa and Australia's fate is much worse off. The majority of the African continent was devastated by UEU genocide, for
the ease in gaining sole monopoly on the gold, diamond, and agricultural market of the land. Australia was driven to the worst economic collapse the
world had scene, due to the Carbon Police. the taxes grew more and more expensive and strict. then when the monetary unit of the time became
valueless, the continent starved off. It is said the continent became an exclusive resort, a vacation home if you will, for the leaders of the UEU.
When i was a child i can remember very little. While the memories are vague at best, the emotions, and feeling have stuck with me ever sense. I
remember being in constant fear. Initially the fear was centered over seas. I seem to remember the masses of people being very angered by a constant
fighting overseas. I remember food and water being very scarce. My parents always were saying they could not find work, and could not afford to
purchase food, of shelter.The people were unhappy, and de-evolving. An educated nation, people who worked for a dream of freedom and prosperity became
an existence of the past.People were driven to a state of poverty and crime that caused an extinction to the beliefs of human rights, and treating
each living being with respect. The world became that of an every man for him self mentality, and the individual grew to believe he is to take, and to
harm, with the justification of possession. There was no usable money. the wealth that did survive was located in the vaults of the UEU Reserve
System, but was accounted for in electronic credits, only accessible to RFID scans, which, of course, are only given to those permitted to have
children. Because of several acts of deception, an elite group of power hungry men came to form and control a global governing body, accountable to
no one.