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posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 03:05 PM
i worked my way to 20 posts to be able to create a thread to share a book i have been working on. I login and the thread is gone? i have a message? your thread has been removed!!!! the message said i didnt cite sources and plagarized the material. I have the origional copies from JUNE 2011, and on MY facebook page (Tommy Lavoncher, Indianapolis, IN) i have a cyber date on MY material from the same time. I have sent repeated emails to the admin whom removed it but have received nothing back. This is stupid. I wanted to share great work, and its removed because i stole from myself? you cant do that admins. If its mine it is mine.

I am asking that anyone whom has a word of advice help me out here. All i want to do is share my work and hope it is enjoyed. Now im called a thief and have no communication back from the admins to get this corrected. So disrespectful. Admins, maybe when people register you ask them for a name? that way when they say ive been working on something for 8 months and is MINE, you dont go...hmmm, username is JAsay1LOVE...thats not Tommy. nope i really think not; lets remove it.....How about you allow me to post a thread that is in line with the website and in compliance with all of the terms and conditions.

This is my work. if not, then whos is it? i clearly remeber working on it and have all the outlines, brain storm note, drafts, final how is this not origionally MINE? please enlighten me

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 03:08 PM
reply to post by JAsay1LOVE

When did you alert admin about this situation? When was the last time you messaged them? If it all happened today, you are going to have to wait a bit, as they get inundated daily with messages and have to get through them. I know you are frustrated, and want to get what you worked so hard on back up, but they are just trying to protect a source or sources that they didn't know was you. When did you contact them?

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 03:10 PM
reply to post by JAsay1LOVE

Im sorry but thats sounds very confusing to me..
but I will try and help you, take a look at this

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 03:14 PM
reply to post by JAsay1LOVE
Uhhh...just a heads up, friend - but I would also strongly recommend against posting original work here that you want to retain rights to - according to the ATS terms & conditions, anything you post becomes property of The Above Network.

I'd definitely suggest against posting anything else unless you're giving up rights, as well as retaining clear records and files of what is yours...but you might have just signed that ownership away, regardless?

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 03:15 PM
today. i put it up mid day. had 1 reply...i stated i was born in 1989 and the reply said i was a 12 year old genious lol. i messaged him 4 times in about the past 1.5 hours. i know i need to be patient. its just really upsetting. i worked really hard, and from other websites and profs and peers, its an amazing piece of literature. i just want people to enjoy, and possibly learn something possitive from my efforts. i really hope this gets corrected, and i can continue to post my work

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by Praetorius

i only had posted the first two chapters. if they try and take that its published elsewhere so they would be stealing...actually stealing

i tried posting it here so people could view for free. money means nothing to me i dont care about profiting, i just want recognition for the work i have done

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 03:20 PM

Originally posted by JAsay1LOVE
today. i put it up mid day. had 1 reply...i stated i was born in 1989 and the reply said i was a 12 year old genious lol. i messaged him 4 times in about the past 1.5 hours. i know i need to be patient. its just really upsetting. i worked really hard, and from other websites and profs and peers, its an amazing piece of literature. i just want people to enjoy, and possibly learn something possitive from my efforts. i really hope this gets corrected, and i can continue to post my work

I absolutely understand that you are frustrated and want this resolved quickly, but patience is a must. Think about the number of members here and if just ten percent of those were messaging admin daily, that is hundreds of messages to get through. They will look at the situation, and they will do what they can to reach an agreement with you, even if it means you have to restructure, or whatever. If it means you cannot post it, that doesn't mean that you can't post other things.

Also, you messaged 4 times in a hour and half. That is serious overkill. They will respond. Give it time. Don't get involved in disparagement or other things in this new thread. Just be patient and you will get your answers.

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 03:21 PM
reply to post by JAsay1LOVE
Understood, but that was my point...under the terms and conditions, it wouldn't be stealing anything as you would have essentially gifted that intellectual property right to them, for at least those two chapters.

I'm not going to say something like that would actually happen, but under the site agreement, it's definitely a valid consideration. If you have your work posted anywhere else, I'd like to check it out, regardless.

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 03:23 PM
You've been SOPAed, call Anon.

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 03:26 PM

Originally posted by JAsay1LOVE
today. i put it up mid day. had 1 reply...i stated i was born in 1989 and the reply said i was a 12 year old genious lol.. i really hope this gets corrected, and i can continue to post my work

I blame the education system.
Hopefully they realize their mistake, and give you another reply soon.

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 03:29 PM
i'm interested to have a read mate, can you send it as a private message please?

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 03:30 PM
reply to post by JAsay1LOVE

Until all is settled, try a work-around.

Post the work and give credit to the author as requested (You). Also post the link to the source (Yours).

This way it's within the Terms and you get it out there until it's proven that's it's yours. If it's not yours, you are still within the T&C...All Good!

Just a thought.


posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 03:50 PM
Well, everyone interested in reading so far, is in this the first chapter. If we like it...we'll notify the MODS to let you re-post it all.

The member (Jude11) above my post gave you an excellent suggestion also.
edit on 20-1-2012 by Destinyone because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 04:00 PM
reply to post by JAsay1LOVE
For future reference:

Instead of directly messaging 1 Mod, it is better to submit an 'Alert.' There is an 'Alert' at the top left, and bottom left of every page(Same box as the Flags). There is also an 'Alert' in the little dropdown menu, located in the 'Mini Profile' to the left of every single post.

Basically, submitting something with the 'Alert', sends it to a location where any and/or all online Mods will be able to see it. (Or something like that anyways). It's a much more effective method of getting their attention.

As far as this particular issue, I agree with Praetorius.

The following is simply my own opinion, based on what I have read:
If this is something that you want to ensure that you maintain all of the rights to, then you may want to carefully read everything within the T&C's first. Once it is posted here, it's not really yours anymore. It belongs to TAN(The Above Network).

There are probably ways around that. I am just saying that you may want to research it a bit first, and make sure you go about it the proper way(IF this is something special to you).

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 05:30 PM
thank you everyone for the support and advice. it really is apreciated. the way i see it, regardless of whom TAKES rights to my work i have posted is secondary to me. The purpose in my work, and the purpose i have set out for my being is to spread knowledge. absolute knowledge is absolute advantage. with absolute advantage you have absolute victory. the victory will be the triumph of truth over supression. As long as this message is spread to just one soul i have served my purpose. when i leave for home, i wont be taking anything with me from this place. this is why profitting is of no concern to me. my only concern is the advancement of our collective being. give me a minute here to get settled in (just got back to my place), and i will post the first 2 chapters again. i will source, cite, refference, as much as i know how. shoot, i already posted them, so worst case, "they already have it" lol. i thank you again... and i know you will enjoy

coming soon:

United Earth Union: 2044
by Carl Thomas Lavoncher III
June 2011

Chapter 1: Prologue

Chapter 2: The History of the Land

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 05:33 PM

Originally posted by Trueman
You've been SOPAed, call Anon.

hahaha, agreed. never thought it would come from a place whos on the surface at least against the legislation lol

this isnt google is it?

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 05:47 PM
United Earth Union: 2044 (this title is a work in progress)

by Carl Thomas Lavoncher III

composed draft on 6-12-2011 10:06pm

can be found at!/note.php?note_id=10150211662754663

if the link doesnt work, log in to facebook...back up...if you dont have a facebook, make a facebook profile... then search for "Tommy Lavoncher, Indianapolis, Indiana". my profile is public so just go to my "notes" section and Chapters 1-12 are posted. if you want though, you can still friend me, message me, whatever you want.

*what is posted here and what is posted on facebook are initial drafts, not final copies. so either way it is not the final composition. there are a few typos and spelling errors, so stick through it please (very minimal though). with out any more delay...



There is order when following chaos. The crimes of our fathers, and their fathers have erased the America, founded in 1776, and made a new, military-industrialized nation of slaves, who's ideals of freedom are manipulated by the new global governing body, United Earth Union. The world has sense been divided into three central regions; the American Union, whose purpose is to serve as the enforcement arm of the UEU, the European Union, whose purpose is to serve as the financial and policy making center, and the Asian Union, who's purpose is to educate and to pursue greater sciences. The land masses known as Africa and Australia's fate is much worse off. The majority of the African continent was devastated by UEU genocide, for the ease in gaining sole monopoly on the gold, diamond, and agricultural market of the land. Australia was driven to the worst economic collapse the world had scene, due to the Carbon Police. the taxes grew more and more expensive and strict. then when the monetary unit of the time became valueless, the continent starved off. It is said the continent became an exclusive resort, a vacation home if you will, for the leaders of the UEU. When i was a child i can remember very little. While the memories are vague at best, the emotions, and feeling have stuck with me ever sense. I remember being in constant fear. Initially the fear was centered over seas. I seem to remember the masses of people being very angered by a constant fighting overseas. I remember food and water being very scarce. My parents always were saying they could not find work, and could not afford to purchase food, of shelter.The people were unhappy, and de-evolving. An educated nation, people who worked for a dream of freedom and prosperity became an existence of the past.People were driven to a state of poverty and crime that caused an extinction to the beliefs of human rights, and treating each living being with respect. The world became that of an every man for him self mentality, and the individual grew to believe he is to take, and to harm, with the justification of possession. There was no usable money. the wealth that did survive was located in the vaults of the UEU Reserve System, but was accounted for in electronic credits, only accessible to RFID scans, which, of course, are only given to those permitted to have children. Because of several acts of deception, an elite group of power hungry men came to form and control a global governing body, accountable to no one.

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 05:47 PM
continued from above...

Can one believe in destiny? For how can one be destined for anything when the UEU mandates his or her every move. Every motive, and thought are influenced and manipulated from the beginning of education. my education was different. i was taught by my father. [This was grossly illegal. there were public service announcements almost daily to persuade children to turn in any parent who took it upon themselves to educate their children, in place of the UEU. The UEU's educational branch, UEU Educational Think Tank, has deemed non-UEUETT academic curriculum a threat to global security and is most always delt with by RENDERING. This is a term which implies an automatic cold case. no record, no witness, no clue or evidence, simply just extinction. The idea of children learning from his or her parents is a notion of high treason. For in reality, if the children were taught to believe and respect the family, and to love, follow, and look after the family, the UEU could have never gained the power it has, because the start of the end came when, the family died. The death of the family not only lead to a further separation of wealth among the, then, three social class system, but also lead to the separation of authority and survival from the family to the government. the individual was sacrificed for the good of the advancement of the collectivist minded Elites.] My father was employed, early in life as an educator. I do not know at what level of academia, or even the school, as most educational districts were regionalized and taken over by the UEUETT before i was born. My father was on the verge of prosecution for teaching illegal material. i never met my mother. My mother had been arrested when i was very young for supporting a political candidate whom had ran on a platform of ending a central bank, and stopping illegal wars. After the candidate was convicted of domestic terrorism, any of his supporters were convicted without trial, and sentenced to a classified location, for an indefinite sentence. After my father had left teaching, he and I moved and found refuge in the wilderness. I do not remember where i came from. Many years back, even before the global redistricting to three regions, the old sovereign nations were consolidated into fewer, larger regions- replacing the previously existing states. i know it was in the mid west of the old United States, but a map to the time of the States is neither available, nor aces sable to the public. It was in this new wilderness home; however, that the real history of this land was taught to me, and the birth of the REVOLUTION began. For one must not forget, when just a few evil men hold all of the power at the top, the human spirit, if awakened among the masses, shall always survive. A real change was coming.

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 06:05 PM
reply to post by JAsay1LOVE

Well, we know gov always keep an eye on us here, I always wonder if those guys had already a "friendly" interview with the owner. Nothing personal, I think I am perfectly allowed to be a bit paranoic, since we are conspiracy ppl here.

I also wonder what was your work about, I don't see a mod here yet

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 06:10 PM
reply to post by jude11

oh!!....I see now. Jude gave the right clue.

OP, what happened here is this :

They read your thread, then they saw the same info in your facebook but they don't know you and the facebook guy are the same person, so they SOPAed you to protect the facebook "you" from the ATS "you".

edit on 20-1-2012 by Trueman because: (no reason given)

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