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Georgia Mom Arrested for Allowing 10-Year-Old to Get Tattoo

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posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 05:02 PM

Originally posted by getreadyalready
There is nothing about government regulation that is fair, I can guarantee that, so my solution is to get rid of it entirely. If we can't do the job right, and someone is going to suffer despite our best efforts, and our efforts often result in the wrong people suffering, then we should toss the whole thing and side on the side of Liberty!

No matter who we put in office or remove - - the result will always end up the same.

Problems have to be solved - - they will never be removed.

"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men, even when they exercise influence and not authority, still more when you superadd the tendency or the certainty of corruption by authority. There is no worse heresy than that the office sanctifies the holder of it."

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 05:02 PM
I personally think this is something the kid is gonna use to appear "hard" rather then just mourning his brother. a first and early step in thug-dom. and is it any surprise they all resemble lil wayne? who's own album cover shows a tatted up kid?

I don't agree with the parenting here.

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 05:04 PM
Regardless of what any of you people think it's NOT YOURS OR ANYONE Else's decision, and grow up people treating people like #ing babies till they are 18, we've regressed as a species, 1000 years ago this kid would had more tats and piecing and then been out of his on in a few years. stop regressing people, your sheep, forever sheep, waiting for the shepherd guide you around, make your own decision because its the only thing YOU have. NO Authority or government has the right to tell you what to do, they never have the right and they never will Americas too cocky and soon it will fall, but no worries there's plenty of wolfs waiting for the fence to go down, and it only take 1 to kull the herd.

BTW i support the mom and the kid, it's clear in the video even the damn cop is like idk it just illegal so i have to enforce it... #ing sheep.

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 05:07 PM
This is ridiculous. I'm not saying this stupid mom did the right thing - she did not. But if the government is going to go after her, they need to go after all of those fat cows who live vicariously through their three-year-olds by putting makeup on them and forcing them to perform in beauty pageants - AND the sick bastards who organize those pageants.

Which do you think is doing more damage to the kid? A tattoo, or being objectified before the age of reason? Seriously.

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 05:11 PM

Originally posted by getreadyalready
reply to post by Annee
This is supported and endorsed by the Medical Community, and through their lobbyists it is also supported by the state and federal legislators.

So, how is a tattoo worse than breast implants for an impressionable young person?

Lack of a tattoo in this society at age 10 has nothing to do with the pressure to be beautiful and accepted by peers. Most in this country know the day you turn 18 - - you can become a human "art board".

I'm helping raise an 11 year old girl in a beach area near Hollywood. Its brutal. Fortunately she has no worries in the look and body department.

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 05:12 PM

Originally posted by wingsfan
I personally think this is something the kid is gonna use to appear "hard" rather then just mourning his brother. a first and early step in thug-dom. and is it any surprise they all resemble lil wayne? who's own album cover shows a tatted up kid?

I don't agree with the parenting here.

That is certainly another consequence to consider.

How many other parents are going to have to deal with their 10 year olds wanting tattoos now, because their friend has one?

And, while I support the parent's right to allow this, I would also support the schools right to force the kid to wear long-sleeves to school! I have tattoos, and I have to keep them covered at work. If the school has a no tattoo policy, then I would support their right to enforce it.

Of course, no issue has 1 or 2 sides, there area always 1000 sides, and one decision always has 100 unintended consequences. Such is life.

The mother and 10 year old made their choice, and now everyone else has to make their choices.

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 05:21 PM
I think while children in some ways are growing way too fast-my 8 year old cousin knows more about sex than I did at 14-in some ways treating them as helpless infants is going to do them a disservice when TSHTF -and its not illegal for a parent to have a babies ears pierced for goodness sakes it shouldn't be illegal for a parent to give consent for that.

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 05:23 PM

Originally posted by sweetnlow
Georgia is a state full of Inbred's
So goes to figure

This forum is dedicated to denying ignorance and thats one of the most ignorant statements I have ever read on here, almost bordering on racism!!!

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 05:28 PM
Getting a tattoo at the age of 10 is a bit too young.Theres a reason why you have to reach a certain age to get one.

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 05:54 PM
If you have the low moral standing to subject your child to getting a tattoo by all means get him/her one. but when the law comes knocking don't cry about it on TV making out that she did not know it was illegal. I do agree with one poster that this boy has got it to make him self look hard. Bet he will be happy about it in 8 years time once he has grown and it looks like crap lol.

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 06:03 PM
Maybe all this comes down to how society feels about tattoos.

Is it society's place to make a judgement based on something that really harms none?
Is a small tattoo disfigurement or is it adornment?

I think the govt needs to stay out of it. If the child is not in any distress (he's not) and there's no long term harm (there's not) and it didn't break my bones or lift my wallet - why should I even CARE?

Because of control freaks that think they can raise other kids by using the govt. as a proxy?


Man we got em. They want to tell you what to eat, how much to weigh, what to plant in your front lawn, how to take out your trash... I'm really sick of them.

Say there was no law like this? NONE Ok?
So how many decent parents would go get tattoos put on their little kids?
A handful.
And if they were 'bad' tattoos - what would that say? "I had a sucky parent" heck that's giving me an early alert system. I'm all for it. Go tattoo your little hoodlums with gang signs. I'll know where to look for the gang members. Stay away from you.

And the kid.. The kid the kid the kid.
Enter middle aged white woman wringing her hands "but what about the children????"
Yeah, what about them? Tattoos can pretty much be covered up or removed these days or covered with clothes.

You can't hide hate and control freak neurosis.

ETA I am from Georgia and I don't have, or really like, tattoos.
But it's going to do more harm to that family & child for the govt. to arrest that mom than that tattoo ever did.
edit on 20-1-2012 by hadriana because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 06:07 PM

JK, that's why its called consent, if her lawyer is good she with be compensated.

Enough said, stupid and ignorant people, her rights have been taken.

S&F, this needs attention!!!!!
edit on 20-1-2012 by AK907ICECOLD because: last line

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 06:16 PM

Originally posted by hadriana
Maybe all this comes down to how society feels about tattoos.

Is it society's place to make a judgement based on something that really harms none?
Is a small tattoo disfigurement or is it adornment?

I love good tattoos. Even went to a tattoo convention.

Both my daughters have tattoos.

Not about any stigma with me.

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 06:19 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

Geez......well there's 75 of them here....

Since an infected tattoo could potentially kill you, you should not take any symptoms you have lightly. Even if you just have a "funny feeling" about it, you should check with your doctor to be on the safe side. You also want to make sure you are taking the proper precautions to prevent an infection in the first place. Your tattoo may take days or weeks to heal depending on its size, the care you take and any personal hereditary or health issues you may have. You need to keep the area clean and protected until it is properly healed. Using an antibiotic ointment can help keep bacteria out, but you don't want to wear it 24/7 because it won't let oxygen in either.


I believe this was what happened to my daughter...

Any open wound can get infected with staph bacteria, and that's basically what a tattoo is - an area of your skin covered with puncture wounds. That's the biggest reason why you have to take very good care of your tattoo, especially when it's healing. A tattoo anyplace where your clothing will rub on it (like hip, shoulder, foot, etc.) is more prone to infection.


Really I can't decided whose more stupid for allowing the 10 year old to get a tatoo the tatoo artist who should be fined or the Mother. Let me give the mother some future advise. If your kid comes home and wants to get high don't go out and buy him some weed they will lock you up for that too...

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 06:22 PM

Originally posted by AK907ICECOLD

JK, that's why its called consent, if her lawyer is good she with be compensated.

Enough said, stupid and ignorant people, her rights have been taken.

Her rights have not been taken.

If you want the right to tattoo a kid - - then get the law changed. Until then it is against the law.

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 06:34 PM
americais a circus soo you cant do a tatoo to kids but in the other side its recomended by the gov to put an RFID chip on your child.... wtf!!
edit on 20-1-2012 by xaruto666 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 06:37 PM
SourceYes it's sad that we have to make laws to prevent parents from tatooing their kids.

Please keep this in mind if your interested in getting tatoos....

There are many health risks of getting tattoos
this makes it important to minimize the danger of contracting a disease or infection. If a tattoo needle or ink is not sterile there is a risk of getting Hepatitis B or C, HIV, AIDS or some kind of infection. These health risks of getting tattoos are not to be taken lightly and in the worst case scenario they can even be fatal. Other health risks of getting tattoos include allergic reactions to the substances used in the equipment and inks.

A tattoo should be seen as any other wound that involves penetration of the skin, bleeding and scabbing. The health risks of getting tattoos are the same as those for other wounds and this also means that it is possible to end up with a severe and serious disease. The most common and contagious sicknesses that make up the health risks of getting tattoos are Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, HIV or AIDS and various infections. One way to reduce the risk of a contagious disease is to check on vaccinations and if necessary refresh the hepatitis and tetanus shots. Being vaccinated is one way of reducing the health risks of getting tattoos. Also make sure that the artist uses disposable gloves and needles, as well as fresh ink.

The health risks of getting tattoos are not limited to the dangers of non-sterile needles and inks. It just may be that you also have a medical condition or allergies that will be affected by the tattoo process. In case health risks of getting tattoos are posed due to certain medical conditions then it is recommended to seek the opinion of a doctor before doing anything. Allergies are different though and you need to know what materials you will come in contact with before starting the inking process. Common allergies that can become serious health risks of getting tattoos include those against cod liver oil, latex, nickel and mercury. Allergies do not have to cause health risks of getting tattoos so serious that you have to forget it, but instead you will have to use replacements and possibly avoid certain colors. Not only is your health at risk, but a serious reaction will also ruin the tattoo.

Especially inks contain metals like mercury and nickel that present health risk. In order to test for allergies before the tattoo gets inked, let the artist put a drop into your skin and then wait for a day. If no reaction occurs, then you don’t have to fear any health risks of getting tattoos. With other things like the after care creams you will just have to read the ingredients and if necessary look for a replacement before the tattoo is done.

I believe this is an opportunity to educate those that don't know how dangerous getting a tatoo can be.

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 06:50 PM
That list doesn't look exactly relevant to me.
I mean - yes, I acknowledge those are risk - BUT - most of those are risks associated with bad practice.
I could say look at the risks of going to a doctor! You could get HIV if there are dirty needles used! It's the practice. Of course no medical professional would USE dirty needles like that, but no tattoo artist should be doing it either, KWIM?

I could say there's a risk of getting HIV going barefoot IF I'm walking around with dirty needles on the ground.
I mean - other than normal infection risk of aftercare, almost every ONE of those 'risks' involves the practice of the art, not the art itself.

A lot of society thinks tatoos are dirty, nasty, jailhouse, ect.
I don't. I did know that my niece went to work with my husband, and one day (her first week) she wore a shirt that showed her tattoos. (Tigger and a butterfly, as I recall, cute ones.) Hubby overheard the office women talking smack about her having tattoos, and the next day she was laid off.

Georgia has a lot of those really uptight Southern Christian ladies that will smile and eat you up with sugar this, sugar that - but freaking poison you however they can in a heartbeat.

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 06:52 PM
reply to post by greeneyedleo

I agree 100% with you and the OP on't needs to stay out of our business. Especially in a case like this.
It's a memorial for christ sake and in this day and age with the tattoo removal tech we have out there...if he changes his mind later on in life (which I doubt seriously a loving brother would ever do) - it is an easy process.

Good grief am I getting sick of the gov't getting into every little aspect of our lives - for the so called intent of doing what is right for everyone...who died and made them judge, jury, law of the earth and ultimately a god? Oh..that;s just keep on lookin' the other way.

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 06:56 PM
This is what happens when families and children grow up with out fathers. Chuntera, I am very sorry for your loss, but Joaquin is not your friend, he is your son. If he asks for a memorial tattoo for his deceased brother you tell him no. Now forever (unless laser) he is going to look like Cher or an ex-convict, neither will be good for his future prospects. Chuntera, grow up, take charge and raise your child like there is some hope for his future! When he is of consenting age, 18 he can make these fateful decisions on his own without your misguidance.

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