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Georgia Mom Arrested for Allowing 10-Year-Old to Get Tattoo

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posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 04:55 AM
as a tattoo artist,i totally agree with the charges. HE IS 10!!! he is too young to make decisions like this on his own.
this is a form of child abuse. no joke.
what she gonna do for little johnny next,buy him a gun,let him borrow the car,get laid!!!
this is so stupid,and the 'artist' that worked on him should be arrested as well,have all his equipment taken from him,and banned from ever working as a tattoo artist again,by the law and the art community as a whole.
you seem to be upset the mother got arrested! i'm puzzled by this!
you would do the same for your 10 year old child? sorry,this is wrong,and i'm sure i'm not alone thinking this.
i have had 14 year old girls come for a tattoo with a note from mommy. i call mommy and they say 'ya,its ok',
then i have to explain THE LAW to them,then every body gets mad at me 'cause i won't do the work!
you have to be 16 with mommy or daddy present to get ink in most places,18 to go by yourself.(check your local laws) but a reputable shop will tell you this. this makes me thing the 'artist' is some dude that just comes to your house to scratch on your skin to make a few bucks for beer or dope.
trust me, i cover up these clowns crap all the time. perhaps it wouldn't hurt for the 10 year old boy to get tested for hepititis or hiv,or the other myriad of other blood diseases out there

posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 05:01 AM

Originally posted by lostviking
Record your child's name in the family bible and don't get a title (birth certificate) for your child. Problem solved.

Wait, what?

Explain this now!

posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 05:02 AM
as a side bar to my last comment, in every other culture,getting a tattoo is a rite of passage.
you just become a man,now you can go on your first hunt,or join your first war party,or what have you.
at the whopping age of 10,he doesn't even have pubic hair,never mind knowing what it is to be a man.

posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 05:12 AM
I might feel a little more sympathetic to the situation if I could not tell that she is a meth addict.

But, really, I can't see myself letting a child get a tattoo. I have a hard enough time thinking of letting my daughter get her ears pierced when she's like 10. Tattoo? Not a chance.
edit on 1/21/2012 by ottobot because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 06:06 AM

Originally posted by silo13
reply to post by facchino

Fact is, tattooing under 18 is illegal. Therefore she is the child's guardian,

No, she is not his 'guardian' she is the boy's MOTHER. So if she wants to chop off his penis end without his permission that is ok - making a life long decision for him in an area that is uniquely, wholly and intimately his choice? But she's not right in giving him peace over his brother's death with a tattoo? That's twisted. That's letting religion and society dictate the life of your child when it is YOUR right, and responsibility alone.

Too many people letting children make "adult" choices nowadays. The child should he told he can wait until he is 18 and make the choice himself as an adult.

Do you have any idea how many adults get tattoos and regret them later? Believe me - lol - age makes no difference on this one.

It's not like there prosecuting the mother for some pointless trivial law like allowing the son to sell orange juice wihout a permit (which happened recently I believe - that is a police officer not applying any common sense to a law) this is a reasonable law, being enforced.

But they are prosecuting her for something that is none of their business.

I personally think tattoos are ugly anyway, but if you like them then fair enough.

That says it all. Really. I'm not picking on you, but, that says it all. There is such an alive and ignorant bias towards 'tats' in the USA it borders on sickness. Especially in a place where mothers (so called) can dress their 3 year old babies up in 'street walker' clothes for a so called 'beauty pageant' and teach them to poll dance for a 'pageant' but THAT is acceptable. But allow a child get the name of his dead brother tattooed on his arm? THAT FILTHY NO GOOD MOTHER! Right?


Let's not forget. A tattoo can be erased in time - like many ADULTS know full well!

But all those videos out there of those little girls dressed up like and poll dancing like little whores? Those CD's and shows and copies of the events? They're out there in the hands of God only knows who! And all those poor little girls - who at a later time in their life may want the option to 'erase' those films? They don't have it - that option is no longer available to them! So let's not go all holier than thou over a tattoo that CAN BE easily erased.


edit on 21-1-2012 by silo13 because: bbc

The key point here is ADULTS GET tattoos - yes that's right an adult, someone deemed at an age of personal responsibility and still think it's a mistake. So why should a child who has so much learning and growing up to do get one, and what sort of parent thinks there morally right allowing it. This mother "could not say no" to him!?

**** HANG ON A MINUTE ***** this is what is wrong with a huge amount of kids today, parents no longer feeling they can simply tell their children what is right and wrong, what they can and cannot do. I have 2 daughters - Neither of them will be getting tattoos, or going to some sick "pole" dancing lessons -because it's simply wrong. No matter how cool these things may be, or how much nagging they may give - it isn't happening because as their father i have a duty to stop them doing things that are intended for adults. Same with drinking, drugs, etc. All of the above will be explained to them the reasoning why - but the end result is a big fat no.

Amazing - Where in my post did I say she is perfectly ok to chop off his penis, but not get a tattoo? Erm - that will be nowhere, so no idea where you are going with this.

They are not prosecuting for something that is none of their business - what the mother did was illegal, that is black and White. Not sure how you think the police have no right enforcing the laws. Same with assaulting a child (not talking smacking here) - is it the parents right and therefore none of their businesses?

As for the issue with me not liking Tats - irreelevant, the point is the law was broken.
I agree entirely with you on the absolutely disgraceful practice of letting very young girls "pole" dance and go to beauty pageants etc - just as disgraceful behaviour wise from a parent, and people both parents and makers of these events should be prosecuted for what I believe to be child abuse.

I suppose the thing is - are you saying it's wrong the mother was arrested for letting the tattoo happen despite it being an illegal act (so tha parents rights basically overide existing laws when their child is concerned).
that the law about children under 18 is plain wrong and needs repealing? So you would just allow children to be tattooed at any age?

edit on 21-1-2012 by facchino because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 06:14 AM
Definately 1-0 to the Law on this occassion. There's no excuse to allow your 10-year-old son to be tattooed, regardless of any sob story behind it.

I should think the Police will also be chasing down the tattooist too, and hope they loses his license...that is if they have one!?
edit on 21-1-2012 by Just Chris because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 06:16 AM
I've just watched the video and I can't believe the mother says "...he came up to me and said he wants a tattoo with Malika on it and rest in peace...What do I say to a child?".
Erm how about "No, wait until you're older".
What a considerate, thoughtful mother she seems to be.
Or rather let the kids do what they want so she can have a quiet life.

I challenge any parent on here with an ounce of responsibility to say they would let their offspring do the same at that age.

posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 06:40 AM

Originally posted by Pardon?
I've just watched the video and I can't believe the mother says "...he came up to me and said he wants a tattoo with Malika on it and rest in peace...What do I say to a child?".
Erm how about "No, wait until you're older".
What a considerate, thoughtful mother she seems to be.
Or rather let the kids do what they want so she can have a quiet life.

I challenge any parent on here with an ounce of responsibility to say they would let their offspring do the same at that age.

Just highlighted the pertinent point in your post - sums it up nicely.

No grasp of being told "no" and the struggle in later life when they come across it in school, work, general public.

posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 06:41 AM
reply to post by silo13

Your forgetting one thing. This kid is way to young to know that he really wants a tattoo that will be with him for a lifetime. He's young enough that as he ages the tattoo will fade and stretch and look bad before he's 25 years old.

Not a wise move, and the mother isn't too smart for this either. The kids freaking 10.

There is another thread in ATS about a lesbian couple giving the 10 year old kid illegal hormones to stop the onset of puberty because they have brainwashed the kid into believing he want to be a girl. They want the kid to get a sex change at 10 years old and Know that once puberty sets in the operation will be harder. Do you think that poor manipulated 10 year old kid really knows what he wants?

It's the same thing. 10 year olds are not old or wise enough to make life changing choices.

So perhaps this mother should not have been arrested for letting her kid do this but she should have to go to parenting classes and get a psyche evaluation before she is allowed to keep her son.

posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 07:09 AM
I think this is the first time I've wanted to abandon this site. I see a lot of weird stuff on here but the fact that people are actually supporting a 10 year old getting a permanent tattoo is odd as hell to me. He is 10......the things they want at 10 are not the same at a later date, say 15/20/30 etc. This parent let the child make a decision that will last forever. I think the nature of the tattoo is great, but damn what if he wanted to smoke a cigarette too, or whatever. There has to be boundaries for children to some extent. Whoever put the tattoo on should be held liable as well. It would be the same as a bar selling alcohol to someone who admitted they were under 21. And despite any morality issues aside....its the law....she broke it and was arrested. Most likely she will server no jail time...she will have to take some kind of parenting class, and maybe pay a stop whining about her being arrested...being arrested means practically nothing these days...people plea out and get probation all the time. She broke the law....and made a bad decision for her son. Parents are there to guide their children.

It is almost to the point where I feel like some of the people on here are as bad as the people we are on here to gripe about. I have no hope for society...

posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 07:21 AM
reply to post by JohnPhoenix

Your forgetting one thing. This kid is way to young to know that he really wants a tattoo that will be with him for a lifetime. He's young enough that as he ages the tattoo will fade and stretch and look bad before he's 25 years old.

I'm forgetting nothing. He can have it removed - easily - or - redone - even easier. Been there done that with a tat I've had for over 25 years.

There is another thread in ATS about a lesbian couple giving the 10 year old kid illegal hormones to stop the onset of puberty because they have brainwashed the kid into believing he want to be a girl. They want the kid to get a sex change at 10 years old and Know that once puberty sets in the operation will be harder. Do you think that poor manipulated 10 year old kid really knows what he wants?

I have no idea any of the details - but - with the little you've provided I'd say no, the 'parents' are out of line. Yet, in my mind this is comparing apples to oranges.

It's the same thing. 10 year olds are not old or wise enough to make life changing choices.

Regardless of how 'life changing' people believe tattoos to be, they are not.

So perhaps this mother should not have been arrested for letting her kid do this but she should have to go to parenting classes and get a psyche evaluation before she is allowed to keep her son.

'Allowed' to keep her son - over a tattoo. That's not only scary it's horrific. My gawd Big Sis/Big Brother has truly won.

edit on 21-1-2012 by silo13 because: Baaaaaaa - Baaaaaaaaaaa!

posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 07:25 AM
I agree that Parents have the say, not the fascist government. Its none of my business if this kid grows up to regret this tattoo. And I don't care if it was a tattoo of a skull with fire, It has absolutely no effect on our lives. People just have to know if they would do it for their child or not. And I would not, if that matters at all. But saying bad parenting is foolish. We should live our lives and forget what the so called society thinks.

For me its simple, this is all about those who think their opinion counts for something. Keep your big, fat, stupid noses out of other peoples lives. Have all the stupid opinions you want, I could not care any less about most, BUT try and force your stupid, fascist, holier then thou opinion on me and I will kill you. Now that is the American way. And for those morons who say stuff like, if you don't like America, then leave. Forget that, how about we stay and fight for our freedom and liberty. ya thats the ticket. Individual liberty and freedom people. Its simple, be a slave or don't be a slave.

Our country is turning in to a bunch of spineless, fascist, parasites. And that is my worthless opinion that has no effect on your personal lives. I will not have you arrested for not sharing my opinion.

posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 07:47 AM
You may question the mother's decision to let her son get the tattoo but you cannot question the fact that it was her decision to make.

In my opinion, the government does not have the authority to override a parent's decision concerning their own child. Government regulating diet, etc... is in this category as well.

posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 07:53 AM
reply to post by silo13

But a Mother who lovingly and thoughtfully and with peace and pride in her heat allows her own son to get a tattoo of his DEAD brother's on his arm and she's arrested?

I think we have to take this into the context of the long term meaning. First and foremost, tattoos are forever. Even if you later decide to have one removed, there is scarring so, to have a minor tattooed is not the smartest thing. You're basically marking that child for life.

Secondly, there is the social implications. Right or wrongly, society looks down upon tattoos and those who sport them. Understanding that judging someone who is tattooed as being cheapened, is the same as judging a book by its cover, the fact remains that tattoos often lead to unfortunate repercussions when it comes to employment and other forms of life's routine.

So again, whether this social stigma is right or wrong is not the issue here. The fact is that it does exist.

In the end, what you or I personally think about a mother who would allow a child to be permanently marked is really irrelevant. What is important is the long term impact for the child in question... and whether the court system has any place intruding into their lives over this issue.

posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 07:53 AM
Good! Children have been taken from their parents for naming them “Hitler” but nobody took Frank Zappa’s kids for naming them “Moon Unit” or others like “Apple” etc… When people get feed up enough of government coming into their lives and telling them how to live than things will change and not before!

posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 08:00 AM
This lady should of known
better then to let her son
get a needle took to him and inked up.
I feel terrible the kids brother died.
no matter what the cause is
for though she should of
never of let him get the tattoo.
The kid is 10. I think it is a stupid
move in this day and age.

Now should this moron be arrested
and charged and a big freaking deal
like this made about it?
No not at all..

posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 08:19 AM

Originally posted by Believer101
reply to post by insanedr4gon

She. Broke. The. Law.
That's why she was arrested.
Not because the "evil government is out to take away parental rights" or anything like that.
She. Broke. The. Law.
She's paying the price for it.
Laws are in place for a reason.

No offense, but WOW!, that is the craziest post I have ever seen.
It sure looks like you are onboard with the control freak, scumbag, back shooting, tyrannical direction America is going.
Good luck with that. Sure, laws are in place for a reason, that is revenue collection, and that is it. 99.9% of the laws are just for that, "revenue collection". So yes she will pay a price, and it's only money they want. If you really think the U.S. government, or any government cares a spit about the wellbeing of our children, thats delusional. Unless your post was just sarcastic, then that is different.

The OP is right, the chicken neck, control freaks need to stay the heck out of our lives. Let this family worry if they regret the tattoo or not. Even a state can't overrule our Constitutional Rights. No laws, No legislation, No ordinances, none. Fight for your freedom or lose it. I know where I stand. And I see where a lot of people will just bend over and take it. There are millions of freedom fighters here in America and we will still try to help when they come for you and yours. Even though it will most likely leave a bad taste doing it. But first we will have to help the freedom lovers, then we will get around to helping the benders, at some point. I'm not attacking you personally, just the position in general.

I respect that you have an opinion and are not scared to post it. Piece.

posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 08:38 AM

Originally posted by silo13

Regardless of how 'life changing' people believe tattoos to be, they are not.

So perhaps this mother should not have been arrested for letting her kid do this but she should have to go to parenting classes and get a psyche evaluation before she is allowed to keep her son.

'Allowed' to keep her son - over a tattoo. That's not only scary it's horrific. My gawd Big Sis/Big Brother has truly won.

edit on 21-1-2012 by silo13 because: Baaaaaaa - Baaaaaaaaaaa!

I have one too. I know how people and society look toward people with tattoos. It's not all a bed of roses. Perhaps you refuse to see that because you don't want to?

I wasn't suggesting the state take the kid, just that the mother get checked out good before they let her resume normal family life. A mother letting a 10 year old do such a thing is not normal. I'd like to know what she was thinking. That's just it - she wasn't thinking. I'd want to ensure the mother has the correct parenting skills so she won't make the same mistake twice. Nothing big brother about that.

posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 09:04 AM

Originally posted by groingrinder
I agree with the law on this one. We don't need kids running around with tattoos.
edit on 1-20-2012 by groingrinder because: Edited for new data.

riiiiight.. we just need them running around with guns.

posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 09:07 AM

Originally posted by clypso
haha thats wild! I cant believe it. Im sorry but you just do not let your 10 year old child get any tattoos hes not even at a mature enough age yet to even know what he really wants. Just imagine when hes 30 years old and has a spider man tattoo on his side lol. Hes gunna be pist off at his mother. Now if it was some religious beliefs and thats what they do then i could understand but this is just wrong lol.

Would you force your beliefs on another human being?
So you might have meant to write, "I am sorry but I just do not let my 10 year old get a tattoo, my child is not at a mature enough age....yada yadda yadda.

You sound like you are telling people what to do and not what you do. There is a difference.

Who cares what happens when this kid is 30. Not any of us, I guarantee it. And religious beliefs are irrelevant, they don't get a pass that an Atheist doesn’t. Individual liberty means it matters not what group one thinks they belong to. Here in, what was once known as, the great American melting pot, you are free to live as you see fit, unless it infringes on another persons freedoms. The only thing wrong here is others forcing their warped since of decency on others.

Crimes against the people? No laws enforced. Break an unconstitutional law? The hammer falls on you. Interesting that.

Hey, why do they now what to give vaccinations to kids at government controlled schools without parental consent or even informing them, yet you need a permission slip to go on a field trip? Its like living in the frigging twilight zone.

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