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Life Spotted on Venus - Russian Scientist

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posted on Jan, 22 2012 @ 08:35 AM
reply to post by zorgon

I think we're all counting on you for more answers now!

Go Pressure, Go!

posted on Jan, 22 2012 @ 09:49 AM
i bet so much is hidden in regards to aliens from every government, its so obvious why would people claim unless they are losing it but, everyone is right in the own way

posted on Jan, 22 2012 @ 10:17 AM
The orange color seems to be caused by sunlight filtering through the thick atmosphere.

James Head of Brown University did a color correction where the color bar on the right looks more like you would see on Earth:

There is a high resolution version available here:

Still no signs of any critters, but there are many loose, small basaltic rocks around the probe.


posted on Jan, 22 2012 @ 10:43 AM

Originally posted by Cassius666
Average temperature is well above 1500 Fahrenheit. Whatever would live there cant be carbon based. Atmosphere is primarily Co2. Our hypothetical scorpion would have to resist high temperatures and breathe the way trees breathe.

I challenge that statement, the picture from venus does not show objects at 1500 degrees.

posted on Jan, 22 2012 @ 11:52 AM
I'm not sure if this has been discussed (I went through almost the whole thread) but I noticed that one or two people have stated that there was no wind on the surface (and I, in my amateur opinion, would agree because there's no dust in the air) and yet the object, at a glance (I had only enough interest and motivation to take a single look at the photos in question), appears to have clearly moved. Why the descrepancy?
edit on 22-1-2012 by questionaskerman because: failure to proofread.

edit on 22-1-2012 by questionaskerman because: failure to give a damn

posted on Jan, 22 2012 @ 01:07 PM
reply to post by JimOberg

Just like there were no moon walks, there are no planets.

There are stars, a sun, and a moon. That's it. No planets. Go look at NASA's own photos of "planets." Only a willful fool would believe those are real. You are deceived.

Rev 12:9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

NASA had and has only one purpose: to convince the world that space travel and "aliens" are possible. The current deception (which 99% of sheeple have already fallen for) will pale in comparison to the coming deceptions....which should just about lock up everyone else (the sadly lost sheeple on this thread).
edit on 1/22/2012 by DissentFromDayOne because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 22 2012 @ 01:19 PM
reply to post by DissentFromDayOne

post by DissentFromDayOne
There are stars, a sun, and a moon. That's it. No planets. Go look at NASA's own photos of "planets." Only a willful fool would believe those are real. You are deceived.

And you are delusional

Are you seriously trying to say that there are no planets , they're an invention by NASA ....Really ?
How do you explain the thousands of backyard astronomers taking pictures of Venus , Mars and the rest , are they in on it too

posted on Jan, 22 2012 @ 01:32 PM
reply to post by DissentFromDayOne

Way to be a man of your time Dissent. You can buy a $500 telescope and look at the features of a few different planets with your own eyes (unless maybe the Federal Government is controlling all the telescopes sold and is manipulating them based on wherever in the infinite sky the aspiring astronomer might be looking? or maybe the Federal Government is just tapping directly into our brains and making us think what they want us to think and therefore we think we hate them?)

posted on Jan, 22 2012 @ 02:02 PM
Has anyone been able to track down any research or studies published by Leonid Ksanfomaliti yet? I still haven't been able to find anything other than 1) this, 2) his claim that the Nazca lines were created by high powered lasers, and 3) his claim that the solar system was arranged as it is by extraterrestrial in order to permit us to evolve here on Earth.

Has anyone yet been able to locate a press release directly from Space Research Institute of Russia’s Academy of Sciences on this supposed discovery? As near as I can tell, their last news was from last year.

December 19, 2011. Academician Dr. Rashid Sunyaev is awarded 2012 Benjamin Franklin Medal in Physics.

July 18, 2011. Russian astrophysical observatory "Spectr-R" was succesfully inserted into the target orbit. The spaceraft separated from the "Fregat-SB" upper stage at 10.06 a.m. Moscow time. The satellite was placed into an elliptic orbit. The space rocket "Zenit-M" with the "Fregat-SB" upper stage and "Spectr-R" spaceraft was launched from The Baikonur Cosmodrome on July 18 at 6.31 a.m. Moscow time.

I can't find anything from them about this supposed discovery.
edit on 1/22/2012 by AceWombat04 because: Added link

posted on Jan, 22 2012 @ 02:58 PM
reply to post by AceWombat04

Nothing either. I questioned wether this was just a big elaborate hoax. But this came from JO, so knowing a little of his background, I guessed this was 'talk of the town' in his particular field, and he doesn't usually post stuff without there being a pretty solid base.

I can't really find much on the Astronomer's background either, but he does sound a little cooky. But on the other hand, he's well educated, and has done some really fantastic stuff, particularly with these Lander's.

Still no sign of the proper pictures, and still no feedback from what the Russian press are reporting on this story now.

We could really do with someone fluent in Russian to come forward, and relay to us the latest developments. What I find most odd, is this should be huge news, but nothing in mainstream press. Even in Russia, this news seem's to have dried up. What is going on? Press been silenced?

I'm very frustrated by this.
edit on 22-1-2012 by AmatuerSkyWatcher because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 22 2012 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by AceWombat04

post by AceWombat04
Has anyone been able to track down any research or studies published by Leonid Ksanfomaliti yet?

I've found an article written by Leonid Ksanfomaliti in 1977 and published in The New Scientist .
He is writing about the Veneras 9 and 10 Missions .

And in case it hasn't been cleared up they used parachutes 7eIsfI2ZRhgjt8khlVc&hl=en&sa=X&ei=I3ocT_TPEMySOu6IhawL&ved=0CEcQ6AEwBjgo#v=onepage&q=scientific%20papers%20Leonid%20Ksanfomaliti&f=false
edit on 22-1-2012 by gortex because: Edit to add

posted on Jan, 22 2012 @ 05:47 PM

Originally posted by smurfy
It's funny how you never see some kind of attempt at colour rendering with the Venus pictures. Okay everything got baked and was in flux as it baked, but there are visible the artifacts lying around from the lander in high contrast, of which the orginal colour would be known, the lander itself, and its known colours??

Well just like the Mars images... the space craft carried a color chart

So when you see it look like this on Mars... you can be pretty sure the color is not right

Afterall that is why they sent the darn thing in the first place

So here is the one on the Venera

edit on 22-1-2012 by zorgon because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 22 2012 @ 05:55 PM

Originally posted by AmatuerSkyWatcher
We could really do with someone fluent in Russian to come forward, and relay to us the latest developments. What I find most odd, is this should be huge news, but nothing in mainstream press. Even in Russia, this news seem's to have dried up. What is going on? Press been silenced?

Well a few days back two American Scientists working for/with NASA/LROC team at Arizona State University made a public statement that we should be looking for Alien Artifacts in photos of the Moon...

We should scour the moon for ancient traces of aliens, say scientists

Should have been a pretty HOT topic considering they have all the high res LRO images at ASU... but the thread barely made a whimper here... and when I wrote the scientist offering to help... I was politely told that they have decides to let SETI handle it And we all know how useful SETI has been lately...

I do have a contact in Russia but this is still the weekend and I don't expect anyone in the office there till tomorrow... and my friend I can only reach via email and have to wait till he gets the message

There are other Russians on ATS but they may not be looking or interested in this thread.
What ATS needs is a paging system

posted on Jan, 22 2012 @ 07:17 PM
reply to post by zorgon

Only too true!

Something, somewhere, made this guy come out and say the things he did. Not just some average Joe, but a 1st class Russian astronomer, regardless of his personal views.

The statements he made were pretty much as straight forward, as someone in his position could give. So why the silence now?

Something is fishy with this whole thing. Some things are just not adding up. Why aren't the mainstream media even mentioning this, even to only discredit the guy (like we have seen many times in the past)? Why has the story litterally died a death in Russia? Why aren't the various institutes in Russia coming out and either, backing or discrediting this story? Where are the real pictures? Where did that picture of the translucent slug (for want of a better discription) emerge from?

This whole story is beginning to stink, and I'm beginning to wonder wether there might be a political motivation behind it. I'm beginning to wonder wether Russia, with all it's issues with the west of late, have issued this story as a kind of threat to spill the beans on something if things keep going awry for them in the political sphere.

I might be over thinking it, but the response has been most unusual, and it doesn't follow suit in what we come to expect from similar stories regarding this subject matter in the past.

I hope we get some answers, although I highly doubt it now (I think that window has come and gone), because as it stands, this story is just damn right odd.
edit on 22-1-2012 by AmatuerSkyWatcher because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 22 2012 @ 07:31 PM
reply to post by zorgon

Well....your Mars Rover color chart example is but one of many, and actually the point of having that thing is precisely to provide the proper references.

But, many images will be published uncorrected, which is what has led to the diverse claims that NASA "hides" true colors. This has arisen because people (A) don't evaluate each photo source thoroughly, and (B) others prod the gullible with the assertions of "NASA constantly fakes it", and thus the cycle of misunderstanding and misconstruing continues.

SO, with that Venera photo example, it is likely just one image, and not color-corrected. Maybe your source from Russia will have goodies that show the photos in proper color.

posted on Jan, 22 2012 @ 08:13 PM
Just saw this is being reported on Yahoo's main page.

Leonid Ksanfomaliti, an astronomer based at the Space Research Institute of Russia’s Academy of Sciences, analyzed photographs taken by a Russian landing probe during a 1982 during a mission to explore the heavily acid-clouded planet.

But in his article, published in the magazine Solar System Research, Ksanfomaliti says the Russian photographs depict objects resembling a “disk,” a “black flap” and a “scorpion.”

posted on Jan, 22 2012 @ 08:34 PM
so is there wind on venus? could that explain the alleged "movement"?

posted on Jan, 22 2012 @ 08:44 PM
FWIW It looks like the Drudge Report has posted this information on its page.

Russian scientist claims signs of life spotted on Venus:

posted on Jan, 22 2012 @ 09:08 PM
reply to post by JimOberg

I've always believed that there was both life on Venus and Mars.

When I was in college we were studying biology. Once I understood that anywhere there was water, there generally had to be life.
Common sense dictated that if Mars once had oceans than, underground, just like here on our planet, there would be huge amounts of water. Therefore, there would be life.
I made the deduction that NASA was feeding the world lies about our universe.

Similar with Venus, when I seen how NASA reported the conditions so harsh there, I figure that they went so far overboard it made it ridicules.
I once viewed John Lear giving a lecture in a documentary and he also stated the same thing.

Venus is my mind is a happening planet.

Why we don't get radio signals from Venus, my guess is because alien technology is possibly blocking it from reaching us on the surface of this planet.

I tend to be of the same opinion of things as John Lear.

One thing I wish though is that this internet site, above top secrete had a better layout. Presently there are so many different message boards, that each is totally isolated from the other.
Would be nice if we cold see a common message board where every time we refreshed the page it would show the various posts across all topics.

posted on Jan, 22 2012 @ 10:04 PM
reply to post by gortex

Thank-you! Okay, so we at least know Newscientist found him credible enough to publish a synopsis of that mission back then.

Can anyone - anywhere - find any mention of any scholarly papers he's authored or research he's done that's not quite so "fantastical?" Or evidence that he does in fact work for that agency currently?

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