I have come to this conclusion slowly over the last few months. I have been watching and perceiving the different straw polls, caucus results, and
poll after poll on the GOP contenders. All of this has led me to the one very definite belief:
Mitt Romney is NOT number one. He is nowhere near number one, but has instead been paying off the various mainstream pollsters that have been
listing him as number one.
Think about it, have you ever seen a small poll that showed Mitt Romney at number one? No.
Every small, localized poll, from Above Top Secret, to CNN, to Fox News, shows Ron Paul at the number one or number two position, with Mitt
Romney sometimes not even making the top tier.
My second proof of this is that we are always hearing the vague admittance of this in the MSM. Things like, "Republican Leaders Still Seem Torn
About Romney" (1), or that they're not that excited about Mitt Romney (2). So who is? My answer is NO ONE. Not Democrats, not independents, and
not, for the most part Republicans, who see him as he is; an enigmatic, 1%'er pretending to be "Joe Average."
Besides finding out what Mitt believes based only on his responses to curveballs thrown at his record, what does Mitt think? What does he stand
I say, he paid top dollar for his number one position, and as the number one, he is making a campaign out his responses to attacks aimed to
topple him off his "top of the pile."
I remember Ron Paul winning all of the straw polls (except the one that Michelle Bachmann "won"). I even saw this, and it just validated my
Also, this, and watch Mitt Romney's numbers (I don't have a comment on the man's vocalized anger):
And what about Karl Rove, claiming that after losing a couple of trucks of ballots that SHOULDN'T HAVE GONE ANYWHERE IN THE FIRST PLACE, that it
was a gentlemen's agreement between Santorum's people and Romney's people, that Romney won, Santorum got second.
Here's that link:
What is the age demographic in Story County?
Oh, and for good measure, here's a poll that shows Mitt Romney at #1:
Remember, my friends, two things for the future:
1) Mitt Romney pays for his top tier position in polls. This
creates the illusion that he's number one,
creating this (when it hasn't
been rigged).
2) Ron Paul is the actual choice for number one among Republicans, independents, and those (myself included) disillusioned Democratic voters who
won't ever throw a vote at "Mr. Indefinite Detention" again.
P.S. See how this plays out in Virginia during "Super Tuesday", March 6th, the Virginia Primary which will be a two man race, Romney vs. Paul.
Can you find more examples of big corporate polls showing Romney at number one? Or, conversely, can you find small, localized polls showing Ron Paul
at number one?
www.gazettenet.com...edit on 20-1-2012 by franklin555 because: Proofed, and
added more.