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Biggest Conspiracy Of 2012 GOP Primaries: Mitt Romney, billionaire, paying for top tier position!

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posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 04:08 AM
I have come to this conclusion slowly over the last few months. I have been watching and perceiving the different straw polls, caucus results, and poll after poll on the GOP contenders. All of this has led me to the one very definite belief:

Mitt Romney is NOT number one. He is nowhere near number one, but has instead been paying off the various mainstream pollsters that have been listing him as number one.

Think about it, have you ever seen a small poll that showed Mitt Romney at number one? No.

Every small, localized poll, from Above Top Secret, to CNN, to Fox News, shows Ron Paul at the number one or number two position, with Mitt Romney sometimes not even making the top tier.

My second proof of this is that we are always hearing the vague admittance of this in the MSM. Things like, "Republican Leaders Still Seem Torn About Romney" (1), or that they're not that excited about Mitt Romney (2). So who is? My answer is NO ONE. Not Democrats, not independents, and not, for the most part Republicans, who see him as he is; an enigmatic, 1%'er pretending to be "Joe Average."

Besides finding out what Mitt believes based only on his responses to curveballs thrown at his record, what does Mitt think? What does he stand for?

I say, he paid top dollar for his number one position, and as the number one, he is making a campaign out his responses to attacks aimed to topple him off his "top of the pile."

I remember Ron Paul winning all of the straw polls (except the one that Michelle Bachmann "won"). I even saw this, and it just validated my belief:

Also, this, and watch Mitt Romney's numbers (I don't have a comment on the man's vocalized anger):

And what about Karl Rove, claiming that after losing a couple of trucks of ballots that SHOULDN'T HAVE GONE ANYWHERE IN THE FIRST PLACE, that it was a gentlemen's agreement between Santorum's people and Romney's people, that Romney won, Santorum got second.

Here's that link:

What is the age demographic in Story County?


Oh, and for good measure, here's a poll that shows Mitt Romney at #1:

Remember, my friends, two things for the future:

1) Mitt Romney pays for his top tier position in polls. This creates the illusion that he's number one, creating this (when it hasn't been rigged).
2) Ron Paul is the actual choice for number one among Republicans, independents, and those (myself included) disillusioned Democratic voters who won't ever throw a vote at "Mr. Indefinite Detention" again.

P.S. See how this plays out in Virginia during "Super Tuesday", March 6th, the Virginia Primary which will be a two man race, Romney vs. Paul.

Can you find more examples of big corporate polls showing Romney at number one? Or, conversely, can you find small, localized polls showing Ron Paul at number one?

edit on 20-1-2012 by franklin555 because: Proofed, and added more.

edit on 1/20/2012 by 12m8keall2c because: fixed all caps title - Mod Note: All Caps – Please Review This Link.

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 04:58 AM
reply to post by franklin555

If enough people believe it then it will come true, this is the case here, even though these polls mean nothing, it is about belief. If enough people believe that he is on top, then he will end up on top, the media is doing its job, they do the same in war, create false realities to decrease the morals of the population.

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 05:56 AM
Ha! Went to Prison Planet, and found this, from Washington's Blog:

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 07:12 AM
reply to post by franklin555
I would like to think you are correct and you may well be ..I thought I would add what we Canadians are told what we think.. and no I didnt get the phone call and wouldnt participate had I ...peace
If Canada could vote

If it were up to Canadians, a new poll suggests, Mitt Romney would be the undisputed favourite to face off against Barack Obama in this year's U.S. presidential election. But there's little doubt Canadians would ultimately re-elect Obama.

Fully 59 per cent — including a majority in all regions and across demographic groups — think Obama will be re-elected in November, the Canadian Press Harris-Decima survey suggests.

Mitt Romney is seen as the best challenger by 25 per cent, far ahead of his rivals for the Republican nomination, none of whom scored better than seven per cent. However, 56 per cent had no opinion on who would be the best Republican nominee.

The telephone survey of just over 1,000 Canadians was conducted Jan. 12-15 and is considered accurate to within plus or minus 3.1 percentage points, 19 times in 20.

to add ..I went back to read the comments and noticed that the star selection might suggest a diffrent result than the poll ...intresting

edit on 20-1-2012 by the2ofusr1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 07:44 AM
reply to post by franklin555

Ron Paul wins all the online polls.
Did you see the numbers? These polls mean nothing. I think Gingrich won the debate.

I don't think Mitt is paying for his position (although he certainly could!) It's a subtle brainwashing that the GOP is doing through the media. Romney or Gingrich will win. Paul's fan base is passionate and deep, but not wide. Any votes pledged to the three conventional candidates (Santorum, Romney and Gingrich) will go to the one of those that comes out on top, very few will go to Ron Paul.

Obama will win again because the GOP doesn't really WANT to win this year. They'll put Mitt up for the show, knowing that he'll lose. The GOP have no answers and no ideas.

The GOP Abandons 2012

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 08:14 AM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
reply to post by franklin555

Obama will win again because the GOP doesn't really WANT to win this year. They'll put Mitt up for the show, knowing that he'll lose.

Based on observation of the freaking CLOWNS representing the GOP, this seems pretty clear.

The GOP have no answers and no ideas.

I'm not sure I'd agree with this. The GOP has answers and ideas, they are just such as to further enrich the GOP and minions while screwing the rest of us.

But even the GOP probably realizes that many many Americans still remember, in spite of their impressive propaganda, that our current mess is purely and simply the result of implementation of GOP answers and ideas.

The US electorate is not impressive in terms of memory and data analysis, but even the US electorate should still remember why we are where we are today - GOP policies.

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 08:53 AM

Originally posted by Open_Minded Skeptic
I'm not sure I'd agree with this. The GOP has answers and ideas, they are just such as to further enrich the GOP and minions while screwing the rest of us.

OK, you got me.
They DO have ideas and answers. Just the wrong ones!
And Mitt is the one most likely to continue the screw-fest while he and his minions vaca in the Bahamas. (sans the dog)

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 09:31 AM
He's got to be paying for...something. Because he sure doesn't score many points for knowing what he stands for or even the ability to articulate a coherent thought and his alleged charisma and good looks sure aren't swaying too many people either.

If he's this messed up now, imagine what he'll be like once the handles got through with him if he were to be elected. It's a little scary that this is the best the GOP can do...someone who appears to be buying the nomination rather than someone who is actually a leader with a plan who knows what he or she does or does not stand for and can communicate it.

My bet's still on a late entry to the game get the nomination though. Like a Jeb Bush or some equivalent who's been laying low to avoid overexposure and vetting. Is anyone even really paying attention to this exercise in futility and circus? What a waste of time and money, no matter how much someone has.

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 02:37 PM

Originally posted by franklin555
Ha! Went to Prison Planet, and found this, from Washington's Blog:

I LOVED this comment on that site:

There is now an Israeli Super PAC that is dedicated to crushing Ron Paul. This speaks volumes.

Yup. Paul has the PTB running scared.

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 02:38 PM
reply to post by the2ofusr1

Now THAT's scary. Of course... How well can You trust those polls in Canada?

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 03:46 PM

Originally posted by Amaterasu
Now THAT's scary. Of course... How well can You trust those polls in Canada?

How can we really trust polls anyway?

I have worked for a polls company before and I felt it was complete bs.
Demographics, biased opinions, the time I called, my approach influence, social restraints (just to name a few), matter as much as getting 2 good cards at a start of texas poker.

Polls are usually done on like, 0.5% of the population.
What are the conclusions people are expecting anyway?

My last job was in a call center. 3 times a years, we had a period of time where one out of 100 callers we're called back, to insure the quality of the call. Mostly, we did great...but when we did a little was like the end of the world for the administration and they made us directly feel like we did a bad job, or that we slacked.

"We have lost 4% in the number of : Excellent calls, while we've had only a 2% increase in : Good calls...we have to recheck the quality of our calls!"

Which, by the way, the quality demanded by the company is probably far from what would be considered an excellent call by a client.

Why we did drastic measures based on 1% of the truth is beyond sanest to me

The whole poll business is a scam. A waste of money and human resource.

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 03:54 PM
Remember the time Britney Spears refused to sign with Clear Channel ? She was boycotted on air by those CC radio stations and had a flop. They have big power... and he's running owning indirectly a majority of the radio stations...

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 03:59 PM

Originally posted by User8911

Originally posted by Amaterasu
Now THAT's scary. Of course... How well can You trust those polls in Canada?

How can we really trust polls anyway?

I have worked for a polls company before and I felt it was complete bs.
Demographics, biased opinions, the time I called, my approach influence, social restraints (just to name a few), matter as much as getting 2 good cards at a start of texas poker.

I agree. And though the Interweb is not fool-proof... I suspect the polls are just as good, if not better than the polling in person.

Also... On the Canadian poll (and any such poll, really), it is likely pressure to come up with the "right" results may have taken place.

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 04:10 PM
Mitt Romniey, Corporate raider and hit man, who put more Americans out of work By destroying dismantling and selling off the assets of their employers.....than any other politician i know....?
This is the A- hole they want Ameica to vote for to get them out of the hole?
This guy has utterly nothing human left inside him!
This guy destroyed the lives of countless americans.
Furthermore his answers are phoney, his demeanor is that of an accomplished liar....
He avoids definate statements and sounds particularly devoid of compassion.
This is not the man to be president.
This guy should be in someplace like guantanmo

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 05:34 PM
reply to post by franklin555

Oh, to live in a democracy. It's our duty to blow people up in the name of democracy around the world as well. Anyone still buying this shi* is as dense as a block of lead. How do we remedy this crap? We need paper ballots back, in the least ... but they could still fall off a truck I guess.

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 07:15 PM
reply to post by franklin555

Yes, Mitt Romney likely pays off the political powers through the likes of corruption, there is no doubt. Plus people at the Iowa caucus were showing up to vote and reportedly already had their name on ballots. THAT smells fishy to me. Mitt Romney SHOULD NOT be president, worst candidate up there imo. "But we will restore America to its former glory of being that shining city-" NO, you won't/ Sit down and be quiet.

Anyway, I am trying to get a thing going here if you want to contribute to my Mitt Romney Information Dump thread that'd be helpful... concentrated information makes people have to do less to see the truth, which is always nice.

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 07:31 PM
reply to post by Amaterasu

If you check out the comments below that Canadian poll, you find a lot of respondents disagree with the results, saying Paul should have won, and there is no way Romney would be favored by Canadians. Could have been another "media" play? Who owns the CBC anyway?

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 07:36 PM
reply to post by poolboy

Yeah... I doubt that poll is worth the pixels it is illuminated with.

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 08:53 PM
reply to post by franklin555
I agree,what I don't understand is how Newt is supposedly polling so high here inSouth Carolina?what?there's more military bases in S.C and retirees and know for a fact most of the military is backing Ron Paul.The numbers aren't adding up.

posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 06:53 AM
reply to post by Amaterasu
I would imagine for the most part they are trusted , but every now and again you just have to say HMMMM?? It is so easy for them to conduct the pole to get a desired result ....I used to take the time to honestly answer them but became a little cynical of the whole thing and started playing around then finally decided to just say no thanks ... Canada just changed its laws about reporting results in elections across the different time zones ..seems there is no way of keeping the cat in the bag what with fb and other social medias ....that may in the end change the outcome to a degree in the next election cycle ..we shall see ......peace

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