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Obama Has Sealed Our Fate, Civil War Eminent

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posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 05:03 AM
reply to post by Magnificient

You're right about it being from the beginning of time, but you're wrong about it being against us. They're wanting to kill god when he returns.

Satan has to know that's not an option.

However, he seems to have deluded the rest of the humans--the globalist stooges at the top of the elite--that it's a doable thing.

Certainly his fallen angel co-horts have sold that idea liberally to the elites.

It's one clever way he's maximizing human bloodshed.

Thankfully, God is never caught by surprise.

And, the 2/3 of the angelic hosts loyal to God are more than a sufficient match for satan and his forces. Besides, God can create more for His side if needed.

Armageddon is going to clean house, planet and Creation. YEA FOR THAT.

God have mercy on all of good heart between now and then.

Let the Redeemed OVERCOME by the Blood of The Lamb and the Word of their Testimony.


I thought it was interesting when Colton Burpo in HEAVEN IS FOR REAL was telling his dad about how his dad was going to fight "monsters" . . . evidently at Armageddon.

And Dad Burpo was hoping for a machine gun or grenade launcher at least . . . asking Colton "with what?"

"A sword or bow and arrow. I forget which."

"What are you worried about, Dad? The good guys win!"

posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 05:05 AM
reply to post by CB328

Less so than Obama worshipers, by far, however.

Certainly Bush et al; Clintons et al; Obama et al

are merely elite stooges on the road to hell on earth.

However, Obama has been tasked with destroying as much of the Republic and the Western way of life as possible as a set-up to bring the USA and our culture to ashes

to enable easier overt establishment of the 'NEW" old Babylonian Order.

And he's done a fantastically destructive job as ordered. When the chaos reigns sufficiently, they'll likely make him a scapegoat as they flush him into history.

He reportedly knows that. I think that's why he parties so much--while he can.
edit on 21/1/2012 by BO XIAN because: addition

posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 05:12 AM
reply to post by Sandalphon

I don't think protests are sufficient.

1. the globalists have insured . . . whether with flouride or whatever mass hypnosis and other mass mind control chemicals, propaganda, frequencies etc. . . . that the sheeple are, at least, 80% passive, inactive, clueless.

2. Those who dare to rear their duck heads above the mass of ducks, will, as the Chinese idiom asserts, likely quickly get their heads chopped off at a critical point.

3. The globalists have massive fire power and technologies for mass crowd control and even extermination . . . that have yet to surface much at all.

4. It will become clear at some point that MOSTLY, armed resistance etc. will be ineffective--on the whole.

Prayer and fasting and Holy Spirit led strategies will do enormous good. As The Book says . . . 1 will put a thousand to flight and 2 will rout 10,000. I like those odds. However, it has to be done God's way and in God's timing and with God's supernatural support.

posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 05:14 AM
reply to post by The GUT

There's definitely a script being played out.

I personally can't see it in totally earthly terms either. And, no, I don't mean aliens. At least not in the traditional sense. Spans too great a length of time and the complexity is so mind-boggling as to seem...supernatural?

While the frustration many of us feel is spider-sense has been telling me to cool off and think carefully.


No doubt supernatural . . . supernaturally evil . . .

I believe God has set the enemy up as an object lesson for ALL CREATION.

That life rebelling against His design, priorities, values, rules


The object lesson will be exceedingly vivid . . . and bloody.

posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 05:16 AM
reply to post by Kutthroat

He was reared, trained, installed as the perfect Marxist-destroyer-stooge for this time.

He's playing the role well.

Sr Bush played his role well. Even Jr played sufficiently well though some sources said he was trying to slow the globalists down and yet still stay alive.

Certainly the Clintons played their roles well and still are.

All the liberty destroying puppets have done their jobs well.

Satan must be quite pleased on that score.

posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 05:18 AM
reply to post by sweetnlow

You know since the patriot act they've been black bagging folks, and disappearing people, and now since obama has signed the NDAA into law it has already stepped up operations, you never will hear about any of this unless by chance a family member runs a youtube video, because the media is on a play along order by their bosses to keep all this hush hush.

But the first time some wise man gets this on Video of them pulling a blackbag OP, and it hits the web and goes viral, its done, the war is on, and thats all its gonna take, because the people are ready to move on them, its been programmed and they must react, its crystal clear

You may well be correct.

However, I suspect that they can carry on the under the table horrors a while longer.

They certainly want to maximize their chance of success and destroy any chance of failure



the festivities get off and running vividly overtly.


edit on 21/1/2012 by BO XIAN because: quote parameters fix

posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 05:22 AM
reply to post by sweetnlow

Certainly it's not fitting to blame it all on one of the last key stooges in the script.

However, do you honestly believe that Obama is an innocent saint in all this?

He was reared and trained as a Marxist destroyer of the status quo and of the Constitution. He loves his job on such scores.

He hates the Constitution.
He hates the Republic.
He hates the Flag.
He hates the military.
He hates the free market.
He hates small government.
He hates individual freedoms.
He hates Christianity.

He loves Jihadi's and their blood-letting.

He ain't gonna get a pass from me on such scores! Sheesh!

posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 05:24 AM
reply to post by Americandefender

Orders have come down. All infantry personel are on standby for local law enforcement.

I don't know what it means but not one person I talk to thinks this is good.

Prepare yourselfs.

The hair on my neck raises on reading your post.

My spirit and gut inform that you are quite accurate--emphatically accurate.

May God have mercy and delay such as long as possible.

posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 05:33 AM
reply to post by lagnar

Would they really pull a Tienanmen on 30.9 Million People for all the world to see? What is that...over 5 times the holocaust's count? Nah they'd probably just shoot one of our own ships with a Tomahawk and blame it on Iran so Russia (or China) could handle their light work right?

One thing is clear - the whole system is corrupt, from top to bottom. Best be loving, laughing and leaving as lasting an impression as we can for anyone who might last beyond the great culling that it certainly seems is coming (hand out Zeitgeist DVD's or something, idk). It's obviously going to end for all of us one way or another, in hopefully as miniscule a fleeting moment as possible.

We might as well make the best of whatever time we have left as it seems it will soon be gone.


They would certainly pull a 'Tienanmen' and worse in a flash, with far more exotic technologies . . . if they felt the need.

BTW, I wasn't in Tienanmen but I was in a Provincial capital during that time. It was very instructive.

As it is, 80% or so of the population is controllable by their mind control, propaganda, frequencies, chemicals etc. to play the role of compliant sheeple wimps.

The other 20% can be dealt with more or less easily.

What they do not know and cannot deal with is

God's surprises. And I'm confident He has plenty of them in store.

Nevertheless, the blood will flow deeply.

posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 05:34 AM
reply to post by yamammasamonkey

It boggles my mind that he endorsed Newt.

He has to know that Newt is a globalist stooge, too.


posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 05:42 AM
reply to post by MrWendal


neighbor to neighbor; brother to brother; neighborhood to neighborhood.

The elites have successfully split the Republic and most of Western society and culture into two sizeable blocks.

There are the nihilists/ atheists/ agnostics/ EXTRINSIC religionists/ socialists/ Marxists/ Jihadi's/ abortionists/ majority of politicians by far/ corrupt industry monopolists/ on one side

and the

Conservatives/ patriots/ more or less Intrinsic/authentic Christians/ et al on the other side.

The set-up for blood letting appears to be thorough and extensive.

posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 05:44 AM
reply to post by sweetnlow

You could call it revolution, but there is large population north south east and west in this country that buy in to all the government BS and will stand up and fight side by side with the whitehouse, i know these people and they're so fully brainwashed it makes you want to puke, that's why i used the term CIVIL

INDEED . . . without a clue 1 about the realities involved.

Sort of like


posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 05:47 AM
reply to post by Americandefender

No time frame. I'll keep updating on this thread as more information come available.
If it comes to it I sand by the people.


If it's workable, I'd appreciate a U2U on any significant alert.

I'll try and keep checking this thread but might miss an urgent alert.

May God be with you and keep you safe and at least WALKING CLOSE TO/WITH HIM. NOTHING ELSE MATTERS.

posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 06:11 AM

Originally posted by sweetnlow

The screwy messed up part of the whole thing that was written into the script is, if we do nothing they win, and if we do something they win, so just like EBAY win, lose or draw, They Win

Unless they under estimated thier opponents like the British did... Better to do something then nothing. Better to die on your feet thin live on your knees... Still its all speculation till we know for sure.

edit on 21-1-2012 by hawkiye because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 09:57 AM
reply to post by hawkiye

We can truly without the shadow of a doubt know that this is their move, all the scripts have been written and all of the casts selected.

The only thing they are waiting for is the director to say is ACTION

posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 10:05 AM
ok, so why am I going to take up arms against my fellow americans and murder them ?

posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 10:10 AM
reply to post by syrinx high priest

That's a question only you can answer

We are all the bearers of our own guilt and justice

posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 10:21 AM

Originally posted by sweetnlow
reply to post by syrinx high priest

That's a question only you can answer

We are all the bearers of our own guilt and justice

no, I mean how are the evil old white men conspiring to inspire me to committ murder ?

posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 10:38 AM
reply to post by sweetnlow

We can truly without the shadow of a doubt know that this is their move, all the scripts have been written and all of the casts selected.

The only thing they are waiting for is the director to say is ACTION

It sure looks that way.

I do think, though, that given the complexity of life . . . that the globalists know as well as anyone that long range planning does not work.

Soooooo, they have their long range plans . . . but mostly move hundreds of puzzle pieces toward the long range goal . . . and are more or less happy whenever whatever puzzle piece pushes things over the next cliff they're aiming for.

Certainly chaos and bloodshed in the streets is one of the cliffs they are aiming for.

I don't know their timeline but it looks awfully close.

posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 10:40 AM
reply to post by syrinx high priest

ok, so why am I going to take up arms against my fellow americans and murder them ?


I suppose one could wait for them to hunt you down.

Neutrality won't be very popular.

Certainly the Jihadi's are fiercely against neutrality.

I have a hard time killing chickens for food. I'm not really interested in hunting anyone down.

However, I do expect to defend family and group fairly fiercely.

Myself--they can take me out of this life and into the Lord Jesus' more overt Presence whenever it suits them AND GOD ALLOWS IT.

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