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Iranian women activist shot dead in Houston

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posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 01:50 PM

Originally posted by DJW001
I bring this to the attention of those who would have you believe "Iran would never kill its own scientists."

Well, killing a student who lives in America who speaks out against Iran is quite different from killing a pro-Iranian scientist living in Iran working on nuclear technology.

posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 02:18 PM

Originally posted by DJW001

Since the 1960's, Iran's secret service has been murdering dissidents at home and abroad.

Hey, why don't you tell us about the assassination squad Obama has?

They only "iranian" hit squad, that enters the US, is a hit squad hired and run by CIA ... that does not need to be said, even.

posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 02:35 PM
reply to post by DJW001

Prob just cia. We dont want to humanize the "enemy". Lol we kill one prob for them. They will for us in the future. Nice little trade between two leaders who get rich off being loyal to money.

posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 02:49 PM
reply to post by GogoVicMorrow

This.. everything you said here makes total sense.
I would say random killing is most likely and then even a frame up killing is more likely still than Iran having anything to do with it.

So you admit that it's "anybody but Iran."

posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 02:52 PM
reply to post by CourageousEyesoftheHeart

You should change your signature to, "My opinion is more important than facts, Ma'am." For Iran to kill one of their own people in the U.S. would be too big a risk at the moment.

And we all know how safe Iran likes to play it.

posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 02:54 PM
reply to post by Drezden

Well, killing a student who lives in America who speaks out against Iran is quite different from killing a pro-Iranian scientist living in Iran working on nuclear technology.

How do we know he was pro-Iranian? For all we know he was planning to defect.

posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 03:03 PM
link from the thread I have going on this.

Don't forget the wikileaks file on Iran wanting to kill a Voice of America commentator Ali Reza Nourizadeh in London. And also Jamshid Sharmahd who runs Los Angeles-based radio programming for opposition group Tondar.

Sadeghnia's name appears among the trove of U.S. government documents recently posted by the WikiLeaks website. A confidential Jan. 21 diplomatic cable from the U.S. Embassy in London says Sadeghnia admitted being an Iranian agent and conducting surveillance on two anti-Iranian government broadcasters — London-based Voice of America commentator Reza Nourizadeh and Jamshid Sharmahd, who runs Los Angeles-based radio programming for opposition group Tondar.

Sadeghnia, who lived for years in Ann Arbor, Mich., was arrested in July 2009 by police at a hotel near the Los Angeles airport. Prosecutors say he tried to hire a hitman to kill Sharmahd for $32,000. The man rejected the offer, police said, and agreed to testify against Sadeghnia, who pleaded guilty >>>

Wikileaks file,

And she was invovled with this group who were invovled in the Spring uprising attempt in Iran.

And from SabzHouston own webste.

From Azadi Sq. in Tehran to Tahrir Sq. in Cairo - Dictators Must Go!
Date: Saturday, February 12, 2011
Time: 2:00pm - 3:00pm
Location: In front of the Egyptian consulate in Houston
Street: 5718 Westheimer Rd.
Houston, TX 77057

From Azadi Sq. in Tehran to Tahrir Sq. in Cairo - Dictators Must Go!
Including Ben Ali, Mubarak, and Khamenei!

We will join Egyptians and freedom loving citizens of Houston who are celebrating the departure of Mubarak and demanding a smooth transition into democracy.

We will also have postcards to be signed, addressed to the UN. The focus of the post cards is on the recent wave of executions by the illegitimate Iranian regime.

The Iranian government executes 1 PERSON every 8 HOURS. Most often the courts are held behind closed doors and without access to legal representation. The MURDERERS must be held accountable.

They even connect themselves to those events. And the Facebook page listed with this event shows her as listed as going.

How about this post by her.

Gelareh B. Irani

u all know that i can not make it cuz i'm in Washington DC. , but My Heart is with u all

December 31, 2009 at 12:26pm

So she was in Washington DC?

And don't forget Iran is cracking down on everybody who they think was invovled with the protest in Iran.

Iranian security forces arrested journalist and blogger Parastou Dokouhaki on January 16 at her home in Tehran, confiscated some of her personal belongings, including her computer, and sent her to Evin prison.

She was later charged with acting against Iran's national security, a charge that is routinely brought against political prisoners and prisoners of conscience in the Islamic republic.

Two days later, journalist Marzieh Rassouli, who writes about cultural issues, was arrested in the same fashion. Rassouli is also believed to be held at Tehran's Evin prison while facing the same charges as Dokouhaki.

January 18 brought more alarming news: the arrest of journalist Sahamedin Bourghani.

The three are among a dozen journalists, intellectuals, and activists who have been sent to prison in Iran in recent weeks.

posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
Gotta agree with DJW001. Iran hates 'uppity' women.
Women who dare to be free of the chains that Iran wants to put on them.
It wouldn't surprise me at all if this was an international hit by them.
(and of course, it could just be random violence, but the 'hit' is just as likely)

Not sure if you have met any iranian women, though I have. They told me that the wests perception of what it's like to a woman in Iran is totally ridiculous. I read somewhere that 60 per cent of the jobs in government and other sectors are held by women, 60 per cent. I feel that although the regime may be a little daft, our perception of what it's like to be a woman in Iran is really flawed. The women I met said that they go out drinking on weekends and that Iran isn't actually too different to the west really.

People like to perpetuate this stereotype, although from what I have encountered, this is not very true.

posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 08:01 PM

Originally posted by DJW001
reply to post by Dimitri Dzengalshlevi

Where is your evidence? A woman dies, she happens to be an activist for women's rights in Iran, and so you conclude that it must have been Iranian secret services that assassinated her in the US of all places?

Where was Iran's evidence that the US was behind the murders of their scientists at home? Presstv was quick to accuse the United States without presenting any of their evidence. It has been days now and they still haven't provided any. Why are some ATS members so eager to believe one set of accusations but demand rigorous proof for another? Might there be a double standard here?

Diversion tactic. Real original.

I'll tell you this; if PressTV was a member on ATS, I'd ask them for evidence too. However, they are an established media network. You, however, are a member on ATS, hence why I asked you for your evidence.

You were a student of geopolitics am I correct?

Are* (correction for your spook report

Then you have no trouble getting access to files about Iran killing activists in the West for decades. They really, really liked targeting Kurdish Iranian dissidents and they almost ALWAYS target those dissidents with academic papers (because of the ridiculous value bestowed upon them).

I'm not conclusively stating this is what happened but; Iranian dissident activist with a proper degree + untimely death = dubious. Really dubious.

Again, nothing but speculation when it comes to the current story. Iranian secret agents aren't the only people with guns in the US

posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 09:14 PM
reply to post by DJW001

No I am saying that is the least likely scenario.
Also, you are putting words in my mouth. That is your quote not mine.
edit on 19-1-2012 by GogoVicMorrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 10:41 PM
reply to post by GogoVicMorrow

No I am saying that is the least likely scenario.
Also, you are putting words in my mouth. That is your quote not mine.

So just come out and say it: "It might have been Iranian agents." What's so hard about that?

posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 10:43 PM
reply to post by Dimitri Dzengalshlevi

Again, nothing but speculation when it comes to the current story. Iranian secret agents aren't the only people with guns in the US

That's why they don't need to use bombs.

posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 04:59 AM
reply to post by Dimitri Dzengalshlevi

Again, nothing but speculation when it comes to the current story. Iranian secret agents aren't the only people with guns in the US

It is speculation to you. You are just an observer, a student of these things. There are people who live these things. One of them would be Gelareh. You will never understand as much as she will because you are just a student. As student you want to reach some place later, you cannot risk standing for something now so you're just left asking for evidence. Once that reaches you, you flip the page and focus on something else on some other part of the world.

Like someone mentioned earlier: Occams Razor.

Or would you say that her gathering momentum for women's rights in Iran is something Israel and America could not tolerate?

posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 06:13 AM

Originally posted by InfoKartel
reply to post by Dimitri Dzengalshlevi

Again, nothing but speculation when it comes to the current story. Iranian secret agents aren't the only people with guns in the US

It is speculation to you. You are just an observer, a student of these things. There are people who live these things. One of them would be Gelareh. You will never understand as much as she will because you are just a student. As student you want to reach some place later, you cannot risk standing for something now so you're just left asking for evidence. Once that reaches you, you flip the page and focus on something else on some other part of the world.

Like someone mentioned earlier: Occams Razor.

Or would you say that her gathering momentum for women's rights in Iran is something Israel and America could not tolerate?

Oh, so I am so incapable of rational thought because I am a student?

I am a student only because it provides me with a piece of paper that will provide me with opportunities. You would have to be a fool to tell me that I would just skip over things just because you think life is like a textbook; even more of a fool if you think that my whole life is not already dedicated towards the betterment of this entire planet that we live on. I see no good coming from making unsubstantiated claims regarding this story, especially when the claims are for provoking more conflict.

posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 06:25 AM
reply to post by Dimitri Dzengalshlevi

I see no good coming from making unsubstantiated claims regarding this story, especially when the claims are for provoking more conflict.

The claims are no less substantiated than Iran's claim that the CIA is behind the murder of its scientists. Do you see any good coming from that? Would you not agree that they also are provoking conflict?

posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 07:08 AM
reply to post by Dimitri Dzengalshlevi

I see no good coming from making unsubstantiated claims regarding this story, especially when the claims are for provoking more conflict.


What do you know about this conflict to claim these are unsubstantiated claims? Does that not make your claim an UNSUBSTANTIATED claim? So am I to understand you are here provoking more conflict by stating everyone's statement is unsubstantiated, while there is a thing as history repeating itself, and not to forget, your own unsubstantiated provoking of others in the thread?

How much do you actually know about Iran and the way the religious SS goes about its business? Ow I you are here making unsubstantiated claims about unsubstantiated claims...

posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 07:32 AM
A few points were brought up in this article that I found curious....

The 30-year-old was active with SabzHouston, a Houston-based group formed to protest the current Iranian government after its contentious 2009 elections. She was an outspoken supporter of women's rights in her home country and had recently converted from Islam to Christianity.


While there were no known witnesses to the shooting, Bagherzadeh had been on her cellphone talking with an ex-boyfriend, who authorities said heard a loud thud and a screeching noise but no gunshots.


Police also looked into a 2010 assault report that Bagherzadeh filed against a male acquaintance

What I find strange is that her ex boyfriend was talking to her on the phone as she was supposedly shot and yet he didn't hear a gun shot only a "loud thud".
And yet from the Daily Mail article it says that gunshots were reported in the area 45 minutes apart.
So if gun shots were clearly heard and reported to police yet all her boyfriend heard was a thud, it's possible that the gun had a silencer.
But why would whoever it was ride around this town letting off gun shots that could be heard and use a silencer to kill her?
Sounds like it and this is only specuation on my part that the whole thing could have been a warning to someone.
And it may not have been warning to the actual victim but maybe to someone close to her?

All of her family apparently have gone into hiding and their listed telephone numbers are no longer reachable.
So it tells me that something a lot bigger than just the murder of this woman may be afoot.

Will be interesting to see what information becomes available over the next couple of days.

posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 11:13 AM
Heres another quote from my thread where I was looking for info on her.

I guess her father Ebrahim Bagherzadeh was owed 20 million dollars by a oil company. HRD Corp dba Marcus Oil and Chemical. They filed for bankruptcy the next day after the court ruling.

HRD Corp., which does business as Marcus Oil & Chemical, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in July, reportedly owing Dow Chemical Co. $68 million, and a chemist who once worked for the company more than $20 million. According to the bankruptcy filing, HRD has $6.7 million in assets and owes more than $100 million to creditors.

Court records show that the $20 million owed to Ebrahim Bagherzadeh is an arbitration award for research he conducted while under contract with the company. Dow Chemical, based in Midland, Mich., with facilities in Houston, is seeking $68 million in an ongoing contract dispute.

I guess this is the patents.

posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 11:34 AM
And then there is Nader Bagherzadeh. Not sure if he is related even though they have the same last name. He lives in California but used to live in Texas. Why I bring him up is hes a activist for Irans nuclear projects. Hes been on the news quoted by news agencies and has written many articles.

Nader Bagherzadeh
Professor at UC Irvine

Orange County, California Area
Higher Education
Nader Bagherzadeh's Overview
Current Professor at UC Irvine
Past Founder at Morpho Technologies
MTS at AT&T Labs, Inc.
Education The University of Texas at Austin
The University of Texas at Austin
Connections 83 connections

About AIC: The American Iranian Council (AIC) is a nonprofit and nonpartisan tax-exempt [501 (C) 3] educational organization dedicated to improving US-Iran relations through dialogue, better understanding, and constructive engagement.


Fereidun Fesharaki, Chairman & CEO, FACTS Global Energy Groupli

Hooshang Amirahmadi, Professor and Director Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Rutgers University President, American Iranian Council

Commentary and Slide Show:
Nader Bagherzadeh, Professor, UC Irvine

Nov 2011.

Israel is using Iran's nuclear issue to push the Republican candidates' positions towards Israel in the 2012 election and to make sure the nominee is against Iran, a US professor says.

June 2008

Remember the run-up to the Iraq war back in 2002? Well, the so-called "liberal" US media sources, such as the New York Times and the Washington Post, are at it again, this time regarding Iran's nuclear program. Their recent editorials remind us of the perilous game they are playing to push their internal agenda, which is to confront Iran's new technological nuclear field achievements at all cost, in order to appease Israel's intransigent position on this issue.

I never was able to tie him to the family except by last name and they all came from Texas? Could be nothing.

posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 11:37 AM

Bagherzadeh apparently was talking on the phone with an ex-boyfriend when she was shot, police Homicide Sgt. Richard Bolton said.

"He heard a loud thud — doesn't recall hearing any gunshots, but a loud thud — and then a screeching noise. He said it sounded like someone driving away,"

I wonder...

What else was this woman up to?
edit on 21-1-2012 by RSF77 because: (no reason given)

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