posted on Sep, 15 2004 @ 11:54 AM
alrighty, this might be news, but Osama does not care about oil! of course, we do, here in the US, even those of you who say this invasion of Iraq and
displacement of it's volatile leader is unjust and that it is purely because of the oil reserves in Iraq. you need that oil too. there aren't enough
electric vehicles out there, in fact, there is not enough electricity being produced in the US or elsewhere to power vehicles for everyone to switch
from petroleum products to electric power (which, many times, is created by burning fossil fuels, anyway). the US is definitely protecting the oil in
Iraq from being destroyed. the US may get a slight kickback for their efforts once Iraq's oil production gets on it's feet, but we aren't TAKING
Iraq's oil, that would be way too obviously illegal and, in fact, would be just what Saddam tried to do to Kuwait. Osama has never expressed interest
in oil, that i know of, except to say that that is the only reason the US is over there. guess what? that may be true, or it may not, but if it is-
what is the BIG DEAL? those oil reserves need to be protected until the economy and power/fuel structure of the world is modified in such a way to
bring in newer technology that does not threaten the US or world economy. Osama just hates the US. one reason is because the US used arabs in
Afghanistan to fight the Russian advancement into that country. if this was to secure their own freedom from Russia, why is it a bad thing? Osama also
hates the US because of it's very worn average moral code. Islam is very strict and says that if people do not behave this way or that, they are your
enemy and don't deserve to live. i'm an atheist and i take offense to that, in fact, i'm the worst as far as Islamic morality goes, Christians and
Jews don't even come close to the level of contempt Islam holds for atheists. Osama also hates the fact that the west is prosperous, not because he
wants everything we have, but because it distorts the vision of the world he has in his head, when he sees people around the world enjoying modern
take a breather.............
what is happening in Iraq and Afghanistan will be a positive thing when it is done. Iraqi's will live in relative freedom and be able to choose for
themselves. Afghans will be able go to school again, and not just a school for boys to learn fanatic Islam. Iraqi oil will sell to everyone who pays.
Afghanistan's opium trade will, hopefully, be destroyed. the US will gain a slight advantage by having a friendly nation that close to China,
Pakistan and India for purposes of keeping tabs on nuclear weapons building and tracking of weapons from failing mother Russia. it is strategic as
well as well-intentioned.
it seems many times, people will see things from one perspective and die-hard on that perspective without ever hearing the other side. it may not look
good now, in Iraq and Afghanistan, but it will, soon.