posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 01:36 AM
Sorry to be negative
But I think that if you're on a site like this, you should take the time to think outside the box.
Everyone is so happy that they "beat" SOPA. Where was everyone when the NDAA was being changed/passed?
Did it ever occur to you that maybe SOPA was nothing more than a coverup for the NDAA?
You see, in the NDAA it states that you can be justified as a terrorist if you oppose government law. That means that people who oppose SOPA would
fall under that category and be applicable for indefinite detainment.
Where was everyone when it was time to fight THAT bill?
Is the internet more important than our lives?
The SOPA bill was obsolete from the start. The US government already has a bill in place for an internet kill-switch and the ability to take down any
sites they feel Americans should not be able to view.
Its one of the executive orders and it can be put in place whenever they feel its time to act on it.
This is what I see.. A bill that was signed with very little hype but has A LOT of effect on the people and then another bill that had A LOT of hype
but contained nothing that wasn't already put into place.
The SOPA bill was just a trick to get people talking about it so that there would be more people rebelling against the government.. which is what the
NDAA is for, which just so happens to be going into effect in less than 2 weeks.