After some hair-pulling days wrestling unwilling code into submission, we finally have a new, modern, and improved video player worthy of the videos
available from ATS. There's a long list of new features, but here are the most important aspects...
Opens New Window
This was one of the most prevalent complaints I've received via private messages, the embedded videos (in threads) prevented members from browsing
around ATS while watching and listening to our videos. Our new player opens in a new window from the video thumbnail... like this:
(click to open player in new window)
Expanded Play Lists
When you use the new player, just below the video you're watching you'll notice a side-scrolling playlist of videos within the same "channel."
With the new playlist, you can easily find current videos you've missed without going to another thread or a separate page.
Higher Quality Video
The new player supports MP4/H.264 video format and codecs. If you don't know what that means, trust us, it's good. If you do know, then you do know.
Also the new videos look much better if you like to expand yours to full screen (we know the ladies like Brian at full screen).
HTML5 and Mobile Support
This is the second most common request... the new player now works on mobile devices like Android and Apple phones, and iPad tablets -- without
needing Flash. In fact, in testing, our videos streamed better to my iPad than YouTube videos.
Better Embedded Playlists
If you choose to grab a video and embed it into your blog or FaceBook page, the included playlists are now much more relevant, and mirror what you see
in the pop-up player here on ATS.
Better Sharing
There are also now more options for easier sharing on social networks and blogging systems.
Well... our members and viewers may not be too excited about this one... but our videographers are.
More and better ads means that Bobby, Brian, The Conspiracy Chicks, Johnny Anonymous (and others) have a better change to see some monetary reward for
their hard work. Yes, we have (and always have) shared the ad revenue with the people who make videos for us -- it's only fair.