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Strange Sounds Conklin, Alberta 12/2012 DEBUNKED - Hoaxed

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posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 06:53 PM
reply to post by samsamm9

I ust saw the thread and was adding my two cents.

posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 06:57 PM

Originally posted by StockdUp
reply to post by ALOSTSOUL

ALS I know you said that you were going to e-mail the makers of Mass Effect, have you any word back?

Not yet I'm afraid.


posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 07:22 PM
Good work, Zee.

But lets keep one thing in mind. While the recent onslaught of hoaxes has been exposed, there are TWO different types of sounds being heard/hoaxed.

The first is this one, that you have clearly debunked -- the horn / roaring type sound.

The second is the low rumbling sound -- which I personally have experienced and have no explanation for.

I don't want to see the wrong phenomenon get caught up with the right debunking, or visa versa if that makes sense.

Good work nonetheless.

posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 07:41 PM

Originally posted by phantomjack
Good work, Zee.

But lets keep one thing in mind. While the recent onslaught of hoaxes has been exposed, there are TWO different types of sounds being heard/hoaxed.

The first is this one, that you have clearly debunked -- the horn / roaring type sound.

The second is the low rumbling sound -- which I personally have experienced and have no explanation for.

I don't want to see the wrong phenomenon get caught up with the right debunking, or visa versa if that makes sense.

Good work nonetheless.

Great observation, I too have noticed that. I'm certainly not saying the entire thing is a hoax. We have had eyewitness and first hand experiences and that cannot be discounted. I'm just trying to weed out the true ones from the fake ones. How can we honestly evaluate true experiences when people are corrupting them with fake ones? Pretty difficult if you ask me. So I'm going to take it upon myself to weed out the fakes ones so we can honestly study and learn about the true ones!

posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 07:49 PM

Originally posted by phantomjack
Good work, Zee.

But lets keep one thing in mind. While the recent onslaught of hoaxes has been exposed, there are TWO different types of sounds being heard/hoaxed.

The first is this one, that you have clearly debunked -- the horn / roaring type sound.

The second is the low rumbling sound -- which I personally have experienced and have no explanation for.

I don't want to see the wrong phenomenon get caught up with the right debunking, or visa versa if that makes sense.

Good work nonetheless.

Thats the problem I'm getting with me thread.


posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 07:49 PM
Hi everyone

Am new here in the forums, but i have been reading them for a while now. Firstly i would like to say good job to everyone for effort and time they put into the forum and investigating.

Before i continue about the thread, theres one thing i would like to point out! Everyone of us has to appreciate the effort of the others that put into a specific thing, EVEN if we dont agree with the results.

Regarding the thread, i've read the story on a blog and i was amazed by it. My first thought was coming here and see if there's anything more to read upon the subject.

My personal opinion... EVEN IF one of the videos is really, the others are just duplicated by other people to attract attention and 'views' in the social media. People daily copy what they see from others because they want to receive the same attention. We all should be thinking twice before we conclude (to our selves) about something. I am a believer... but i also aim to find the truth first before 'believing'.

This sound was truelly amazing if it was real...and if it is real...then we should be worried from what will be followed..

I have some small video editing skills myself... when i have the time i will try to out something
edit on 19-1-2012 by LOK31 because: spell

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 10:30 AM
reply to post by zeeon

Just shrug off the negative zeeon. I for one thank you for the work and time you put in. It's more than most will do on here I am afraid. I plan to look - well listen - further myself this weekend when I get some time to fire up the studio equipment. I will let you all know if I find anything odd or can add to the work that zeeon put in to this.

On a side note. We can't please everyone...and the nice thing about the forums here...everyone is allowed an opinion...right, wrong, or indifferent. This is why I like ATS....but just out of courtesy for people trying to make sense of things and doing research...please people....troll less...contribute more. We all may be surprised, or at very least, have our minds put at ease by the results we could come up with as a team. Any good research team will tell you, you have to have those for and those against the research to keep each other in check and to make sure the final results are clearly the truth as both sides can clearly see let's all research on my friends.
edit on 20-1-2012 by bw_drum because: more stuff and typo

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 02:27 PM
I mentioned in another thread that talked about the "sounds." I also brought up something that I think might be worth thinking about. There were solar flare events on the sun leading up to the most recent, presumed authentic "sound," and a pretty big CME (Coronal mass ejection) just a day or so after the sound event. So presuming at least some of these "sound" events aren't hoaxes, were there any recorded solar flare activity before, during or after any of the events? Just a theory...
edit on 20-1-2012 by DragonFire1024 because: clarify

posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 07:40 PM
reply to post by zeeon

Hi zeeon,

I just wanted to say your thread is what caused me to finally log on to ATS and participate. This is just awesome that you have been able to help us tell the difference between any that might be real and the ones that are hoaxed. I am familiar with Audacity, and that is about the extent of my sound analyzing capabilities computer-wise. But by listening to Kiev over and over now, I am able to hear in others what you have pointed out; hoaxes are being made with at least the Kiev audio. I think that the one attributed to Illinois is a fake as well using the same audio as Kiev.

So thanks, zeeon for doing something with this stuff, it had me shook up. And thanks to ATS for providing the forum for it.


posted on Jan, 22 2012 @ 08:56 AM
reply to post by zeeon

Even if you're the best sound technician in the world, just because you hear something that can be made with software or electrical music instruments does not mean it is always so. This could be all hoax. I haven't heard any sounds like these but I'm just talking about the generally fallacy of debunking. Again the example:

A person sees a bear and records it roaring, he then tells he saw a bear, someone else tells him that he's a liar because it sounded like as if taken from a software/the internet/ etc.

posted on Jan, 22 2012 @ 05:28 PM
Yes there are hoaxes. But the question still remains; where did the original noise come from....?

posted on Jan, 22 2012 @ 06:18 PM

Originally posted by Imtor
reply to post by zeeon

A person sees a bear and records it roaring, he then tells he saw a bear, someone else tells him that he's a liar because it sounded like as if taken from a software/the internet/ etc.

However theres one drawback with this example... the 'Roar' of the bear its an already known sound...and known from where it is supposed to come in a way someone in the end can be conviced that it was really the bear!

WHILST in the case of these unknown one knows from where they came from, no one knows if they are real, no one knows if they are fakes! What IT IS known is that a 'specific' sounds has been suplicated numerous times...bu that, the sound itself looses its authenticity and primary origin...because it will be conceived as fake and duplicated! Hope I didnt confuse some one

posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 04:32 PM
Just because A FEW OF THEM are fake, doesn't mean they all are. I mean where did these "fakers" get this original noise from, it obviously came from somewhere........

posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 05:17 PM
Thanks for an interesting post..and some very good discussion. I have done some analysis myself, and have found a few other recordings that seem to be the same again "the same sound"
I am not a studio engineer and I do not specialize in recordings, but I do have some experience analyzing audio recordings to define defect frequencies and harmonic patterns..
Like most others, I have to use downloaded videos, and convert to .wav's for analysis. This does not provide the best test material - but in the end, the primary frequencies do ring through. After autocorrelation, and processing the signal with an FFT algorithm, the result is a graphic representation of the primary frequencies with in a sound...if the FFT's match, there is a very good likely hood that the sounds are the same.

The Montreal and Manitoba recordings are the same sound:

The Colorado and Costa Rica recordings are the same:

I had wanted to analyze the Kiev video, but it was way to large for me to download.
I do have the Conkiln sound, if you would like to run an FFT on your Kiev audio for comparison:

By the way, I have also performed the analysis on fracking, hump back whales and the trumpet sound from War of the Worlds....just for comparison..

posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 05:26 PM
i don't understand why you people are still posting analyzation of sound waves. we've already figured out which ones are fake and which aren't, so this is kind of moot at this point. And that still doesn't give us any more explanation of what it actually is. i'm sick of seeing the same thing posted over and over and over and over.

posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 05:38 PM
My, My, you are quite touchy...chill out. I hate that you had to bother yourself and spend your precious time evaluating my addition to the conversation... but I believe it is relevant to the VAST majority of the topics in THIS, unless you are the OP - get over it.
And as for the same ole, same obviously would not know the difference. Posting of these files allows other to compare recordings and look for unique recordings. As it goes.. I have analysed many of these anomalous (that means strange) sounds that ARE unique.
But, I am sure the only unique sounds you are familiar with are the ones fluffing out from your covers....

posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 05:41 PM
you realize this has already been done in several other threads, video's, and articles.


Reiterating the same thing is just getting a bit old. Not trying to be a dick, but it's like every time i log on here every page says the same thing the last one did.
i commend you on your research as im sure it wasnt easy. But with the facts we already have this doesn't really conclude anything don't already have an idea of.

EDIT:Also I don't understand why people are still trying to relate this to fracking. I thought that was ruled out?
edit on 24-1-2012 by OGOldGreg because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 10:54 PM

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 03:36 PM
Well well, will wonders never cease.

I guess I now know how it feels to get your work ripped off and receive no credit for it.

Shielaaliens Youtube Link

Posted a day after my thread - and there are about 3 more just like it, all posted after my thread using the very same evidence I used. Very frustrating not to get recognized for the work you put into something and then not get credit for it. blah.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 08:37 PM
reply to post by zeeon

See thats why they call them vampires/life suckers.,, they suck thw ork from others ,, then call themselves,, " fill in the blank ",,
im amazed at how much ordinary people ,, like you,,
pick up on this ,, first,,
i thought they ,,the AlienNation or whatever,,
ohh wait,, original thinking,,


very good ,,i commend you for your C@py righted work,, prove its your work,, and Bing-Stop,,,u got a law suit.
American law luv it

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