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We Might Want To Start Paying Attention to Any Time Anomalies- One Happened to Me

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posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 01:36 AM

Originally posted by TrueAmerican
Alright, so with all this stuff going on with the weird sounds all over the world, I just REALLY did not need this too. But man, this just happened, and I wish to hell I was kidding. But I am not.

Last night, for the first time ever in my life, a very strange sort of time anomaly occurred to me. I was taking two items, a glass and a plate, back to the kitchen- when all of a sudden I found myself back in the kitchen, before I actually got there from the previous thought. I mean like wtf.

Don't ask, I have no clue. All I know is, I was where I was going, but hadn't actually made it there yet. THat make sense?

Fricken strange. Now some of the theories on these bizarre noises being heard everywhere are talking about us entering into another dimension possibly, or somehow colliding with one we have come upon in space somehow- to cause the noises of course, but I am just wondering if there are some other effects happening too.

And so maybe with all this going on we ought to be a bit more aware for a while of anything out of the ordinary like this "time anomaly". It's like a piece of my life, for just a couple of seconds, went missing.

So if anything like this happens to you in the days and weeks ahead with all this going on, please pop in and say something. Thanks. TA

I came on here today, hoping that I wasn't the only one who experienced something. However, mine was during sleep. I was conscious while sleeping though. I heard a buzzing tone/noise, (don't remember what it sounded like), that lasted maybe about 10 or 15 seconds, and during this time, I was fully conscious in my head, but my body was sleeping. Don't ask....that's as good a verbal explanation I can possibly give at this time. I was fully aware of what was going on around me, yet I was sleeping.

Anyhow, during this "episode", I felt a distinct "shift". I instantly felt I had shifted dimensions or something, and I became a little frightened. It was the weirdest feeling I had ever felt. I was "stuck" in this sleeping/conscious state for a few minutes, unable to wake my body. It was NOT lucid dreaming. Let me repeat that...I was NOT LUCID DREAMING. This was completely different.

When I did finally "wake up", I was frantic, looking around at everything, trying to notice if anything was different. My dogs were also awake, but not because of me...this is unusual. They don't even stir if I get up to go pee, so for them to be awake was odd. I had the weirdest feeling of being displaced, but everything looked the same.

It's been stuck with me all day, and I came on here specifically to see if I was alone. Glad I wasn't. Freakiest feeling!

posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 01:40 AM

Originally posted by TrueAmerican
ok, wow, that was quick, thanks you guys. Those are all some good posts, and give me food for thought.

Now seriously, not trying to alarm, but just sayin, please keep the eyes peeled cause if this starts happening more, or again, and to more of us, then it might possibly have something to do with the UAS stuff- whatever that is. But hopefully it was just me sleepwalking or something. Problem is, I have never sleepwalked in my life, ever. And I wasn't tired either. But there's a first time for everything, I suppose.

Just to let you know, it's happened several times over the past few weeks to me. Something is definitely going on. What is the UAS stuff?

posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 05:57 AM
reply to post by Gseven

Well thanks for that good story. And glad to make you part of the Time Anomaly Vigilance and Awareness Crew...



I don't suppose they'll get me for activism on that, will they?

UAS= Unidentified Atmospheric Sound. I feel that is a better, less assuming description of the sound phenomena than something like God's Trumpets.

and to member Screwed:
Yes, I think I read that actually, thanks. And you might well be right.

posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 06:10 AM
I have witnessed what could be described as a few seconds 'action replays' of (supposedly) live TV broadcasts. It was as though time had 'got stuck' and 'juddered back' a few seconds.

Since this was 'media' it maybe that their saying 'live' was a lie and I witnessed a technical fault - but it was eerie.

posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 02:13 PM
Missing time...yeah...been there and done that a few times lately. Most before yesterday. I am a creature of habit. I am also a diabetic so schedules, especially when I eat and take medicine, are something that I am fully aware of and I know my body and my body schedule like a well traveled road. The odd occurrence I had the other day....i was off all morning by what felt like an hour or so. Best way to describe it. Around my normal lunch time I start to get to feeling hungry - trust me...this is like clockwork. I eat very much at the same time every day. But anyway...staying on topic. My body was very much telling me it was lunch time...looked at the clock quite a few times actually, as my stomach was growling and I was hungry....clock said 11:50am....well time to go heat up lunch.....went to lunch room and noticed no one was there was still on, which i thought figured everyone was running late. Warm food in hand, walked back to my office and a couple co-workers were giving me funny looks - now keep in mind I passed most of these people on the way to the cafe....not one made any comment on the way there. Didn't think anything of it until someone asked me....early lunch today??? I actually answered no, normal for me. Got back to my watch and clock on computer and on the wall were all 10:30am.....I was like.....what the......
I just chalked it up to maybe being tired or distracted, but really...I wasn't feeling much of either. Not a particularly stressful day either.
So no clue there. Not saying it's anything but an odd thing....maybe brain a little outta whack...but figured I would mention it for what it's worth.

posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 03:18 PM
I have posted elsewhere on this forum and experience my mom and I had of suddenly being located from one position in the house to another with no sense of having walked or gotten there. It was nearly thirty years ago, I was a teen, arguing with her, had my hand on the doorknob to go out and cool off. She grabbed me by the arm, and the next thing we both know we are standing near the hall close to my bedroom and my mom was still clinging to my arm and we were both so startled we dropped the argument and just went off separately trying to recover. No time seemed to be missing that we noticed. My dad reports a similar thing happening to him in the army where he ended up in the other end of a room with no sense of walking from where he had been. There were other people in the room with him and he says they looked at him kind of strange but didn't say anything and he was too disoriented and bewildered to ask.

But those are old events. You asked about anything current and there is one that my whole family is trying to figure out. So far only my daughter and I have seen it and we can't figure out if it's a garden variety ghost type thing, or if it is a weird time thing.

We have pet cats. One is small and gray and tan. Since about Monday for my daughter and maybe a week prior for me, we have been seeing what appears to be this cat running around the house. Sometimes playing, sometimes just sitting there. But it is there and then vanishes very fast. We both see the same impression and both see it as the size, shape and coloring of the cat who is very much alive and still with us. But we know it is not the cat because the real cat would have been elsewhere in the house and the "ghost" kitty vanishes in thin air. We can look at it but not precisely see it if that makes any sense at all.

A couple of nights ago I was lying in bed and felt a cat get onto the bed and felt purring. I was listening to my I phone music when this happened so I shined the phone screen around but saw no cat at all, other than one on the floor near the bed. I got up and felt around the bed, I could still feel the vibrations of purring but saw absolutely no cat.

We have had pet losses but nothing very recent to make me think a ghost cat has come back. None of the cats who passed on look or move anything like the little figure we've been seeing. The appearance and motion are precisely those of our living, breathing cat.

I've experienced time anomalies in this house before, often hearing exactly the sounds my husband makes when he is either leaving for work or coming home, but he is in fact already gone or not arrived yet. We have gotten so used to this phantom noise we know to check to verify visually that he has gone or gotten home rather than assume anything.

I have been wondering if this ghost kitty we are experiencing is some sort of time bleed through. I've experienced the shadow person phenomena before, with cat sized shadows, but this isn't like that either. In those cases the shadows were only cat sized blobs that flash by in the corner of the eye. This thing is more clearly a cat and acts and moves like one and at least once, as witnessed by my daughter, remained stationary, sitting in her room as the real cat it resembles often does. I don't know what to make of it. I don't know if it relates to what you are looking for but I decided to put it out there for consideration.

posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 03:32 PM
Oh and my daughter claimed today at school something weird happened with time she is trying to make sense of. But she is only 7 and I honestly can't make sense of what she told me. If I can ever get a coherent picture of what she was trying to explain to me I'll post it. All I can make out is that she was washing a spoon and insists that only took a minute, tops, and somehow that threw her off schedule and she ended up late by only a moment to somewhere she was supposed to be, and a classmate insisted she missed an entire music class but she says she was at rehearsals with the group she was supposed to be in. Lord help me I can't follow any of it so let's just leave it for now. It may all just be some misunderstanding but my daughter found it very odd and disorienting and she has never reported anything like that so far, so again, I'm mentioning it just in case. And speaking of my kid, I better go and get dinner on the table for us.

posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 03:43 PM
I had a time anomoly before and yes it is freaky at the time.

I think what the other poster said about auto pilot seems likely.
It could be in regards to your story about it.
I'm always wondering how my cat is outside on window ledge when he was just indoors, but now I've caught myself putting him out on auto pilot. I don't let him out after dark but of course he still tries to get me to open the door. Well I let him out at midnight, and only because i wanted to go to bed right away and he lays with me did I quickly recall I was an idiot that just let him out. Now he's keen on tricking me, I start to open the door but stop myself in time. So I know I do the auto pilot thing and the memory just isn't working. I do it with my thermostat as well, then I blame others for doing it. I had to tape paper over it to stop myself.

I doubt the time slip has anything to do with the noises, as the noises appear to be benign in my opinion, until I hear it for myself to judge.

What stuff is going on in the world?
Perhaps a break from ATS will make all this stuff subside

edit on 19-1-2012 by violet because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 04:09 PM
reply to post by TrueAmerican


I cannot really say that I've had missing time lately but weird things do happen. As an example, I work on the road all day and a couple of months ago I did notice something strange. As I was driving (it was night at that time), I took a look at the sky as I often do. And what I saw, I can only describe as "waves" go by over me, in the sky. Like going through a waved tunnel of sort. Hard to describe. I mentioned it to my sister at the time, saying that I'd wait to see if anyone on ATS makes a thread about this. And no one did that I know of. To be honest, I chickened out of making one myself and now seeing that you, a seasoned member, take a chance on sharing a weirdness that happened to you hopefully encourages others to do the same.

What I do notice a lot, and I have talked about this with many friends, is the fact that everyone feels like something is "off". You know, like something is like off centered. Can't put the finger on it.

I do think that all of those, missing time, feeling like we're "off", skipping alternate dimensions, the increased weather anomalies, the atmospheric sounds, the mass die-offs, the breach in the magnetosphere...all of those have a point of origin. A circumstance or a combination of circumstances triggered what we are seeing now.

And my best guess at the moment is that this singularity or event(s) happened in the last decade.

I think that while we all laughed our butts off at Y2K, something did happen around that time or a little after.

What it is is everyone's guess. LHC, dark military programs gone haywire, a cosmic cloud we are going through, a chemical experiment gone wrong, or simply the result of our arrogant carelessness of nature...who knows...

But something's off.

S&F for sure !!!

posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 05:01 PM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

Thank you for sharing your experience.

I have been consciously experiencing time anomalies for about 20 years or so. From my limited point of view, and as some Traditions say, Thought is the slowest process in the Human Being. While Spirit/Soul is Direct Action, without restraint. Thought could be seen as Time (Slow), and Spirit/Soul could be seen as Space (Everything-at-the-same-time-no-obstacles-Fast).

So, as far as I am concerned, and in simplistic terms, you were in Space, since Thought, being Slow, at some moments has to quickly catch up with the Spirit/Soul's Action, to make sense of it to the Human Being. This incredibly rapid process, leaves a hiatus of a milli-nano-nano-milli-second, in which Thought is not in control of the situation, and 'wakes up after the fact'. While the Vehicle/Body, automatically reacts to impulses, 'without even thinking about it!'.

And, anyway, we always act before we think, we just 'think' it's the the other way around.

Just a thought.

posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 07:14 PM
Aww man, thought I was just gonna be able to say that was freak thing and let this thread die, but guess not:

And if you read through that thread, there are more people that had trouble, too.

I will now step up the request for everyone to pay attention to any time anomalies, after seeing that. No, I don't believe everything I read on the net, but I don't necessarily DISBELIEVE them either. Just saying...Something's up folks, so please stay vigilant in the next days and weeks. Thanks again for the great replies, and yes, I read them all.

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 04:38 AM

Originally posted by TrueAmerican
Aww man, thought I was just gonna be able to say that was freak thing and let this thread die, but guess not:

And if you read through that thread, there are more people that had trouble, too.

I will now step up the request for everyone to pay attention to any time anomalies, after seeing that. No, I don't believe everything I read on the net, but I don't necessarily DISBELIEVE them either. Just saying...Something's up folks, so please stay vigilant in the next days and weeks. Thanks again for the great replies, and yes, I read them all.

I read that thread and some of us admitted to at one time tampering with clocks, not to say that was the case for the OP but you can`t rule it out. Besides how does taking pics of clocks prove anything. I can go change all my clocks right now and take pics. That being said I am sure many , many people in the world yesterday, today, and all the tomorrows will experience strange unexplained happenings, but they are for the most part unique and rarely related to each other.

It`s all in how you interpret your experience. That`s it and that`s all it is.
If 20 more threads appear tomorrow on this subject, it won`t confirm any supernatural occurance is taking place at all but only that conspiracy sites perpetuate these ideas to blossom.

In fact I predict that there will be many threads being plucked out and links posted as `another one ` in this thread. They will all merge, as is usual on this site.

I really do believe your story. I just think it`s a bit of a stretch to link it to strange noises or imply any others who are feeling odd this week are all under this same mysterious influence as you and should contribute to your thread as opposed to starting their own.

Of course in this forum what I just said is considered poppycock.

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 04:57 AM
I was a skeptic about this subject until 2 minutes ago. It happened to me too.
I live on the third floor. I always take the stairs since I don't like elevators. I start walking and i come to the second floor. When I get to my floor its the fourth.

I stood in shook and then i went in to type here.
What the hell is going on?

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 06:04 AM
Ok, I know that this forum is populated by people who really want to believe in paranormal activity, or alien interference, or other unexplained reasons for stuff they experience, but there is a perfectly logical explanantion for the OP, and the post above about walking a floor further than necessary.

it's a thing called 'micro sleep', and afaik it's where the brain is very tired, and whilst doing something mundane and ordinary, the brain switches off certain functions for a short period, usually around a couple of seconds, whilst the rest of the body continues on autopilot.

this explains walking into the kitchen, you just switched off for a few seconds whilst your body carried on walking into the kitchen, when you 'woke up', you were surprised to find that you were not where you were just before. A few seconds pass which you don't register.

Walking up an extra floor has happened to me too - I got in the front door, was thinking about something else, entirely unrelated, but quite deep thought, and just carried on walking up. When I got to the door I realised that my key didn't work, then I saw the number was 8 higher than mine, and I realised that I walked a floor too high. Quite simply just because I was preocuppied.

see - a simple explanation that doesn't involve the paranormal, or aliens, or timeshifts, or other stuff that is scientifically unproven.

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 09:51 AM

Originally posted by FejkNick
I was a skeptic about this subject until 2 minutes ago. It happened to me too.
I live on the third floor. I always take the stairs since I don't like elevators. I start walking and i come to the second floor. When I get to my floor its the fourth.

I stood in shook and then i went in to type here.
What the hell is going on?

Noted, thanks, and that's very similar to what happened to me. I hadn't made it to the kitchen yet, I was still 20 feet away, at least. But the time it took me to make about 7 or 8 steps is gone. Poof. Vanished. Like I didn't exist for 5 seconds. Like you're transported from one spot to another.

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 01:22 PM
reply to post by CrastneyJPR

Your post is very logical, but it ignores cases like the one experienced by my mother and myself, where we both experienced locational displacement simultaneously. We did talk over the incident over the years and did agree we were arguing at the front door and the very instant she put her hand on my arm we were instantly transported to another part of the house entirely. Our vision and everything as I recall ceased to exist for a fraction of time, I can't tell you how long, it was just gone and there we were near the bedrooms, on the same level but at least eighteen feet (by my lousy estimation skills) and a whole room away from the front door.

I suspect something like this happened to True American. I've experienced the micro sleep phenomena like anyone else alive has, and trust me this experience is entirely different. I do think it might be possible in my dad's case he had micro sleep, because I imagine if he had actually teleported in an army setting, somebody would have said something to him. They were in a high security setting and teleporting soldiers would be considered either a security risk or an advanced weapons opportunity, methinks! But you just never know what people are willing to turn a blind eye to, so who knows.

Sorry, True American I was not able to get a more coherent account from my daughter about whatever it was she experienced yesterday. She had already become very agitated in the way that young children do when they can't find the right words to explain something when she told me the first time. I was going to question her again after dinner and decided it would a bit over the top to attach too much significance to one part of her day. I felt it could make her reticent to share any future oddities or even mundane anecdotes with me if she knew she could expect to be somewhat interrogated about them. So I decided to back off and let it be.

As i had the quiet time to finally mentally go over what she did tell me originally, I think the gist of what she relayed to me was that by her reckoning, the minute or so she spent on the routine action of washing a spoon, did not match up to how much time had apparently passed when she joined the rest of her friends in one of her music classes. She had been the last in her queue to wash up utensils after lunch and from there was to proceed to one of several rehearsals in her music class. She felt she had missed a few more minutes of one rehearsal than she should have over the mere act of rinsing a spoon, and a classmate had insisted she missed one rehearsal entirely. At least I think that's what she said about that classmate. By that point in her account she was too upset to speak clearly. She loves these classes and doesn't even want to miss even one.

It is interesting, but she is a small child, they do daydream, they do dawdle, so we will make note of it and move on. It is one of the reasons I didn't want to question her further. If a kid senses interest in something she will start imagining more events like this and any hope of getting a reasonably objective accounting of a possibly truly anomalous future event will vanish.

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 02:37 PM
reply to post by TrueAmerican
sounds like you were on auto pilot to me!How many beers had you had?

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by katythegreat

I don't drink. Very rarely anyway, and it certainly wasn't that night.

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 02:52 PM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

This reminds me of the whole “When did you walk past me” Situation. I even remember it as a kid wondering when my mom came up from doing laundry because I didn’t see her! It still happened to this day, actually it happened today! A coworker “Walked past me” even though I never saw her. Ever And I have to let them in and out.. so I know she didn’t walk past.

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 08:46 PM
I can understand missing bits of time could possibly be cognitive brain lapses, but how do you explain away the entire conversation I had? See my previous post. Parallel dimension slip?

And in relation to time anomalies, today we worked all morning at the bakery, had the case work list, and general production stuff, huge list, figured it would take us 6am-1pm. We were completely done by 10:30am. The morning crept by, grateful we got it all done, and had time to spare so to speak, but everyone in the shop this morning was like wth? So time anomalies are not singular, but can also affect a group dynamic?

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