posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 08:16 PM
Its not that in afraid of the Internet being shut down. I got rid of cable and Internet in 2009 when the recession hit me. Got it back just recenty,
probably 2011. I was used to it after a month and didn't care less, now that I have it, I watch it, and hate the commercials and ads with a passion.
Gubment got ahold of tv and look at the brainwashing they accomplish, imagine MKTelevision...
No not losing the Internet, but the Internet transforming into a propaganda machine, a thought modifying device, another tool for the puppet masters
to use to pull our strings (even more than it may now already be).
I see These bills being suggested as gateway bills into more and more restriction until one day you realize every website is carrying a national
approval rating and you're entering your Internet security card I.d. Number and password to get Online.