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10 ridiculous things tha get you on the terrorist watch list

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posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 08:41 PM
Well, I guess I'm safe for now then. Nowhere on that list does it say anything about cloning Hitler from a lock of his hair.
Nothing to see here, move along please.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 08:44 PM
Come on people deny ignorance. Just because someone makes a web site and puts stuff on it doesn't make it true. Investigate, ask questions for your self, email Homeland security and ask. I read hoax as there are still people in government who hold law makers feet to the fire and are passionate about the constitution as you are.
Calm people, calm, rash decisions are what gets our boys killed in wars.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 08:52 PM
reply to post by brice

Tis the real deal friend

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 08:57 PM
damn. That's awful. Imagine this applied in force. Like if 100% of people had probably cause written all over them with junk like this.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 09:00 PM

Originally posted by Iwinder
reply to post by reddwhite

What I cannot figure out is why? why? don't you folks stand up and say enough already here?

Canada here,
Regards, Iwinder

Because most Americans are more worried about American Idiot or which one of the 4 food groups Lady Gaga is wearing this week.

But some of us do have previous military experience like my self (89d) (then reclassed to 11b in the 75th) that have had some EOD training that are already on the watch list. I found out 2 years ago when I was flagged at heartsfeild in atlanta while I was checking in for a flight to NYC. My story has little to do with me personally and my previous work history its more to do with my redneck kin. I was told by the DHS officer that did my interview "you can only judge the distance by the company you keep" I thought he was just a Joe Walsh fan but its true its not just the person in general its the crowd that person runs with or in my case kin to that can get them on the list.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 11:23 PM
reply to post by speculativeoptimist

Okay everybody PANIC!!!!!!!

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 11:35 PM
You all better watch out for people that have food pantries. They may have more than 7 days of food. And oh those people with missing fingers are really dangerous. Ope and if someone pays for a hotel room with cash they are definitely terrorists.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 11:49 PM
Once again I would like to remind our more paranoid patrons that you probably aren't on their "radar" because in all honesty, you aren't that important.

To them, you aren't really worth the energy or bother to ship off to a secret government prison. You should all probably just get over yourselves.

The worst you all would get is probably time in county. Seriously, people that write on the internet probably don't bother "them" that much.

Just trying to inject some reality into the conversation...

Now if you all were blowing stuff up, or planning to violently overthrow the government or other stupid things, then yes, you probably would end up at Gitmo or something. But if you were doing that, you probably would deserve it.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 11:50 PM
I have extra fingers and toes and am not of this earth, so they can knarfle my garfat

posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 12:08 AM
So we are supposed to support the dollar and at the same time not use it as it leaves no paper trail.

7 days of food? Anyone outside an urban area is a terrorist?
Flashlights? Anyone with bad electrical work or who is camping is a terrorist?

Guns and ammo? Anyone abiding by the 2nd ammendment is a terrorist?

Am I even allowed to wipe my own butt? Does that make me an Al Qaeda too?


posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 12:38 AM
reply to post by reddwhite

I'm probably on every list known to man then. I mean I have more than 7 days worth of food in my GTFO bag alone. I text privately in a public place constantly .. I don't have any missing fingers though.
Cass Sunstein should probably pull his head out as well.

As for the precious metals...Everybody in the world owns some sort of "precious metal".. I mean seriously. What's next? People with brown eyes?... Oh wait... People with 10 toes..

Way to go .. It's no wonder they call it "Intelligence"

posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 01:38 AM
(1) we have food stocked in the house and the garage - I once cleaned out the food cupboard and found a can of tomato & onion mix with expiry date to 1993 (10 years later). It was still ok.

(2) my dad is missing a finger - he chopped it off with an electrical standing saw thing while wood working. His father also had a chopped off finger - work accident. So missing fingers runs in the family.

(3) one family member knows how to use a gun. The rest of us rely on our pack of attack trained German Shepherds. Does that count?

(4) I visit conspiracy websites.

(5) for some reason we have lots of flash lights and candles and gas burners (Hey I live in South Africa and the local electricity company is more interested in paying the ceo ridiculous amounts of money as a bonus and giving electricity to neighbouring countries for nothing than it is at supplying the locals.)

(6) I know my government is up to fluff and sooooo corrupt. Nobody even twitches about it anymore.

(7) I have a degree in chemistry so theoretically I know how to make a bomb with toothpaste and cake ingredients.

Soooo - just because your paranoid doesn't mean the FBI isn't after you.

The unfortunate thing is that once the USA has come up with something, most of the rest of the world follows after like lost puppies. GRRRR.


posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 02:01 AM
reply to post by daaskapital

How can they tell who are terror suspects living in Australia? I moved here from the USA 18 months ago and the country is filled with mainly Chinese, Arabs and Indians.. How do they keep track of them all? They all arrive illegally on boats and they're given free reign once they're here.. The Australian government has ZERO power, if they try to do anything they're labelled "racist" and they back off.
Sorry.. off topic I know but I thought I'd share my stand point.

posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 02:29 AM
target for online infiltration

Could someone explain to me what that means? Because if I am supposedly one, I want to understand what it is that they think I am.

posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 02:32 AM
reply to post by Iwinder

I think that the average american is genuinely afraid that he will be the first to get "disappeared". The collective psyche has ben worked on for many years to create morons and cowards of the populace. I firmly believe that one cannot get 30 or so people togethr for form a plan and tactics to protect their own towns and families. I think that many potential and real snitches exist and all it will take for them to show themselves is to have a momentary laspe of reason due to fear.

When I was young here, :tattle tales got their azz beat after school. We now live in Mangina World, run by a copycat nazi government of fools and bullies. They HATE their country.

These people are the enemies of humanity. Souless and fearful themselves. Their use of logical fallacies have completely consumed and taken control of them.

I think that a nasty war/slaughter is looming on the horizon. This follows the globalist mandate to destroy national sovereignties. It doesn't matter if this government is sucessful with these demonic ploys for power. A state of chaos and armed conflict here will further their goals.

Can you not see that they have set up a win/win situation?

Bothersome to me, it looks like only violence will fix this one for better or for worse. That plays into the globalsnots hands. Being docile and assenting to going to the camps whenever a tiny act by someone creates the open door for the Orwellian machine to create the spin that serves the same purpose. Can you not see this massive manipulation?

It is possible that we are at the point where we need to either clean the muskets and sharpen the bayonets, or get ready to take the cyanide shower. If you choose the former, then you had better be prepared to become a front yard martyr. If the latter, it might help you to sharpen your brownnosing skills. Hey! You might even live a couple of months longer.

Dammitt! I can't believe that we are finally talking about this as a reality. All I know is that the external and internal enemies of America have done this. no one I know has...

You guys up there in Canada should figure that YOU ARE NEXT. Praying that it isn't so just doesn't cut it any more. dam dam dam! I hate this!

posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 02:38 AM

Originally posted by brice
Come on people deny ignorance. Just because someone makes a web site and puts stuff on it doesn't make it true. Investigate, ask questions for your self, email Homeland security and ask. I read hoax as there are still people in government who hold law makers feet to the fire and are passionate about the constitution as you are.
Calm people, calm, rash decisions are what gets our boys killed in wars.

Oh yeah. And they sure are successful aren't they? Nope amigo, they are now firmly in the minority or firmly entrenched in the sheep pen.

YOU go email DHS yourself and report back to us.

posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 02:52 AM
reply to post by brice

Most of the stuff on that list has been verified, much of it by the DHS themselves. I recall a mailing that they sent to state level law enforcement a couple of years ago which someone leaked. The Ron Paul bumper sticker was mentioned as a warning sign of possible domestic terrorism in that mailing along with displaying of the US flag (on your vehicle or home), ownership of firearms, and displaying of the Gadsden Flag (AKA: Don't Tread on me).

Sad, sad world.

posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 03:05 AM
reply to post by reddwhite

9 out of ten, well that settles it....
I'm a terrorist, LOL

I mean no.. I don't participate in any of these activities

Orrr dooo IIII????. LOL

Damn my constitutional rights are really screwing me right now as a citizen, maybe I need to go back a 100 years to have them work, time to implement and get 14 days of food, and join the FBI, and just get these rights of terrorism by signing my life over, hehehe....

S&F OP, nice find!
edit on 19-1-2012 by AK907ICECOLD because: added last line

posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 05:07 AM
reply to post by ga-`tv-gi

I wander how I could fnd out if I am on the list, I would like to know, but at the same tme kinda fear to find out what they might know about me.

When I was in basic training I had to fill out the security packet for my job ( 13E. Cannon fie direction control specialist) to get my top secret clearance. Before they gave me the polygraph ( once for the F.B.I. once for the C.I.A.) they alread knew things about me that I didn't even know, than asked me questions about that info than asked me why I would try to mislead them. I answered honestly that I honestly did not know these things, they passed me and I still got my clearance and still got to aim the worlds largest sniper rifles ( 155mm howitzer in my case) so I am not sure if my file just keeps growing or if they even worry about nobody joe blow types like me, they had a 2 inch thick file on me when I was 20 with no prior, no wants or warrents, no tickets ( not even parking tickets) no arrests, nothing. I was a perfect member of society up to that point, and they still had a 2 inch folder.

Just saying , some of you guys might have a lot more than you think.

posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 08:57 AM

Originally posted by Iwinder

Originally posted by speculativeoptimist
reply to post by Iwinder

Cuz they'll send us to gitmo with no attorney's or trial.

I agree, we live on the border with the US and stopped going" over the bridge" once they demanded passports and enhanced Driver's License just to enter the States.
20 years ago we would cross over just to cruise around in Port Huron and maybe get an Ice Cream and then come home.

Out of the question now ......and no either one of us has no criminal record at all......
It just makes us very nervous to think we might never get home or get at least a phone call.......both which will never happen if they don't like us at customs.
Regards, Iwinder

Yes!! I live on the border to Canada. We would go up to Montreal for GOOD FOOD, GOOD CONCERTS, pretty much anything that involved a GOOD TIME!!! Haha. But then... passports and enhanced DL's. Haven't been up in years...

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