posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 11:42 AM
No one would believe that the market for being righteously skeptical could do anything except make trouble for larger markets, whos investors are so
numerous it would be easy to make a profit based on distancing yourself from that particular non-starter of a market anyways. Socially-obligated
teachers and those who bring that social obligation to light are not the same institution, they operate in one designed to keep the costs down to a
We find that outside school learning has the potential for the greatest impact upon the world, push upon kids the importance of staying in school for
the socially obligated half-truth that it's a false dichotomy of wannabe-revolutionaries who seek to get kids out of school to simulate their simple
agendas of propagandizing a student-lead strike against the establishment.
Maybe it is a false dichotomy that anarchists would encourage you to skip school so you're not indoctrinated.
Maybe you'll have to be in the military because I know you're too poor to afford college. You're going to college cause you're too fat and stupid
plus you like being lazy and couldn't join the military. You'd be on our side, if we didn't place you in their refugee camps from our supposedly
awesome wrath.
The people with time to make up for talent make jobs for those who have the time to make use of their talent, it reflects badly on the progress we've
made and the progress so far has been slow and inflicts us all to its slow inevitability, rather than a speedy resolution.
I don't have a speedy resolution, I came armed with the controversial opinion that if conspiracy theorists and establishment-apologists gave each
other money, it would super-charge the necessary cashflow to attract those who are merely smart enough to see the bright idea behind the grass-roots
false flags that we use to mark the greater evidence we collect of the false-flag operations made by a government hiding something deeper than I truly
We give ourselves some leeway on being wrong, put our money where our mouth is and soon enough not only will the truth bubble to the top, the bubble
smells like roses and the truth intriguingly stinks.
If we white-wash history who we splash with paint could be as important as the fence we're painting. Only, if you believe, I suppose. I don't have
the money to pony up the payments around the world to all those who would demand the right to voice their opinions on the conspiracy theories we have
in common.
You do, your effort and the collective belief you have in at least talking to each other about opening these forbidden topics would be the invested
amount of the page-views ATS gets daily. A more measurable amount than the pitiful effort in comparison I exert to prove to you, I'm right that
you're wrong, we can both see the truth together, tell me I'm wrong again and we'll see who is the bad guy here.