reply to post by reficul
It says you are the Son of God in your little sidebar thing. Let's play that allusion up, since you seem to be in the inconvenient location of Hades.
You'll open up a dialogue on our respective wit, only to be matched by a brute strength of the past evidence of how I've used it.
Once, a people of a small board of alternate history-fans knew of poster they'd call mmmeee0, because he called himself that. I have collected
evidence against myself and my activities at that site, they have helped me unwittingly becoming the best historians of a good amount of practice I
had in digging through websites that
are sorta like ATS but the skills don't translate evenly enough. After enough evidence was collected
against my behavior to that site I was kicked out often enough to warrant me being banned entirely, I lament the fact we were incompatible over there
at alternate history, it owes nothing to me upon working knowingly towards getting
you to believe me today, but it could be argued that I hope
to use it to convince you that I am what I say I am, because I know what I am.
I'm disruptive.
I see the value in confronting people and playing up the emotional investment they have in the reasons that matter to them, only to juxtapose it with
something embarrassing and call it an uncomfortable truth that must be addressed. It's because I am wrong to do this that I'll have to do it so well
as not to be caught calling myself on it for self-versing prophecies, but my legitimate desire to be a serf-serving failure.
You'll only understand if I tell you that long long ago in a website far far away, I was once banned for being not on topic consistently enough it
was disruptive to those who would be skeptical about global history.
The only reason I was there was to view alternate history in an anarchist lens, face my fears about how other people feel about the geopolitical
situation that is an unfortunate reality. Indeed I was only there to force my unfortunate reality upon them, fish for their thoughts and see what I
could make of the bubbling and dripping hard-to-decipher messages we naturally get from the internet when we talk about forbidden topics concerning
the downfall of empires and the bloodshed of economies.
I bring this kind of study, three years I looked into that abyss to see our own and what to do about it from a panel of crowd-sourced experts. I'm
not the best writer from, but I'm here now.