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Dream about the Earth and having to go underground, shared by three people in the house.

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posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 10:51 AM
I would like to start this off by stating that this is not a prediction or a feeling of what will happen in the future, it was just dreams. What happened to my family was weird enough. I am not saying that anything will happen or any of these dreams will come true. I just wanted to share this experience as it has never happened in my family and was, as described earlier, just WEIRD.

On Saturday night to Sunday morning (January 14, 2012) we all went to bed at different hours of the night. My wife went to bed early (around 11:00 p.m.), I went to bed around 12:30 a.m. and my daughter went to bed around 2:30 a.m. To give context to what will come in my dream, I did watch a Science Fiction movie Saturday about the Earth Collision on Syfy channel, NO ONE else watched the show.

For your pleasure, this was the show that played that night Brusimm Review of the SyFy Channel Movie

I do not usually remember my dreams, but if I make it a point to remember, I try hard and will remember it. After a day or so I will usually forget the dream (after focusing on it to remember it), I might remember a vague item from it. The dream I had Sunday Morning is still strong in my mind and I can remember most of it as if I just woke up now from the dream. I spoke to my wife this morning and she still remembers her dream also. So let me just get down to it, I will try to use correct grammar but some might be choppy as I will be switching scenes.


I was lying on my bed and my dog was barking. Not an intruder bark, more of an informational bark. It was not my current bedroom. The bed was in the room, but the window was to the right of where I get out of bed. I stood up and went to the window. I looked into the sky and saw a planet. It had kind of a reddish ring to it. I looked at my dog and stated that she was right, Mars looked more red tonight than usual. (I have never dreamt about MARS or other planets, even with the science fiction shows I watch). I went down the stairs and out the door and there was a large platform (my wife told me hers looked like it was taken from the cartoon movie transformers where the planet is made of metal and you could walk out on it and see ships landing). This is what mine looked like, I walked out the door and saw a big ship on the ground and knew that it would be taking off soon. I walked into a building that had glass windows and there were many people in it. Someone was in charge and was taking names of who belongs on the ship and they all better be loaded on the ship ASAP as it was time for it to depart.

This is where the funny part starts. So I am in the room and looking around, I talk to the person in charge (I could not see his face, I could only fix on his eyes as they looked like they were evil or hiding something sneaky). He states that they are missing people, and I assume it is my family, so I run out to look for them. I go to the ship and see large worm type cocoons in the bottom (I assumed it was life forms ready to depart with the ship) and I found a statue of one child I was told I was looking for. I looked down and stated that this did not look like Bart Simpson. You heard me right, from this point on, I was looking for Bart Simpson (I have not watched the show or done anything with the Simpsons in so many years). I picked up the statue and looked at it close. I heard a whisper in my ear that, not all creatures that look like statues are really rock and statues. After hearing this, the eyes blinked on what I thought was a statue. I put it back down and declared that I had found the person I was looking for. At this point, it was no longer Bart Simpson.

I left the ship and looked back and saw the creatures (life forms? Humans in a travel bag? Worm like creatures?) packed in the bottom and ready to depart. I went back into the building and stated that the person we were looking for was on the ship. So many people were still in the room looking out the window, sitting in chairs and such. Like if you were at the airport in the early nineties, when you could go to the gates and people would be bored in chairs and standing around. I went back to my room and was discussing with my wife about the sky. We were looking at mars and then saw the moon. The moon was not “just up in the sky”. It passed by quickly, like if it were the ISS in orbit. I saw it go from the right side across the sky to the left. When I looked at it, the upper left section looked as if it were ripped away, like someone took a bite out of it or blasted it off the moon. I could see debris all around the area where the missing chunk of moon was supposed to be. It then passed out of site.

I then went looking for my daughter and went to what I knew was her room in a building. She had it barricaded up, but I got through the door. I looked at her and told her there was no Internet here, no reason to stay. She needs to come with me, it was time to go underground.


I was now awake and I was thinking to myself, that it was so lifelike, but so weird. My wife was already awake and then after about 15 to 20 minutes my daughter woke and came out. My wife and daughter were sitting at the table drinking having some coffee, cocoa and muffins. I walked out and said that I had a weird dream last night. I said that we all had to go underground as there was going to be a collision on the earth. My wife and daughter looked up at me with a face like, oh my god, tell me more as I can’t believe it. I looked at them and said, “what’s wrong”. My wife said she had a dream that we had to go underground, my daughter immediately said that in her dream she had to go underground as something bad was going to happen to where she was.

At that point, I was intrigued. I did not get the story from my daughter, she just told me that the moon was going to hit the earth and she had to get underground (this was before I even went into detail about my dream). I am planning on talking to her today to see if she remembers any other details. My wife and I spoke and she stated that the ground looked like she was on cybertron, from the transformers, where you could land ships on the ground and take off. She said that the moon was broken up and a chunk was taken out of it and it was going to hit the earth. She had to get underground as fast as possible (again, this was before I even told her about the details of my dream).

So, to conclude, I again state that I am not predicting the future, or even thinking that I saw what was going to happen in the future. I just thought that I would share as it is one dream that is not hard to remember and all three of us still remember our dreams as if we had them this morning. This and we all three dreamt that the Earth was going to have a collision. I can see if maybe TV had something to do with my dream, but it does not explain their dreams as they do not watch those shows.

Thanks for reading this post.


posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 11:00 AM
I had a weird dream like that once. I vowed to never fall asleep with a coughdrop in my mouth again.

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 11:01 AM
I guess we'll know for sure if the moon slams into the earth

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 11:04 AM
I've had a few of those where my husband and I ... or when I was younger it was my mother and I ... would have the same dreams. They weren't prophetic in any way, but perhaps it's because of shared experiences that day or because you are all on the same frequency at that time ... dunno ... but it is interesting when it happens.

Side note -

Originally posted by IwasOnceHappy
My wife went to bed early (around 11:00 p.m.)

Gawd I'm old. 9:00 pm is a very late night for me.
'course the Sjogrens takes all my energy away ...
but still ... if that's 'early' then man I'm old.

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 11:07 AM
reply to post by IwasOnceHappy

I don't know what group dreams mean.

As a teenager I had a series of dreams about being alive after a disaster. I was walking with a group of other people. My sister-in-law also had a series of similiar dreams except she was with a different group of people. Many of the details were the same in both our dreams.

So far it hasn't happened.

I have heard that people with UFO and ET experiences often report similiar disaster type dreams or visions.

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 11:16 AM

this is really odd. REALLY. This past weekend I had a dream that I was showing my granddaughter the new planet we were going to live on as Earth was going to be destroyed. That another planet - moon maybe?? - was going to slam right into us and we had to roll out - the new planet was beautiful - at least from a distance. IDK - but that dream has stuck with me the last few days - creepy that you had a dream about the Earth, too.

Whos2know - we'll have to wait and see what happens I suppose.

edit on 1/17/2012 by whos2know because: grammatical error

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 11:17 AM
Sounds like you had a shared dream experience.

Still if part of the moon hit earth, even going underground won't help.

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 11:21 AM
wow that is really intense.
I also believe 'connected' people can easily share dreams, my husband and I used to have the same dreams all the time. My sister and I used to share dreams, usually of flying together.
Hopefully that is not a prediction, quite terrifying if so.

ps. I Love your avatar !
edit on 17-1-2012 by horseplay because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 11:22 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Side note -

Originally posted by IwasOnceHappy
My wife went to bed early (around 11:00 p.m.)

Gawd I'm old. 9:00 pm is a very late night for me.
'course the Sjogrens takes all my energy away ...
but still ... if that's 'early' then man I'm old.

I hear you. On the weekends we try to stay up a little later and have fun with the kids, being teenagers, they never want to sleep


posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 11:24 AM

Originally posted by whos2know

this is really odd. REALLY. This past weekend I had a dream that I was showing my granddaughter the new planet we were going to live on as Earth was going to be destroyed. That another planet - moon maybe?? - was going to slam right into us and we had to roll out - the new planet was beautiful - at least from a difference. IDK - but that dream has stuck with me the last few days - creepy that you had a dream about the Earth, too.

Whos2know - we'll have to wait and see what happens I suppose.

Wow. Yeah, in my dream, I remarked how Mars looks a little reddish, but it was calm as if I knew it was supposed to be there and everything was OK. I was more weirded out that we all three had the same type of dream, now I am weirded out more that you had a similar one.


posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 11:26 AM

Originally posted by horseplay

ps. I Love your avatar !
edit on 17-1-2012 by horseplay because: (no reason given)

Thank you!


posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 11:36 AM
Once my son and I both had basically the same nightmare on the same night about a blue man in our house, in our rooms. My son was only 5 or 6 but still remembers it.

A couple of days ago I had a dream about an "Oakwood boys home" but it looked really old, like it was from the 1800s or something, then I had to go to a class with other people, and I remembered some of their names. It was definitely people that I do not know and have not met.

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 12:43 PM
reply to post by IwasOnceHappy

Hey there

Mars has been very bright lately, getting closer. Closest from february to first days of march, and then furthest around next year june, if I'm not mistaken?

Sounds like a crazy dream, a very cool one though. Very original... as only dreams can be.

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 05:16 PM

Originally posted by NotThat
reply to post by IwasOnceHappy

I have heard that people with UFO and ET experiences often report similiar disaster type dreams or visions.

I haven't heard of that, I will have to look into that, thanks for the heads up on it.


posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 05:19 PM

Originally posted by Jimjolnir
reply to post by IwasOnceHappy

Hey there

Mars has been very bright lately, getting closer. Closest from february to first days of march, and then furthest around next year june, if I'm not mistaken?

Sounds like a crazy dream, a very cool one though. Very original... as only dreams can be.

It was a crazy one, same with my wife's and daughters. They are just not like other ones where we forget so easily, we all remember the dream from Saturday night through Sunday morning. We are hoping we will have more dreams, but I am afraid that those were probably it. Still, these are the things that keep us intrigued.


posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 05:46 PM

Originally posted by hadriana
Once my son and I both had basically the same nightmare on the same night about a blue man in our house, in our rooms. My son was only 5 or 6 but still remembers it.

A couple of days ago I had a dream about an "Oakwood boys home" but it looked really old, like it was from the 1800s or something, then I had to go to a class with other people, and I remembered some of their names. It was definitely people that I do not know and have not met.

If it was that long ago it was probably the "Oakridge Boys", I don't know about the home but I have spotted their tour bus, sort of like a home away from home.

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 05:56 PM
I havent had a dream of going underground..but i have had a dream involving the moon and something hitting it..sending a nice geforce like energy that moved the earth.

Its interesting that all 3 family members had similar dreams.

Good times.

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 06:02 PM
The worst dream ever was my wife's, she wakes up from a dream yelling "Hurry my husband's home!" I woke up with a broken leg from jumping out the window.

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 06:03 PM
cool dream...thank god the moon is slowly drifting away from us..around a half an inch a year if i'm not mistaking

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 06:23 PM

Originally posted by IwasOnceHappy
I did watch a Science Fiction movie Saturday about the Earth Collision on Syfy channel, NO ONE else watched the show.

Sounds like you provided the seed for the dream. Earth collision is a pretty spectacular attention grabber, so it's no wonder you dreamed about it. Your wife and daughter would have to be in a coma not to notice something like that happening in the dream, so it's really no surprise you all dreamed about it.

What I'm more interested in is that this was a triple shared dream! Even finding accounts of both dreams in a two person shared dream is pretty rare, but seeing a triple would be a first for me.

Is there any chance I could convince you to get your wife and daughter to write out their dreams as well in as much detail as possible? Please, please, please, please, please? I may never get to study another triple shared dream. If possible, get them to write out the dream in present tense, describing events as they are happening. Either post it here or PM me with them. I would be eternally grateful.

A thread I started here on shared dreaming:

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