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Fox News Reporting UFO: Now scrambled

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posted on Sep, 13 2004 @ 12:15 PM
So lets get this straight,,,
Your watching FOX NEWS and they have a special on 9/11 and are interviewing a cameraman who caught footage that day.That day being 9/11/01 correct?
So while doing the interview,they show OLD footage he caught that day,then go back to him (live so to speak) and there is a UFO caught,at this point,the channel goes 'ka-poot'
Is this how it goes down?

If this happened,and Im not doubting anyone,I am quite sure it will be on the net soon.Many people such as UFO watchers wait for this kinda thing and things such as TIVO are the greatest thing since sliced bread to them.

posted on Sep, 13 2004 @ 12:32 PM
It sounds pretty strange... Are you sure that this was live footage?

posted on Sep, 13 2004 @ 12:48 PM
I think that Fox News shows tapes in the early morning until about 5 am then they do that Fox and Friends show. Actually thats the way it was about a year ago... I havent had cable in a long time

posted on Sep, 13 2004 @ 12:53 PM

Originally posted by Thain Esh Kelch
It sounds pretty strange... Are you sure that this was live footage?

It wasn't live.... For the millionth time...

You know what.. Whatever, think what you want, doubt what you will, I know what I saw, I came on here to post when it scrambled..
Edit: Meanness isn't necessary.

[edit on 13-9-2004 by TrueLies]

posted on Sep, 13 2004 @ 12:55 PM

Originally posted by SMR
So lets get this straight,,,
Your watching FOX NEWS and they have a special on 9/11 and are interviewing a cameraman who caught footage that day.That day being 9/11/01 correct?
So while doing the interview,they show OLD footage he caught that day,then go back to him (live so to speak) and there is a UFO caught,at this point,the channel goes 'ka-poot'
Is this how it goes down?

no no and no... 3:58 am isn't live... it was pre taped, i'm guessing... who the hell would wake up at 358 am to talk about something he had taped before?
it's not that hard to grasp ... really it isn't... and i'm not going to keep repeating myself just so you can "get it straight" there are posts on the first page that have described what I saw pretty well.

[edit on 13-9-2004 by TrueLies]

posted on Sep, 13 2004 @ 12:59 PM
Have you tried sending an e-mail to Fox and ask about this thing? It'd be interesting to see what kind of answer you would get

posted on Sep, 13 2004 @ 01:02 PM

Originally posted by Durden
Have you tried sending an e-mail to Fox and ask about this thing? It'd be interesting to see what kind of answer you would get

they wouldn't respond... Their aholes... But go ahead and try.... I decided not to write them because if they scrambled it, they didn't want the rest of the interview to be seen, they shut the sound off so we couldn't hear it...
Why would they respond, and honestly for that matter???

Fox news isn't exactly the mother teresea of media outlets... As far as i'm concerned their the biggest propaganda machine out there...
maybe for once, one of their reporters was trying to get to the bottom of something and interview the guy. who knows.

posted on Sep, 13 2004 @ 01:04 PM
So were you watching a live show on the towers anniversary? JK
Just wanted to keep the same line of questioning going

posted on Sep, 13 2004 @ 01:42 PM
check this page out and see if there are any familiar pix......
maybe you'll reconize some footage..
let us know...


also look at FOX's WTC UFO photo archive: here


posted on Sep, 13 2004 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by TrueLies

Originally posted by SMR
So lets get this straight,,,
Your watching FOX NEWS and they have a special on 9/11 and are interviewing a cameraman who caught footage that day.That day being 9/11/01 correct?
So while doing the interview,they show OLD footage he caught that day,then go back to him (live so to speak) and there is a UFO caught,at this point,the channel goes 'ka-poot'
Is this how it goes down?

no no and no... 3:58 am isn't live... it was pre taped, i'm guessing... who the hell would wake up at 358 am to talk about something he had taped before?
it's not that hard to grasp ... really it isn't... and i'm not going to keep repeating myself just so you can "get it straight" there are posts on the first page that have described what I saw pretty well.

[edit on 13-9-2004 by TrueLies]

Whoa whoa

Lighten up Francise..........
Im on your side here.
I was just trying to rid the confussion here.Some thought it was the sci-fi channel one and then that maybe it was an old taping since it was noted that the two towers were said to be filmed.

Im not doubting what you saw.I was just trying to make it more clear so there was no confussion.

posted on Sep, 13 2004 @ 01:48 PM

Originally posted by quadricle
check this page out and see if there are any familiar pix......
maybe you'll reconize some footage..
let us know...

That's not what I saw... sorry.

posted on Sep, 13 2004 @ 01:51 PM

Originally posted by SMR

I was just trying to rid the confussion here.Some thought it was the sci-fi channel one and then that maybe it was an old taping since it was noted that the two towers were said to be filmed.
Im not doubting what you saw.I was just trying to make it more clear so there was no confussion.

How noble of you... Maybe next time you should reread my posts before making a conclusion, but I understand many people in this thread are making it more confusing then it really has to be... Why? I'll never know. I didn't know people needed brain surgery before reading my posts...

posted on Sep, 13 2004 @ 01:58 PM
What i want to know is do they have someone paid to watch certain channels for this stuff? how quickly did they go off -air..
hell i'd like to be paid to watch news

then if something is up there that shouldnt be i'd hit a big red button for that channel lol.

posted on Sep, 13 2004 @ 02:00 PM
When I first read this I was a little confused on to the point that Fox News does still show pre-taped shows at this time and on sunday night/monday morning, I believe that it is a taped program from either friday or saterday. But anyways, If they caught it the first time and it was that socially important for it to be stopped, how did it make it to the taped airing in the AM? I think they know that the show gets replayed and I am sure they can edit a tape within a few minutes to some how cut that part out. Maybe an extra long commercial. Just very odd.


posted on Sep, 13 2004 @ 02:03 PM
Glad I could help

May I applaude your excellent attitude.

I was trying to help but you seem to not want it and rather have people mock your post and keep asking if you REALLY saw it or if was something else.

Bye - bye

posted on Sep, 13 2004 @ 02:08 PM
It was an old program, folks. They do reruns at that hour. Check it out:

TL, the tape has been explained (as others have said.) It's not something new. With all the cameras pointed at the towers from all those many angles, if there HAD been an alien spacecraft up there, it would have been caught on hundreds of cameras and there'd be no hiding it.

And it's not unusual for Direct TV to have problems. Remember, we've got several major storm systems around (including Ivan) and if the weather between you and their satellite was very stormy (this could be over another city, yes...) then DTV's signal would go wonky.

It happens here in Dallas.

[edit on 13-9-2004 by Byrd]

posted on Sep, 13 2004 @ 02:54 PM

Originally posted by DrpKeeGTZ
When I first read this I was a little confused on to the point that Fox News does still show pre-taped shows at this time and on sunday night/monday morning, I believe that it is a taped program from either friday or saterday. But anyways, If they caught it the first time and it was that socially important for it to be stopped, how did it make it to the taped airing in the AM? I think they know that the show gets replayed and I am sure they can edit a tape within a few minutes to some how cut that part out. Maybe an extra long commercial. Just very odd.

the guy working there who switches tapes might of put that in just to get it out to people... probably thought he could get away with it too. hehe.
perhaps its all machine operated though. well in that case he could of programmed it to put that tape in to play.

posted on Sep, 13 2004 @ 03:55 PM
has anyone else seen this? mr. truelies seems to have problems to describe what he has seen, maybe someone with better language skills could enlight us?

posted on Sep, 13 2004 @ 05:10 PM

Originally posted by feyd rautha
has anyone else seen this? mr. truelies seems to have problems to describe what he has seen, maybe someone with better language skills could enlight us?

Actually i'm Mrs.Truelies..........And the only people that have a problem are the ones who don't understand plain english......
If you don't want to concentrate at the topic at hand don't post here...

What's so hard to grasp?

Also my language skills are fine... However I would look in the mirror before playing the straw man... Enlight? Don't you mean enlighten?
Don't forget too that mr. is usually capitalized, and periods should be taking place of your comma's...

Bullet point form of what I saw:

*A camera man describing the ufo to a fox news reporter
*Footage of a black object taking off into the sky at sonic speed.

Shortly after this it went scrambled.....then the sound got shut off, I clicked through other channels and they all seemed to be working fine, sound and all.

So whats so hard to grasp about this?

I'll leave this thread alone as it's been beaten to death...
Edit: too harsh

[edit on 13-9-2004 by TrueLies]


posted on Sep, 13 2004 @ 05:32 PM
Why are you getting so upset

And why are you throwing out personal attacks

Some people were trying to either help,or ask questions and all your doing is getting impaticent and basically calling them stupid.

Sorry you couldnt get what you wanted out of the thread,but maybe a better attitude would have helped

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