Perhaps ATS will someday have perma-link(s) to source documents.
(Or locally host them)
Documents that prove most claims ARE NOT theories and are actually facts.
Or, present the basis for each forums' existence.
Our old school, investigative journalists of the past provided (mostly) un-biased, factual
information. Unlike today's screaming, opinionated, Jerry Springer type of news/info presentation.
Perhaps a LINK at the top of each forum post to the 'Bibliography Of Documents' (BoD's).
Locked/Sticky posts that can be voted up or down by readers just like member post.
If so, a "links area" needs to be geared towards those of us with short attention spans.
Well organized.
Easy on the eyes and brain.
Example: US Political Madness forum could have links to blocked Obama Doc pages.
All of his Birth Certificates and SS numbers and sourced. Voting records etc... I'm just sayin.
Members can't ADD to the sticky posts/docs ONLY vote with stars or up/down.
WE are becoming the alternative media.
WE all know that the 'popular' media is lying to us.
WE can create what ever we want here. Time is short.
WE need a grounding rod to help those people that:
. 1 Are new and can't believe what they see.
. 2 Scorn those that believe.
. 3 Create a reference for posters that is quick, local and accurate (not exhaustive!)
. a) It doesn't have to pretend to be irrefutable. Just a reference to popular source(s). ie Roswell
. Public Records of Hawaii
. 4 Provide a 'coffee table' discussion book ... ie using pictures also... They are worth >1000 words.
. 5 Can be (implemented) scripted fairly easily; with a wealth of return.
Side Affect will make ATS a solid 'go to' site. Real discussion based in Conspiracy Fact.
We all know that all of humanity conspires against/for all of humanity.
Best Example: Santa Clause