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It Has Begun!!!

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posted on Jan, 16 2012 @ 03:01 AM
We've all witnessed the Global Unrest sweeping all corners of the world. We may all have different views regarding the effectiveness or causes of this revolt by the common man. But have we really understood what is currently happening?

It is, as this video demonstrates very well - humanity coming together and recognizing that we're all in the same boat and all have the same needs - where ever you are in the world.

We all have differing belief systems but it is our diversity that makes us unique and provides colour; culture and creativeness to this our beautiful world.

Who among us does not wish to be left in peace - to do a fair days work for a fair days pay - to raise our children with love in an environment that is clean, honest and open to opportunity where dreams can be fulfilled without greed.

As the Video points out "Blessed Unrest" is the best thing that could have happened and what is happening has never happened before - we can dream of what it will lead to and see the hope for the future!

I myself believe the internet and the international communication it allows will be the glue that holds us together and finally sets us free.

The following quote is taken from below the video which is only 6 mins long and certainly worth the watch.

TextThis is eye-opening and wonderful! Thank you so much for uploading this information. It must go viral!

(Sorry I'm unable to bring it across - if any member can do this I'm sure many would appreciate it.

posted on Jan, 16 2012 @ 03:03 AM
Is Namaste the new members only jacket?

So tired of seeing people post namaste and trying to be "cool".

posted on Jan, 16 2012 @ 03:08 AM

Originally posted by amongus
Is Namaste the new members only jacket?

So tired of seeing people post namaste and trying to be "cool".

They simply responded to the video!

posted on Jan, 16 2012 @ 03:10 AM

Courtesy embedding


Too Groovie.

Nothing personal, but it reminds me of Timothy Leary from the 60's.

My Bible Study teacher always reminds me that "there's nothing new under the sun." Uttered >2000 yrs ago.

Still True.

NP embedding, namastay.

edit on 1·16·12 by DrMattMaddix because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 16 2012 @ 03:14 AM
Thanks for bringing that across Doc.

posted on Jan, 16 2012 @ 03:18 AM
reply to post by amongus

I see you have really furthered the debate on this one!. It is sad to see nowadays the far too common theme of knocking other members for what they believe. Just because you do not hold the same world view as this individual, do they really need to be berated for saying "nemaste"?.

This actually says more about your mental state than than the OP's, if you are really that sick of it, then perhaps you have been spending too much time on these boards or perhaps it makes you feel good to make people feel belittled oh precious one?.

There is a really good motto too live by, it is live and let live. Is the OP causing any harm too you?no, It matters not if you agree with what the OP is trying too say, at least the OP has a view on such things.It is our differencies that make each of us unique, try and get out of the school playground for a while, it is sad too see.

OP, i dont disagree with what you are saying at all, but i do think there are so many differing motivational factors involved that the jury is still out, time will tell. It would be good too see everyone working together for the betterment of the human race, time will tell.

It all depends on who's agendas are being played out in such matters i.m.o.

posted on Jan, 16 2012 @ 03:20 AM

Originally posted by amongus
Is Namaste the new members only jacket?

So tired of seeing people post namaste and trying to be "cool".

I only know namaste as 'hello' in a Tenegul...

I find I am quite confused to be seeing it so much on here.

Back to the OP, I don't think 'it's' happening, unfortuanatly. Though the principle is right, the only way keeping the world at peace is by making us all believe we are at war. It has been the tactic of every diplomat of many nations, of every empire or large nation. Once everyone feels like they are together, all hell breaks loose.

posted on Jan, 16 2012 @ 03:26 AM
There was a time that this would have worked. If only we hadn't allowed the unified evil to amass millions of uncaring soldiers and weapons to boggle the mind and soul, and then allowed them to actively dominate the world, and then we think "Give Peace a Chance" is going to work?

I'm all about peace, I've literally never started a fight. I do not promote hurting people for no reason. We are going to need to do more than hold hands and hope they see the light. I am sorry.

posted on Jan, 16 2012 @ 03:27 AM

Originally posted by Okandetre

Originally posted by amongus
Is Namaste the new members only jacket?

So tired of seeing people post namaste and trying to be "cool".

I only know namaste as 'hello' in a Tenegul...

I find I am quite confused to be seeing it so much on here.

Back to the OP, I don't think 'it's' happening, unfortuanatly. Though the principle is right, the only way keeping the world at peace is by making us all believe we are at war. It has been the tactic of every diplomat of many nations, of every empire or large nation. Once everyone feels like they are together, all hell breaks loose.

But we have NEVER felt we are all together and though over many years we have watched many peoples rebelling over a variety of reasons this is the first time we are beginning to see the same tune being played by so many different cultures - of course there will always be differences and that's good.
I cannot agree with world peace being maintained because we believe we're all at war - that may have been true in the Colonial Days but the people of the world at least now know what the diplomats are up to and surely that too hasn't been recognized so widely before.

A Change of Age is certainly upon us - we may have a very long road to travel but we're on the train.

posted on Jan, 16 2012 @ 03:50 AM

Originally posted by quedup

Originally posted by Okandetre

Originally posted by amongus
Is Namaste the new members only jacket?

So tired of seeing people post namaste and trying to be "cool".

I only know namaste as 'hello' in a Tenegul...

I find I am quite confused to be seeing it so much on here.

Back to the OP, I don't think 'it's' happening, unfortuanatly. Though the principle is right, the only way keeping the world at peace is by making us all believe we are at war. It has been the tactic of every diplomat of many nations, of every empire or large nation. Once everyone feels like they are together, all hell breaks loose.

But we have NEVER felt we are all together and though over many years we have watched many peoples rebelling over a variety of reasons this is the first time we are beginning to see the same tune being played by so many different cultures - of course there will always be differences and that's good.
I cannot agree with world peace being maintained because we believe we're all at war - that may have been true in the Colonial Days but the people of the world at least now know what the diplomats are up to and surely that too hasn't been recognized so widely before.

A Change of Age is certainly upon us - we may have a very long road to travel but we're on the train.

It's true we haven't been all on the same page before. Though using smaller groups of people as case studies would prove the point. Many countries which used to made up of local groups/tribes in a constant state of war, though without any conflict, when made into one group or country breaks down into disorder. This has been the case some years ago in many African countries but also happened here in England much further back.

I do hope there is a change coming as you say. It may do also but I have my reservations, though keep up the hope nonetheless.

posted on Jan, 16 2012 @ 03:54 AM
reply to post by Okandetre

I do see what you are saying but you also have to remember that only 150 year back - or perhaps even less time for many - people couldn't even read and write. Once the masses were given this basic education it was the equivalent to the internet.

posted on Jan, 16 2012 @ 04:04 AM

edit on 16-1-2012 by watchdog8110 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 16 2012 @ 04:13 AM
reply to post by quedup

You know i am fully in support of any citizens speaking their minds. I never find it to be a bad thing. But, in this one case, it makes it very easy for the rich people in control of our country to see that we, as citizens as a whole, are not willing to go even 10% of the way to where these "protests" would have to go to actually effect a positive change. I want to see things change just as much as anyone, but i won't pretend that peaceful protest ever works. All it does is give people in control a good chuckle and waste everyones time. No one has ever given up power to anything other than the threat of death. Not once in the history of the world. If you think back the most renowned peaceful protests in this country were the 60's hippie movement to end war without a cause. And you can see how well that worked. The U.S. is no longer involved in one useless war at a time. Now it's often 3, 4 or 5 at a time. The only form of "protest" that has ever worked, is protest with a gun. And this situation is no different. The only way to reclaim this country would be to hunt down the "1%" with machine guns and evenly distribute their assets. Anything short of that will absolutely not help. I don't want it to be that way believe me. But deep down any realist knows that is the truth.

posted on Jan, 16 2012 @ 04:20 AM
reply to post by quedup

I have to disagree with you. Again people always seem to think they are "coming together". Look at the hippie movement from the 60s. That is exactly what they thought. But they failed to acknowledge that 90% of the population is still your every day, get up and go to work, too busy to bother with it kind of people. The only people who gained anything in the 60s were the groups that were willing to actually fight back. See the civil rights movement for examples.And people have always known that politicians were crooked. If they didn't know that why do you think the pilgrims would have bothered to come here? They knew they were getting raped on the amount of taxes they were paying so they left. Because they knew the politicians were crooked. Politicians have always been crooked. It isn't exactly a secret. And to think you are part of the first group of people to notice it is arrogant and ignorant. It has nothing to do with identifying the problem. It's about being the first group that isn't too lazy to get up and actually do something about it.

posted on Jan, 16 2012 @ 04:38 AM
reply to post by bryanfcall

And don't you think that as every day passes more and more people become aware - no one is being arrogant as you put it. The Video demonstrates clearly that there are so many organisations working toward peace - an increasing number of people are seeing what is happening - let's face it, the Elites are very blatant about it now.

I agree most conflicts aren't sorted by peaceful means but that doesn't make it right. Perhaps it will eventually come to that it's sad to say (and has already come to that in many countries) but my whole point is that people of the world are starting to sing the same tune. They're no longer small groups like in the flower power days when the majority simply looked upon them as Hippies - those Hippies did know what was going on but we didn't have the internet then to communicate the issues.
edit on 16-1-2012 by quedup because: (no reason given)


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