posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 08:00 AM
I never gave photo orbs much thought until about the time we lost two members of the family to cancer. It was then when I began taking note of their
locations and behaviors. I've experimented with shutter speeds and various lighting filters, which in turn produced some fairly striking details in
the resulting images.
For this comment, I am including a sample/crop of a shot I took on the evening of 30 December, 2011 as we were out on the back porch shooting a game
of pool. The orb locations were the first thing to catch my eye. Their coloring was also a first... I had never seen them in quite this shade of blue
The camera was a 16megapixel IG 500X.
I have my own beliefs regarding what some, not all, orbs are... but will hold that for another time. Just thought I'd share a crop from the picture
in question.