posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 07:43 PM
Our minds are constantly active, even when we are unconscious during sleep.
Part of the dreaming process is to apply meaning to our memories and to store them most efficiently.
Our memories of sound, vision and feeling are different things and may not necessarily be processed at the same time.
This can leave us feeling dread or terror without any object to apply it to. In our dreams we rationalize our feelings by linking to the most likely
thing to cause that feeling. It is not always a good match.
When you next have a dream that upsets you, take charge of it (you are actually making it up as you dream) analyze the dream and the feelings and look
for rational connections. This will usually reassure you and it also empowers you mover your dream.
You can then extract any truths that your dreaming may reveal and also turn a "bad" dream into one that is positive.
Being the hero (or heroine) is a scary thing at the time but will ultimately make you feel good about what you have achieved.