posted on Sep, 13 2004 @ 09:21 AM
Just a quick note:
The concept of "projecting" human characteristics to divine beings (in the Old Testament, this is generally the case with Yaweh/YHWH the local
clan-god of Israel) is a technical term known as ANTHROPOMOROPHISM (from the Gk: ANTHROPOS = "human" + MORPHE = "shape").
The JE writers (who used the strange term Yahweh-Elohim for the clan god of Israel) found in the "2nd Creation myth" in the Scroll of the Book of
Bere#h (Genesis chapter 2:4b to 4:31) made YHWH-Elohim literally walk like a man and talk 7th century BC paleo-Hebrew without vowells, and even make
noise like the crunching of leaves in the "cool of the afternoon" so that "Adam" could hear him coming ("and Adam heard the sound of YHWH-Elohim
walking in the garden, in the cool of the day") and assumed a solid form according to the story that even "Adam" tried to hide from him...
The so called Hezekielite-Priestly (P) writers of the 1st creation myth in Bere#h [Genesis Chapter 1:1 to 2:4a], written by the same "post Exilic"
people who produced the Book of the Prophet Hezekiel in the Hebrew Prophets around 530 BC, makes Elohim (NOT Yahweh) more transcendant, without the
(presumably earlier, but definitely a different, group) "anthropo-morphic"tendencies of the JE writers..."and Elohim said...and there was..." he
creates (bara) by word alone, whereas the JE writer says that the "first" man and all the animals were "formed" out of "mud" , i.e. pre-existent
materials, like a potter sitting at his wheel...etc.
As Sigmund Freud and others before him used to say: It's not that God made MAN in his image, it's that MAN made GOD in HIS image !
And anthropolgists always note that if you want to know the hopes and dreams and overall weltanschauung of any group of people, have a close look at
their gods----it will tell you how they project their own philosophies of life on to the sky, almost like a projector...
Food for thought, anyway...