posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 06:46 PM
I'm sorry that your trust is in a political system that is so corrupted. There is nobody left that can pick up the pieces. Ron Paul may seem to some
to be a great choice; but once again we are left with "the lesser of two evils", and frankly that is no way to run a country. The Senate, the House,
the President, and even the Supreme Court of the United States of America; our governing 'trifectorate' are so corrupted as to not even represent
the 'people' that elect(and in the justices case; appointment by a corrupted president)them, no matter how superficially. They represent the
'people', aka corporations nad a few super-rich entities that pay for their campaigns. Popular vote means nothing when it is overidden by a court in
order to expidite "the right man" getting into office. "The right man" in this instance was George W Bush, not quite smart enough to tell a joke,
but easily made to follow orders. Don't believe it? Look at the video of him in that classroom as 9/11 was happening. See the confusion in his eyes?
See him attempt to remember what he was 'sposed to do? One need not be a mind reader to grasp how scared the leader of the free world was. Not that
the attack was taking place, he had been told of upcoming events; the poor guy forgot his lines. He forgot what to do!!! Dick Cheney was busy telling
our air force to stand down and couldn't nudge him with a prompt! Ever see an actor on stage during a live performance when lines are forgotten? Or a
deer on the highway in your headlights?
Ron Paul may be a better politician; but what does that mean in this day and age? That he is a formidable liar, able to stand his ground and say his
lines without stammering? Face it: the system is broken. The people that can fix it are the very problem; and they are very very unlikely to champion
their own demise. It's human nature to seek survival; loyalty to an ideal is not even a distant fourth place finisher. The reason so few are willing
to stand up right now and proclaim that it is time for revolution, are first and formost looking to protect themselves and family first. Those that
are lucky enough to be employed cannot risk saying anything that may take food off the table or leave them without the crappy health insurance that
they have. The family unit is probably swollen at more homes than you can shake a stick at; swollewn with family members that were unlucky victims.
Aunts, uncles, brothers, and sisters, even extended family(aka very close friends) members are, at this very moment crowded into many homes on your
block, in your building, at the same fleabag motel you are stuck in or perhaps crouched together under the freeway overpass around some makeshift
campfire. This is corporate America. This is corrupt America. Good luck to Ron Paul, should the powers that control decide to humor the masses and
make him the lead puppet. Good luck to him. I'm certain the next sitting president will face many things, whomever gets elected; I hope they're
facing it through bulletproof glass...because the PEOPLE won't get fooled again...much longer. You can only fit so many family members under one roof
before some idiot gets full of it, and remembers he's got a gun. Now THAT'S America.