posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 10:52 AM
Neither an EMP attack , nor a straight up explosion will be the truely devastating thing about the scenario of nuclear attack against a nation.
When a military commander orders a strike by bunker busters for instance, he thinks only about pacifying the hard target before sending in troops.
But when a nuclear strike is considered, there is much more planning required. First, weapon deployments would be planned with the windage in mind, so
that maximum havoc and death could be caused per bomb drop. Bombs would be dropped in such a way as to take fallout material as far and in as high a
concentration as possible, if a target wipeout was required.
Furthermore you have the type of weapon being deployed to think about. Sure a standard nuclear weapon is a fearsome prospect to wave in someones
face, but if you intend to drop just one and maximise the horror of it, you would need to increase the amount of radioactive fallout produced by it.
Essentially you would need to make a very highly explosive device, which also has the added terror factor of boosted fallout levels, in order to make
an area utterly uninhabitable for eons.
And then you have the final option, only available to nations which have plenty of nukes available. That would be the Glass Bottom approach. This
involves the launch of significant numbers of high powered nuclear weapons at a given target or nation. With the state of the world as it is at the
moment, let us say that the US for instance, wanted to totaly destroy Iran using nuclear weapons. All they would have to do , is launch that many
nukes (and they have many more than would be needed I think) that when the radioactive dust settles, all the casualties have died of burns and tumors
and so on, all that would be left after is large areas that were once desert, or sandy, and are now smooth, rippling planes of glass.