posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 03:56 PM
Originally posted by amongus
I would LOVE any advice..
This is very important. You need backup during labour and birth. Start organising this now, make sure you have more than one in case the first choice
can't make it on the day. When labour starts funny things will happen to time and perception. You will be in no fit state to give attention to the
medical staff or midwife. The woman has the baby, the man supports the woman,(perhaps literally supporting her head so she doesn't stretch her neck
right back and give herself one hell of a sore neck the next day!) The midwife deals with the nuts and bolts BUT, there will probably/possibly be
attempts to 'sell' you unwanted medical interference at exactly the time you are so tripped out, naturally, on the birth process that you cannot
possibly deal with it. You need an experienced person, preferably a tough, stubborn mother to parry any unwanted attention from the medical/industrial
Men have no place in midwifery. (Of course there are exceptions to every rule.) Male consultants cause massive stress to expectant mothers. This
stress creates problems. The problems then become the responsibility of the consultant who says "See! I told you so! You need me!"
One thing that is worth being aware of is that during labour and birth, if a women looks into someone's eyes for a period of time they can form a
long lasting bond with that individual. This is part of the natural system with obvious benefits for the stability of the child's environment. Could
be a bit inconvenient if it was the hospital cleaners eyes she was looking into. Just another little thing to be aware of.
Birth pools are excellent for controlling pain. No need to actually give birth in the pool or follow any trendy guidelines. Just being immersed in
water at the correct temperature works wonders. If you're having a home birth and the floor will take the weight it's possible to build your own
birth pool. The temperature can be maintained for days by covering the surface of the water with several layers of bubblewrap and occasionally adding
some hot water.
Medical professionals live in constant fear of being sued, especially midwives. This often leads them to recommend procedures that are unnecessary in
case a problem occurs and they get blamed for not doing something. 99% of the scary stuff you get told is calculated to sell you some crap you don't
need. The midwives are unwilling pawns in this. Most midwives are fantastically wonderful people. Only a retired midwife will tell you the whole
truth, while they're working they're hamstrung by the system.
You're going to have a wonderful baby. Everything will work out. Birth is a natural, flowing process.
Keep the consultant chained up in a cupboard where he belongs.