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Could China Turn U.S. In?

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posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 12:22 AM
I was watching the Youtube video AE911 Truth Experts Speak Out, and something struck me as interesting.
Although I had heard before that the World Trade Center iron beams had been sold to China, I had never thought that China, if they wanted too, could investigate some of the iron beams that they have in their possession. China could test for accelerants, radiation or thermite residue. Their finding could either put to rest some of the theories or cause one of the largest goverment debacles ever in the history of America. Would not it be interesting if China found some suspicious elements in the iron beams that they have? What kind of political blackmail could they wield?
May be their sub was allowed to surface in the middle of a carrier group. Maybe they were given U.S. technology to build their new stealth fighters and air craft carriers. Maybe... they already know.

ATS members Youtube response to Ron Paul

edit on 14-1-2012 by Violater1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 12:25 AM

Originally posted by Violater1
China could test for accelerants, radiation or thermite residue.

Why would they want to do that?

posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 12:28 AM
For china to do this it would be like them seeing if water is good for your health. People at the top aren't so clueless

posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 12:30 AM

Originally posted by spoor

Originally posted by Violater1
China could test for accelerants, radiation or thermite residue.

Why would they want to do that?

By proving that there is a cover up.

How much civil unrest do you think it would cause?
Americans would be really p1$$ed off if they found out that the Bush Admin murdered thousands of innocent civilians and even more soldiers over in the sand boxes.

posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 12:30 AM
What benefits would this have for them? I don't think they really care about the piece of mind of American citizens regarding the alleged betrayal of your government.

posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 12:34 AM

Originally posted by Violater1
By proving that there is a cover up.

As there was no cover up....

How much civil unrest do you think it would cause?

none at all - why do you think China would be believed nearly 10 years after the event?
edit on 14-1-2012 by spoor because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 12:36 AM

Originally posted by Zehll
What benefits would this have for them? I don't think they really care about the piece of mind of American citizens regarding the alleged betrayal of your government.

Why Not? It is no secret that ties between the USA and China have been shaky as if lately and having their enemies citizens pissed off at its own government lies and secrets....(including the military who have been waging wars in Iraq and Afghanistan over false pretenses.) It is tearing the enemy down from within...

posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 12:46 AM
The steel from the Trade Center was sold to China?

posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 12:51 AM

Originally posted by TheSparrowSings

Originally posted by Zehll
What benefits would this have for them? I don't think they really care about the piece of mind of American citizens regarding the alleged betrayal of your government.

Why Not? It is no secret that ties between the USA and China have been shaky as if lately and having their enemies citizens pissed off at its own government lies and secrets....(including the military who have been waging wars in Iraq and Afghanistan over false pretenses.) It is tearing the enemy down from within...

Do you know how much steel was sent there and where it is now? Do you think the Chinese know? It probably returned as shipping containers, long ago.
If China had the steel and did analyze it what would they analyze for and who would believe the results? "China finds bomb residue in WTC steel' is a National Inquirer headline or something that Iran would publish. No one but AE911 truth and the like would care what China said, but the AE boys would sure make hay and bilk more dollars from the gullible.

posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 12:53 AM
1001% unlikely China would turn US in. Because China is only interested in making maximum profit.

"With great powers, come great responsibilities." China doesn't understand this. Being a superpower, China should take military actions to protect people in the world from US invasions whatever the reasons are.

Peace can only be achieved when there is balance.

posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 12:59 AM

Maybe... they already know.

Maybe that there are only a few(I know that peole will come back with crappy polls saying this or that) that believe in the truther movement.....

Maybe the truther movement is not as big as portrayed around here......

Maybe, by them not doing anything tells me that they do not think like the truthers........

Maybe their inteligence is a little more "above" the average truther.

Maybe the one's making these truther claims are wrong........and the Chinese know it.....

Maybe, Maybe, Maybe

posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 01:21 AM
reply to post by pteridine

No need to get angry now. You asked what reason China would have to release this information and I came up with something I think would be a reason they might want to release that information if they even had that information. The amount of steel that went or where it is now doesn't really matter and isn't really related to my comment. Now why China, if they had this information, would keep it a secret for 10 years is a whole different conspiracy theory.

As for who would post a headline like "WTC Analyzed by China found to be Laced with Nuclear Thermite", I am pretty sure there are many alternative media sources out there on the internet, radio and television. I think there would be potential for releasing that information there. I don't think the world hates China and would consider any findings of theirs to be Bullsh*t. Not everyone bothers to get their information from the brainwashing mainstream media anymore and if the United States can openly tie Iran to the 9/11 atttacks without any credible proof at all and people believe that then I am sure their will be a whole other group of people who would believe China.

PS- In case you haven't heard... 9/11 WAS an inside job. We will find this out in another 20 - 40 years or so, just like when the truth finally came out about the false flag attack in the Gulf of Tonkin that was the false pretense for the Vietnam War.

posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 01:39 AM
reply to post by Violater1

China doesn't want to upset our economy. Their economy would collapse if the US wasn't here to buy all their cheap, poorly made crap! Not to mention all the money we owe them. I think they'd at least want their money back before they sink us.

posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 02:05 AM
Who would they turn us in to?

posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 02:33 AM
reply to post by Violater1

Why look to China ? There is still plenty of WTC steel in New York :-

You can get a piece for your local memorial or museum.

posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 04:42 AM
All sovereign state governments (with their sophisticated intelligence agencies)
are aware of the true FAKED nature of the Official Story events of 9/11. Their continuing
silence is indicative of the true scale of this worldwide conspiracy.

How many countries remain now with independant central banks?
China will be saying/doing jack!

posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 05:09 AM

Originally posted by pshea38
All sovereign state governments (with their sophisticated intelligence agencies)
are aware of the true FAKED nature of the Official Story events of 9/11. Their continuing
silence is indicative of the true scale of this worldwide conspiracy.

How many countries remain now with independant central banks?
China will be saying/doing jack!

How do you know what sovereign state governments know ? What is your evidence ?

Why are they not simply silent because they think the 9/11 conspiracy theories are paranoid rubbish ?

posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 05:45 AM

Originally posted by Alfie1

Originally posted by pshea38
All sovereign state governments (with their sophisticated intelligence agencies)
are aware of the true FAKED nature of the Official Story events of 9/11. Their continuing
silence is indicative of the true scale of this worldwide conspiracy.

How many countries remain now with independant central banks?
China will be saying/doing jack!

How do you know what sovereign state governments know ? What is your evidence ?

Why are they not simply silent because they think the 9/11 conspiracy theories are paranoid rubbish ?

I know your game Alf, and on whose side you are playing.
What I have written is the truth.
Intelligence agencies are not dumb and they know everything written in the
links I have provided, and a hell of a lot more!

Your 'paranoid rubbish' lies are transparent to anyone with eyes and half a brain!
Are you on a promise?

posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 07:10 AM
reply to post by pshea38

If all these foreign intelligence agencies believe the stuff you have linked to , like "no-one was killed on 9/11", then it is hard to see where the "intelligence" comes in.

posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 10:00 AM

Originally posted by TheSparrowSings
reply to post by pteridine

No need to get angry now. You asked what reason China would have to release this information and I came up with something I think would be a reason they might want to release that information if they even had that information. The amount of steel that went or where it is now doesn't really matter and isn't really related to my comment. Now why China, if they had this information, would keep it a secret for 10 years is a whole different conspiracy theory.

As for who would post a headline like "WTC Analyzed by China found to be Laced with Nuclear Thermite", I am pretty sure there are many alternative media sources out there on the internet, radio and television. I think there would be potential for releasing that information there. I don't think the world hates China and would consider any findings of theirs to be Bullsh*t. Not everyone bothers to get their information from the brainwashing mainstream media anymore and if the United States can openly tie Iran to the 9/11 atttacks without any credible proof at all and people believe that then I am sure their will be a whole other group of people who would believe China.

PS- In case you haven't heard... 9/11 WAS an inside job. We will find this out in another 20 - 40 years or so, just like when the truth finally came out about the false flag attack in the Gulf of Tonkin that was the false pretense for the Vietnam War.

Why do you think I am angry? The point I made is that whatever steel went to China has long ago been melted. If it hasn't, analyzing a girder in a pile of scrap would be inconclusive after 10 years of weathering and contamination. There is no reason for China to care about any of this including "nuclear thermite," your new creation.
PS In case you haven't heard... there is no evidence that 9/11 was an inside job. Because you want a conspiracy, you will never believe it even in another 20 - 40 years or so. If you learn to read by then, you will also discover that the Maddox was attacked by three NV torpedo patrol boats on Aug 2 1964. On Aug 4, radar contacts made the cautious crew think that they were being attacked again. Although the CO of the vessel said he thoought that the second attack had not occurred, Congress passed the resolution giving Lyndon Johnson authority to send in troops. How do you define this as [the truthers' universal claim] a "false flag attack.?"

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