It's amazing how the girls spent their whole lives arguing over the authenticity of the photos. They both died, old ladies, one saying they were real
and the other saying they were a hoax!
edit on 24-1-2012 by angellicview because: (no reason given)
I think its been threaded before.By reading through the cottingly farie link that i posted above,there were five photographs and the 5th one
thats shown is supposedly the real one? If you have'nt yet,try watching the movie that was made about them and their fairy photos,its a really good
edit on 24-1-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)
Thank you for this post. I have been researching these stories for the past day. There is also this one..not so much called butterfly people but a
boy said people floated through the ceiling and other children saw angels as well.