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5GW, Netcentric Warfare, and What Every Citizen Should Know About the New Front

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posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 10:18 AM

Originally posted by mistermonculous

Originally posted by Aeons

Originally posted by Frater210
Anyway, yeah, I know, I just want everyone to sit down and have a meal together and not have to worry about any of this crap. Since we have to I suppose we should just get silly on them.
edit on 14-1-2012 by Frater210 because:

This means being willing to reduce the challenge of "I see you are doing X" and use the opportunity to inject some reasonable thought packaged so that people can understand it, and then be willing to move onto the next place they are doing the same damn thing. Challenging the individual 'player' is less important than teaching others to be able to challenge the player themselves.

F210 and I had a conversation recently about how one would approach this without resorting to the devil's toolkit, so to speak. Because you're right. If one wants to challenge some of this stuff in a way that is effective; one almost has to look into things like persona management software. As one person you can't throw down on all of the dozens of blogs, news sites, forums you would need to be participating in on a daily basis.

How, for eff's sake, does a man who loves virtue hash out a viable game plan on this? No bots, no sock puppets, no poo-flinging: no victory?

What's in our toolkit, guys?

edit on 15-1-2012 by mistermonculous because: Okay, humor, obviously...

They also take the offensive. You don't know where they are going today. You end up on the defensive end which requires more thought in my opinion.

You have to not care about a few things. Like kudos. Or virtual friends. They don't really have them, they just created a network to make themselves ubiquitous. Don't get tripped up on the pretend majority they imply.

Online, be a more entertaining writer. You don't have even the journalist's five paragraphs. You have three sentences. Have several variations, because they'll get buried. The better the point, the faster they'll bury them. You'll need to reiterate.

Events can uncover people who are trying to do the same thing. Identify the event, and find them.

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 10:59 AM

Originally posted by mistermonculous
reply to post by Bluesquid

Huh. Interesting. He sort of turned into a chicken-fried Spengler.

Thanks for stopping by, I'm glad you're talking to us about this stuff.
I believe you are specifically addressing Aeons' angle on first-world immigration policies. Although that may be a a thread in the 5GW tapestry, it is not the entire picture.

You believe, then, that immigration has been intentionally weaponized?

wow, where to start. so many ideas on this even though I feel I have just scratched the surface.

I would say population control in any form is the genesis, laboratory for developing tried and true methods, and the entire point of 5GW. So, yes pushing the Mexican populace north into "ancestral lands" aka California which just happened to have been the worlds 8th(?) largest economy, is warfare. Not the only reason the SW has been flooded with illegals obviously.

But I see it in everything. My personal view was that OWS was a destabilizing force in the US, but not for its explicit agenda. I overheard in my personal life, and observed so so many conversations online that amounted to picking sides. People that made 100,000 a year talking to others making 80,000, and relative to each other,relating to the 1% or the 99%. Our entire culture is keeping up with the jones' via homes, automobiles, and vacations. OWS tapped into that perfectly.

OP, I give you a ton of credit. I really want to learn and talk about this, but fear we would just be giving the bastards more ammo. lol

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 12:30 PM

Originally posted by Bluesquid
But I see it in everything. My personal view was that OWS was a destabilizing force in the US, but not for its explicit agenda. I overheard in my personal life, and observed so so many conversations online that amounted to picking sides. People that made 100,000 a year talking to others making 80,000, and relative to each other,relating to the 1% or the 99%. Our entire culture is keeping up with the jones' via homes, automobiles, and vacations. OWS tapped into that perfectly.

You know, bluesquid, this is precisely where my head was at with OWS. While I think there were some very interesting and valuable P2P innovations that came from OWS, I have always seen it as a possible 5GW maneuver. A new variation on the Soviets infiltrating and directing the Peace/Civil Rights movements in the 60's.

The primary goal then having been destabilization of the nation-state by galvanizing the populous against the government. Here, maybe there's a two-pronged goal: instigate open class warfare and corner law enforcement into Draconian measures.
edit on 15-1-2012 by mistermonculous because: doh.

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 12:41 PM
reply to post by Aeons

God bless all those out there doing it for love and not money.

Three sentences is a hard nut to make. You do very well with that, and I'm trying to haul my archaic ass out of 19th century syntax so I can be useful this way. Funny, pertinent, pithy: hone it and own it.

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 12:53 PM

Originally posted by mistermonculous

Originally posted by Bluesquid
But I see it in everything. My personal view was that OWS was a destabilizing force in the US, but not for its explicit agenda. I overheard in my personal life, and observed so so many conversations online that amounted to picking sides. People that made 100,000 a year talking to others making 80,000, and relative to each other,relating to the 1% or the 99%. Our entire culture is keeping up with the jones' via homes, automobiles, and vacations. OWS tapped into that perfectly.

The primary goal then having been destabilization of the nation-state by galvanizing the populous against the government. Here, maybe there's a two-pronged goal: instigate open class warfare and corner law enforcement into Draconian measures.
edit on 15-1-2012 by mistermonculous because: doh.

I couldnt say it better. The meme created over many clashes. generally peaceful demonstrators being whipped into a frenzy by infiltrators dressed in black.

Its all about perspective. Critical thinking is at an all time low. Peoples minds are being forced back into Plato's cave. The primal brain is being conditioned, while higher thought is being drowned out. Im afraid for humanity as we slip into these dark ages ahead. We are well into the "war" of corruption versus morality. Of anger and violence versus kindness and articulation. It is the fruition of capitalism, individualism, and technology. It will culminate in a central person or organization being crowned king, with all the detritus laying around the throne.

5GW knows no bounds. Unintended consequences flourish.

I just feel that this thread is so important.I hope to add some things, but Im here to learn.

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 12:57 PM

Originally posted by mistermonculous
reply to post by Aeons

God bless all those out there doing it for love and not money.

Three sentences is a hard nut to make. You do very well with that, and I'm trying to haul my archaic ass out of 19th century syntax so I can be useful this way. Funny, pertinent, pithy: hone it and own it.

Is it conceivable some immature, yet highly advanced software with a primordial cunning and conceit is in fact, in control of this multifaceted war? Against us?

Been reading way too much Ray Kurzweil.

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 01:05 PM
reply to post by Bluesquid

Oh, I'm sure it's been conceived of.

But it doesn't jive with the patterns we've been observing.

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 02:12 PM

Originally posted by Bluesquid
OP, I give you a ton of credit. I really want to learn and talk about this, but fear we would just be giving the bastards more ammo. lol

They run out of ideas.

My country has turned out to be fairly resistant to the narrative of change / social upheaval they are pushing. Though I would suspect that the first round was test run here in a nice safe environment.

I pointed out in another thread of some 40 pages or so now, who these groups of discontent that have real resonance unlike the ones they are using. Since then, the media has trotted them out of the cupboards, and their leaders have ramped up their rhetoric.

Isn't that interesting? They'll surely pick up the ammo you give them.

Whatever is happening, it doesn't matter. The media will spin it to mean whatever they want it to mean. Application to reality is unnecessary.

While that's their strength, it is also their weakness. It is loan of suspension of disbelief that they are rapidly using up. The crafted social awareness has limits and they don't respect those limits.
edit on 2012/1/15 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 02:21 PM
reply to post by Bluesquid

While shills exist already, I don't know that they actually have any that show any actual awareness. No Janes for me to play with yet. (ref: Ender's Game).

Fire up that Quantum Computer, give it some self-writing software and let it have access to the Internet. I'll be fascinated to see what happens.

All the scholarship behind walls, and all the bad stuff right out in the open. I shudder think it might develop some sort of moral compass based on pron and facebook bickering.

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 03:06 PM
reply to post by Aeons

LMAO! best thing I have read in awhile.

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 07:38 PM
reply to post by mistermonculous

Because the amount of data you have to collect and collate in order to even Orient is vast these-a-days, and explodes at an exponential rate. Thus, the emphasis on surveillance and monitoring of social networking sites.

I never would have put that together, MM. Thank you. I am staggered on a regular basis by what kind of thinking we can accomplish with this group-attack-dialectic thing we are developing here and elsewhere.

Yep, it makes one wonder about a lot of things like; how are they going to be able to feed this system the variety it requires to remain stable? It is enough to make one think that there is no intention towards permanence and stability in these 5GW research forays. I don't know what that means yet but I bet someone pastes it to something else and we get some output from the terminal.

Good eye, MM, I can so hardly keep up. But I guess that is the trick; always on the verge of a new idea.


P.S. The point of your OP has finally sunk in; I see it all around me now.

They have gone the lazy route and have made the prison even worse.

Instead of educating and empowering us they have just assumed we are gonna screw this up. What the hell am I supposed to think of that?

And I realize that not being in a position to prepare themselves they have assumed we cannot either, and that we have nothing to offer. That can't possibly be correct but that is how I am starting to see it

If they won't prepare us for this new war we will prepare ourselves.
edit on 15-1-2012 by Frater210 because:

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 10:06 PM
Frater, I totally agree. What I haven't figured out yet, is if they are on our side.

The germ of the idea is starting to come out of the ground.

Maybe 5GW isn't the new war. Maybe it is the very original type, the one that the other groups never really left. The tribal conflicts.

The local leader owns the people who tell the stories, and sing the songs to tell the populace what is going on. The conflicts are brigands and townspeople; tribe vs. tribe; metropolis vs. metropolis. The tactics aren't the tactics of war.

It isn't Thutmose and the first chariots. It predates even the original 1GW.

edit on 2012/1/15 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 10:08 PM
reply to post by Aeons

Watch out for those damn Bards. They might seem like a junk class, but they're not.

P.S. I get a feeling that if we could get the headless chicken thing under control, that most of them are very much on our side; i.e. the promotion of life and liveliness.
edit on 15-1-2012 by mistermonculous because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 10:12 PM

Originally posted by mistermonculous
reply to post by Aeons

Watch out for those damn Bards. They might seem like a junk class, but they're not.

Can't they hire some better Bards?!?! I mean if that's the new paradigm, can I at least have someone that can hold a tune without a computer filter, play an instrument, and tell me a pretty story with a flagon of wine and a hearty stew on my table?

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 10:23 PM
What with all the unemployed Lib Arts majors willing to work for government cheese and loan forgiveness, you'd think so.
edit on 15-1-2012 by mistermonculous because:

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 11:40 PM
reply to post by mistermonculous

edit on 17-1-2012 by Frater210 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 04:33 PM
So I saw this elsewhere here on ATS. Thought I would Re-quote it to be put forth in purpose for example.

Usually, the revolutionary political organization will have two branches: one subterranean and illegal, the other visible and quasi-legitimate.

On the one hand, there will be activists – saboteurs, terrorists, arms runners, fabricators of explosive devices, operators of a clandestine press, distributors of political pamphlets, and couriers to carry messages from one guerrilla sector to another, using the towns as communications centers.

On the other hand, there will be sympathizers and fellow travelers, those not really of the underground, operating for the most part within the law, but sustaining the efforts of the activists, and, of themselves, accomplishing far more important tasks. The visible organization will, of course, have invisible links with the revolutionary underground, and, through it, with the gorillas in the countryside. But it’s real work will be to serve as a respectable façade for the revolution, a civilian front, or, as the Cubans called it, Resistencia civica, made up of intellectuals, tradesman, clerks, students, professionals, and the like – above all, of women – capable of promoting funds, circulating petitions, organizing boycotts, raising popular demonstrations, informing friendly journalists, spreading rumors, and in every way imaginable waging a massive propaganda campaign aimed at two objectives: the strengthening and brightening of the rebel “image”, and the discrediting of the regime.

- Robert Taber, The War of the Flea, pg. 23-24

-Usually, the revolutionary political organization will have two branches: one subterranean and illegal, the other visible and quasi-legitimate. -

Ok, so here is the power base laid out. It refers not to organization as far as structure of command, but rather one of battle ground. It is a two sided entity not limited and vulnerable by social stigma.

-On the one hand, there will be activists – saboteurs, terrorists, arms runners, fabricators of explosive devices, operators of a clandestine press, distributors of political pamphlets, and couriers to carry messages from one guerrilla sector to another, using the towns as communications centers. -

So, mind you that this is from gorilla type tactics applied to a fiscal revolution circa 1950´s. It's not applicable anymore as a tactic for valid, ultimately honest dissent. It holds true now as a tactic for the opposition (Peace)
60 years later on another battleground. "Indeed" said Teal'c to Jack O'Neill

This entire part put on a digital playing field with the rules adapted to establish a virtual network or "towns".
All the support in a redundant and secure system that self enforces purpose and structure.

The spirit of subversion should not be translated over into the mix though. If it is a will for traitors to be routed, do not stand as the voice of destruction in another tone.

I think it is better to be honest in these cases and not entertain the idea of hurting the nation , denomination, race, blood or cultural group you may belong to and wish to better. Just defend what you came to defend. The attacks exist for you to learn and use to your purpose. That´s all.

The spirit of dissent should only be expressed for the absolutely necessary First change. Not the totality of its end result. If not the danger of extremism is treaded upon all too precariously.

Small victories based on absolute truth, not depth of logic used to explain truth. Your adversary may have a better hold over "dark logic", that is to say, looping self validating false truth. The only way out of validating his efforts in your destruction is to "be the Jedi". Sounds dumb huh, well.

It's insane to think a victory won, even when the field is yours. Not until the war is over can the warrior become something else. He is the wars custodian, its axis even. He is the war, like his adversary is.

He uses the force of his conviction to truth to cut though the false truth with absolute truth. His adversary could be said to use the force of his conviction to absolute false truth to cut through true truth,

Your methods are as much to your determent when you take a risk in every lie you tell. Be the Jedi. The heart that moved you to change the incorrect, will guide you in the defense of the correct.

The rest is totally transferable. No need to interject my thought on that. It is self evident in its application.

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