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What could have prevented 9/11 attacks....

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posted on Sep, 12 2004 @ 03:01 PM
Ok you know it all's... For all you who have been dissing the idea that firearms could have prevented the attacks, or even pepper spray for that matter, what's your take? Do you have any ideas that you think could have prevented the attacks? Or are you just good at debunking without any "de" to debunk?

Let's dicuss this... Either you think that some kind of police man could of taken care of it, or you think that it was just bound to happen... I could be wrong, but by the sounds of things, guns aren't an option to some, and neither is peppery spray.... So enlighten me will ya.

posted on Sep, 13 2004 @ 10:42 AM
Are you talking about on the planes or in general? Regardless, one thing is certain. Immediate fighter response could've prevented the attacks.

posted on Sep, 13 2004 @ 06:43 PM
I know what could have prevented the 911 attacks.......

Allowing people to carry personal weapons of choice on board......
As far as I know new hampshire has the lowest crime rate....Everybody carries guns, so the scum bags know not to # with people.

Even if those aholes on the planes had weapons, there would be 80 or so people opposing their act thus taking matters into their own hands...

Like the article said, there is many guns that are made a certain way so that bullets wouldn't puncture the aircraft sending it to an early grave...

posted on Sep, 13 2004 @ 08:23 PM
If VP Dick Cheney and (ir)responsible officials in the Bush admin had not instructed the intelligence agencies to call off their investigations into US flight schools that were training unusual numbers of middle eastern trainees how to control aircraft in flight (but not to land), the whole platform on which 9/11 was allowed to happen would have been averted.

Just for starters.

posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 02:44 PM
Premption would have prevented 911. If we had of finally retaliated for the Cole bombing, the Khobar tower bombing, and the Africa Embassy bombings by actually taking the fight into Afganistan versus AQ, instead of just sending in some cruise missiles, we could have messed the whole thing up.

What do I base this on? One statement in the 911 Comission Report made the point that if AQ had of known that Moussaoui (the '20th hijacker')had been captured, they might have called the whole thing off (see last paragraph on page 265).

KSM did not hear about Moussaoui�s arrest until after September 11. According to Binalshibh, had Bin Ladin and KSM learned prior to 9/11 that Moussaoui had been detained, they might have canceled the operation.

That seems significant, what kind of info on the hijackers (already inside the US at this point) would we have recovered from safehouses/training camps in Afganistan?

Just my $0.02 worth.

posted on Sep, 15 2004 @ 10:41 AM

Originally posted by MaskedAvatar
If VP Dick Cheney and (ir)responsible officials in the Bush admin had not instructed the intelligence agencies to call off their investigations into US flight schools that were training unusual numbers of middle eastern trainees how to control aircraft in flight (but not to land), the whole platform on which 9/11 was allowed to happen would have been averted.

Just for starters.

To this I'll add: adoption of the Hart/Rudman provisions that we now have in place, but were blown off by Team Bush, saying Uncle Dick will look into it & form a comittee...which he did, in October of 2001.
Also, not calling off investigations into all things Saudi. Not giving Saudi citizens most favored nation status on travel ( the only ME country besides Israel) that Team Bush instituted.
And obviously, letting the man who actually won the presidency be president.
All that would have stopped 9/11 from happening.

posted on Sep, 15 2004 @ 05:14 PM

Originally posted by MaskedAvatar
If VP Dick Cheney and (ir)responsible officials in the Bush admin had not instructed the intelligence agencies to call off their investigations into US flight schools that were training unusual numbers of middle eastern trainees how to control aircraft in flight (but not to land), the whole platform on which 9/11 was allowed to happen would have been averted.

Just for starters.

And the link for the source information that would validate this allegation is _____________?

posted on Sep, 15 2004 @ 05:58 PM
The information is widely published and needs no "link", ask Bout Time.

It's covered in 200+ posts at ATS. Sorry if the Search button doesn't find it efficaciously for you. Try Cheney, intelligence, 9/11, flight schools etc.

I think it is possible to over-rely on "links". What is on the internet is not screened for factuality now, is it? For lies and propaganda read anything on the internet from the current Whitehouse.

posted on Sep, 15 2004 @ 09:49 PM
In other words, you can't back up what you said.

posted on Sep, 16 2004 @ 03:33 PM
I can post the links, but in all fairness, let's try an experiment: The Right Wingers on the board have thorwn up the "provide a link" canard ad nauseum lately, as if they're above performing a search. ( Now Seek drank too deeply of the Newsmax/Drudge/Worldnet swill, but at least he tried to out do you with link-n-itis!!
Or, you can look at the reference index here:

The flight school thing.....remember the FBI field agent? The Whistleblower? No? D'oh! Forgot you were Republican, my bad!

posted on Sep, 18 2004 @ 09:01 PM
He makes an allegation, it's not up to me to prove him right. Not up to me to 'search' out his sources. You guys do things bass-ackwards; no surprise that you're gonna catch a whooping in the election.

And no, MA, I'm not going to "ask Bout Time". His thought processes are skewed toward a blinding hatred for Bush, and he cannot see beyond that. You can hide behind him if you want, though, if you can't stand up for yourself. Word of advice: you'll still fail.

posted on Sep, 22 2004 @ 09:37 AM
U.S. backing of the Afgan freedom fighters against the Soviets caused 9/11...

If this had not occured, the Soviets would have stabilized the Afgan communist government, Al Queda would not have existed and not had nothing to do after the Soviets left Afganistan, the Soviet Union may not have decayed away, and terrorism would be isolated to the middle east.

The terror threat would not exist in the west...

Of course, we'd all go to bed at night worrying about nuclear war and the end of the world, so I guess it's a wash...

posted on Sep, 22 2004 @ 10:29 AM
I'd put the "occupation" (or just stationing of troops in) of Saudi as probable cause No.1

Next the Us foreign policy concerning the middle east at No.2

And at 3 the rest of the US foreign policy.

posted on Sep, 22 2004 @ 11:41 AM
We could have designed airplanes with no access to the flight deck from the rear. This would eliminate completely any chance of hijack. All future aircraft should be designed with seperate exterior entrances for pilots and passengers with no interior conection at all. Sure the passengers would still be at risk but never again would an airliner be piloted into a building by hijackers that were not the orignal pilots themselves.


posted on Sep, 22 2004 @ 01:21 PM

Originally posted by TrueLies
I know what could have prevented the 911 attacks.......

Allowing people to carry personal weapons of choice on board......
As far as I know new hampshire has the lowest crime rate....Everybody carries guns, so the scum bags know not to # with people.

Even if those aholes on the planes had weapons, there would be 80 or so people opposing their act thus taking matters into their own hands...

Like the article said, there is many guns that are made a certain way so that bullets wouldn't puncture the aircraft sending it to an early grave...

Allowing people to bring guns on board a plane...besides the pilot and an insanse idea to me...I can respect having someone with proper training and the reserved right to use a gun on a plan, but to think that the average joe should have the right to mitigate as an officer of the law simply so they can protect their own well-being is ludacris...

A motivated terrorist will find a way to carry out their plans regardless of whether or not every passenger on the plane has a 9mm strapped to their chest...the idea your suggesting would immediately become one of "every man woman and child for themselves" and in situations of group hostility and violence, cooperation and teamwork are a necessity for maximum survival...

I'm with MA here...Clinton even knew of the potential for attack...what did they do? Nothing...and the truth is in The 9/11 Commission Report...

A bunch of civillians toting guns about is not going to solve terrorism, it's just going to make you feel safer...if that's a solution to a problem or a be-all, end-all excuse for why something terrible happened to a progessively weakening country (politically speaking), then maybe we need to examine our education system first before we deal with terrorism...

[Edited on 9/22/2004 by EnronOutrunHomerun]

posted on Sep, 25 2004 @ 11:25 AM
I have to say BLAME CLINTON!

If he hadn't gotten head, the republicans wouldn't have used 200+ FBI agents and millions of dollars to prove it. If say, those 200+ agents had been doing their jobs, like replying to phone calls from Aviation Schools, maybe 9/11 wouldn't have happened.

Or maybe if Bush hadn't been on vacation for 80% of the time he might have been able to do his job.

Or maybe if the airplane companies weren't so cheap as to make #ty doors, the cockpit would have been safe if the doors were stronger.

Or maybe if the people on board weren't afraid of a fricking sharpened toothbrush it wouldn't have happened.(or box cutters, so forth, know how small the blades are on them?)

Or maybe if, as said earlier, Bush&Co hadn't stopped any investigations into this before 9/11.

Or maybe if Enron, Unocal, Exxon, Chevron, and the other companies planning on putting a pipeline in Afganistan making the Taliban hundreds of millions of dollars hadn't pulled out. Also, when Bush was the gov. of Texas, him and his oil buddies named above had Osama and Taliban over all the time planning this pipeline, until the Kosovo stuff. But then Bush is selected president 5-4, and the talks continue until less then a month before 9/11. At that time the oil buddies pull out, and about 2 weeks later, 9/11.

Or maybe if........... There are many things that could have stopped it.

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