posted on Jan, 13 2012 @ 07:52 AM
This is my first attempt at a rant so bear with me. I've been on ATS a long time and I really don't want to make any enemies, but if you read this
post you will be forever changed. Every post, every conversation you engage in, every interview you see on tv or listen to on the radio will be
forever changed. My rant has to do with the words "I mean".This is an infuriating phrase that EVERYONE uses. I have heard doctors, lawyers,
athletes, tv talking heads, intelligent people, not intelligent people using this phrase in every conversation. Sometimes people will say "I mean"
ten times in a one minute conversation. I've seen very old movies and interviews where people say it so it's not something that has come about
recently, just my realization of it. I guess my problem with it is that if you're talking to me I know what you mean. You don't have to constantly
remind me that you mean what you say. I know what you mean, so stop saying "I mean" to start off sentences,or in the middle of sentences or just all
by itself! Its absolutely maddening ! Now that you know this, if you haven't already noticed it, you will pick it up in all types of conversation.
You will even catch yourself saying it. I hope you all don't hate me for it when this happens, but it makes me smile that you will think of me when
you realize just how prevalent this phenomenon is. Happy New Year to eveyone!