posted on Jan, 12 2012 @ 07:50 PM
Hi All,
I'm in Northern VA and I'm out on my balcony enjoying this beautiful weather while it lasts...
Anyway, from here I get a really good view of Orion.
For some reason, Sirius is looking unusually bright, it actually caught my attention, I didn't realize what it was at first. Now I don't really know
much about astronomy, but I'm learning! So is this normal for Sirius to be so freaking brilliant? Or is it just from my view of it... I was hoping
someone could step outside and take look... I don't have a camera other than my smartphone and it can't pick up the stars.
While we're at it, could you look at the bottom left corner star of Orion, I think its Beutelgeuse if I'm reading Google Sky Map correctly. Does it
have a red glow around it because it looks like it from here.
I'm reaching out because I sit out here staring at the sky all the time and neither of these things have stood out to me before. If there is an
explanation I'd love of you could fill me in!
Thanks in Advance - Jai
Ok so once I was done posting this I looked back up in the sky and it is now completely cloud covered, it was completely clear like 5-10 minutes ago.
Now I can't see Sirius or Orion at all.
edit on 12-1-2012 by AnonyJai because: Recent Development
edit on 12-1-2012 by
AnonyJai because: typo